Stop complaining about Distortion.

Hiding your aura isn't helpful anymore when I can just see your scratchmarks on the other side of the map.
Just bring Lightweight.
○ Even if Bhvr give Distortion tokens for being in chase, I'm still gonna snowball and force you to move at some point.
○ No killer brings perks for scratchmarks unlike aura reading.
○ You can loose the killer in a loop as it's difficult to see where you left the long wall tile.
○ Maintain high mobility on maps without giving away your position easily.
○ Will help as anti tunnel if tm actually try to help.
○ Always works.
Granted, I've never used Distortion in all my years of playing this game.
Hiding your aura isnt helpful anymore when I can just see your scratchmarks on the other side of the map.
Current Distortion hides Scratchmarks… I dont know why people forget that Distortion does this?
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True, but it's getting nerfed. I'm surprised it stayed this long having both effects.
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Sadly the aura reading is already to much and still getting more and more.
Stealth was a big part of the game. If you are not good in chase you have to be good at hiding.
Was already awful in 2v8 when you hid and killer lost you and suddenly a gen popped and your aura was revealed.
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Only when the aura is blocked. 🙂
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They sure took an axe to this perk when it didn't really deserve it.
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Nah it was a long time coming. One perk to basically know which aura reading perk(s) or addons the killer has as soon as they use it. Was overtuned since the buff to regenning tokens.
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Lightborn is even worse and is a 100% counter while distortion is not
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Lightweight is a great perk.
But if its pick rate goes up, how long will it be before players start complaining about it?
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Stealth was fine in 2v8 because survivors had base kit notification of aura reveals.
If you know youre revealed, you're not going to try to hide which balanced it in 2v8. In normal 1v4 you just don't know
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F in chat for Distortion ghosts and ghouls
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If aura hiding doesn’t help cuz you can read scratch marks then let’s get rid of killer aura perks and call it even.
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Lightborn should only work once then you essentially have a dead perk slot.
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Like distortion now?! The funny thing is even shadow step is better than distortion now and this perk is trash.
Lightborn should only make blinding take 100% longer and get shadowborn incorporated.
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Serious stealth hasn’t been part of this game in over 7 years….
It literally died the moment survivors found out Hitboxes were smaller for them so they could loop tighter. And the devs embraced it and abandoned the hide and seek aspect.
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it's just knowledge, aura revealing perks are quite obvious especially nowhere to hide and bbq.
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If that's the case, why'd they bother buffing Dance With Me, Deception and Distraction last patch?
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Maybe those survivors should just practice and get better at the game? Why does distortion from the get-go get to block Lethal and BBQ twice with easy enough room to do it again?
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That’s not stealth that’s evasion.
Stealth would be avoiding the killer entirely and never starting chase to begin with, much like when this game first released.Evasion is losing the killer mid chase and going back to working on gens or saving team mates. DWM, and Decption are perks used mid chase to shake the killer.
Diversion is more along the lines of a stealth perk but can be used to throw mid chase to make a killer think you vaulted or gained more distance than you did.
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Aside from lethal, BBQ, undying, and eruption, aura revealing perks are anything but obvious.
You don't know the killer has darkness revealed from the aura read, you have to see them open a locker, which may just be reloading for some killers. And unless you see exactly that action it's indistinguishable from BBQ, but the counter doesn't work. Just as an example.
But this also misses the entire point with the distortion nerf: if you want to avoid having your aura read, you have no real options now. BBQ is the only aura perk with a telegraph so you can hop in a locker before it triggers. Unless you stay in a locker all game, which is what stealth survivors will do now.
Aura reading in 2024 doesn't have skillful counter play. It's not 2020 anymore and BBQ is the only thing to really worry about, and you just have to play around it. The counter play is to block aura reading, because auras are insanely common now. Which is exactly why people pushed for the distortion nerf in the first place.
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Maybe now that stealth has been obliterated, bhvr can make loops a bit more viable.
If not then I guess everyone has to be godtier loopers.
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After 2 straight years of nerfing everything from tile spawn logic, making maps smaller, making vaults unloopable (harvester), adding huge dead zones, and "reworking" maps to include all of these things, I have no reason to think the devs will suddenly pull a 180 and make loops prevalent or good..
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All of these perks are still going to be useless if the killer still gets to know your exact location, though.
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i'm talking about the ability to call out aura reading perks and play around them because the comment i replied to said aura reveal notifications were nice from 2v8, not the ability to block any and every aura reading killer has.
most killers make it very obvious that they saw you and now they are looking for you (or they are coming straight at your aura). you can then figure out with which perk they saw you.
also sorry but it's an entirely you issue if you can't call out nowhere to hide lol, the most complained aura reading perk. killers kick a gen, turn around like a ballerina and run straight at you and you don't know how they saw you? once you know they have it you just pre run while they are on their way to kick the gen or get in a locker before they arrive but i don't suggest that, they will start checking lockers after seeing no auras.
besides, distortion nerf will make the game go in a healthier flow. you block one aura reading and it's your turn to get chased, and then you block another aura mid chase which would be the most important use case of distortion.
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Because no one was using them because Aura reading (Especially 'I'm All Ears') pretty much invalidates them?
Aura perks are why more people are starting to prefer perkless, chaos or role loadouts instead of 'Normal" mode.2 -
People should just bring Boon:Shadow Step if it's such a big deal
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Tbh, I was pretty convinced the aura in 2v8 was a hidden test run for the Distortion change — So I am kinda shocked they didn't at least keep you knowing your aura is revealed. With that… the focus of Distortion would be more of a "counter info" rather than a "counter aura reading" perk; you got the information, now act accordingly. And getting your aura hidden occasionally is a bonus on top. …. But alas…
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Lets see what distorion can do…. hide aura AND tell you literally what perks/addons the killer has. I'd say thats already a very good effect. People always seem to gloss over that fact.
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What exactly do you want to tell me with that? Distortion was always a fair perk and not unlimited (only recharges a tiny bit too fast).
I hope they add the aura is shown status effect from 2 vs 8 in normal mode, because dying by nowhere to hide is unfair, when you don‘t know the killer saw you sitting in the corner.
Another thing everyone seems to forget, distortion was the thing that kept aura reading in a fair and not super annoying spot. After this nerf aura reading pick rate will rise and then it has a too high pick rate and all of a sudden behavior gutts every aura perk. This is just how behavior handles things and we all now that.
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I was telling you Distortion was an overtuned perk. One perk to counter every aura reading perk just because 3-4 were strong. The fact you could block 3 instances of aura reading while being able to easily get back stats because being in a terror radius isnt hard made it too much.
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Agree to disagree, because I have a completely different opinion. It was always fair for me and needed to be that way because of how much aura reading this game has.
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Because you're assuming they're bad and they're not. There's plenty of loops the killer can't do anything at, like shack, jungle gyms, long Macmillan/Coldwind loops, main building loops, god pallets, etc. I don't know what you're on about with the harvesters; those now force the killer to lunge across to reach the hay bale. It was a nerf for killers, not survivors. And I guarantee you, looking at the big picture, killer has received way more impactful nerfs. Survivors getting free BT/Haste/anti-camp vs killer having a limit on gen kicking. Who lost that trade?
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Facts just get in the way of complaining
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Aura reading perks are the absolute worst thing BHVR has in this game. It wouldn't bother me at all if every single aura reading perk on both sides were removed and there was never another one.
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Better way to balance it would be to keep the tokens (3 or 4) but only get them back after you get unhooked. So you will have max 9-12 tokens depending if they would go with base 3 or 4. Then only other way to gain a token is safe unhooking of another survivor. Would make them be chased way easier as those initial tokens will be burned out eventually then they either get hooked or have to unhook to gain more and most likely be found by the killer if they come back and get chased. They would not be able to hide too long as they only would have 3 or 4 tokens. This would be way healthier way to make the perk less powerful and cause them being found eventually.
The way Behavior is planning of changing it will be pointless as it will cause the perk not to be used at all. It will be so minimal benefit perk that you will get more out of almost any other perk in the game. You will most likely lose it in the start of the game because of Lethal Pursuit. You then have to get into chase to get it back and have high chance of losing the perk already during that chase. Hiding aura in chase is pointless as killers use scratchmarks, blood pools and sounds way more than aura to follow the survivor and good killers will not lose sight of the survivor. Then the new Predator change would guarantee you to lose the token if you manage to escape making the perk even more useless. This will remove any tactical use of the perk as before you could use it to get past killers using aura detection to unhook. With the new it would not be anyway possible as the perk will not stay active if the killers runs any good aura perks more than 20 seconds if even that.1 -
I liked using Distortion in its original form, with three tokens to use to figure out what the killer was running and plan accordingly. It required strategy. When Distortion got buffed to regain stacks with no necessary action from the player, it became lazy: it counters a crapton of perks and add-ons with no thought necessary from the player. I mean, a perk that helps a survivor hide and recharges by hiding some more is not good design. That's not fun gameplay for the opposing side, and if that's what survivors want the game to be just ask BHVR to replace killers with NPC bots: bots won't feel boredom playing a lonely game of hide-and-seek, and they won't have the empathy to feel bad when they tunnel out the only player(s) they can find.
When I want to play a game where I can stay in one location and be safe with no interaction with an enemy player, I go fishing in Animal Crossing. Personally, my favorite version is Wild World.
(To be clear: I don't like how BHVR always over-nerfs everything they touch. As I said at the beginning, I liked Distortion in its original form. I don't know why BHVR completely ditched the stacks system for this new version. It's a weird decision. I agree that Distortion needed a change, but personally I don't think this was the way to do it.)
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"But now i will have to use four perk slots to do what originally used one perk slot"
And you don't see the problem with one perk being worth 4 perk slots in value? Distortion was clearly massively overtuned. It was FAR too good for how easy tokens were to regenerate.
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to all the people who kept running Distortion to "get to know what aura reading perks killer is using", you literally have OoO in the game, but i think main problem for you is that you don't want to be found
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From reading the forums lately I feel like OoO is becoming a very overrated perk. It's one of those perks that can be very useful once in awhile but it's just not worth taking because it can end up being a dead perk slot or even worse actively detrimental.
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this is exactly the "tunneling is the most efficient way to kill n win" while it's basically only efficient in pubs where survs last 20s per chase
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distortion counters your build, lightborn counters your item. If they have distortion, your perks are automatically less useful with nothing you can do in the match to deal with it. Lightborn counters your item, which you can change in the match. if you have a flashlight and they have lightborn, go find a new item if its that pressing. One is obviously worse than the other.
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First of all items are basically survivor powers, I wonder how you would feel if perks would hard counter powers. Then you forget that lightborn also counters a lot of flashlight perks, so it is even worse than distortion, because distortion currently has counterplay while lightborn does not, it removes a whole gameplay aspect from the game + all related perks to it.
When you really play that many aura perks like a full aura build, you should burn through the distortion stacks as long as you play well. No matter how you twist it distortion has counter perks, be it gear head…. or undetectable, lightborn has no counterplay or anything and it is 100times more unhealthy than distortion would ever be.
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If I could just swap killer mid match and get a new power, sure. An entire build should not need to be dedicated soleley to distortion. 2 aura perks should be enough to counter 1 distortion, anything more is overtuned.