"Dedicated Server Not Responding" Is Getting Really Infuriating

My SWFs and myself cannot be the only ones experiencing these problems. Sometimes it's even happening 2-3 games in a row. If we're going to have our time wasted in a trial that already gives us ZERO rewards including any challenge progress completed we should at least not have the double whammy of our Screech Cobblers/other valuable items & offerings completely deleted over something out of our control. This last example was by far the most egregious - I've seen many examples be it the beginning of the game where we lose our cobblers and it stings, mid or late game where we've developed a lot of points and the game is going well but then we crash and everything gained and brought is down the drain - Today however I'm playing in a 3 stack with a random teammate and one of us in swf died, the other 2 of us with the random are on the way out of the gate, and I mean LITERALLY leaving the match, loading in to the end game screen and this is where the server decides to crash. I was furious to literally finish this game to the end game screen and because we didn't leave a single second earlier, all of the cobblers, anniversary items, expensive addons, and all the bloodpoints earned from that match are all gone even when the game was finished.

This problem needs to be addressed, whether it be actually giving us bloodpoints earned when the server crashes, REFUNDING items we brought when the server crashes instead of consuming them at the beginning of the trial, or fixing the servers. It's getting really ridiculous and I'm tired of losing valuable items as well as having my time wasted, sometimes several games in a row. We get nothing back but lose everything, this is incredibly poor design.


  • naweyn
    naweyn Member Posts: 17

    so true

  • Quaetro
    Quaetro Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2024

    Also happening to me ever since the Castlevania update

    EDIT 1: I also got it a while ago in custom games on my 2nd game with bots. On my 4th game I almost got disconnected again (the bots running in place, I can't activate my power) but it went back to normal and there was a red triangular icon on the left side of the screen (similar to when the killer/survivor ping icon shows up). While it was happening I had my ping on the command prompt running and I checked and the ping was normal so it wasn't my internet connection.

    EDIT 2:

    It happened again today after playing 8 games and now my DC penalty is at 48 hours. At this point I might as well just request a refund and uninstall the game because this is literally unplayable. They keep denying that its a problem on their end and keeps blaming the players connection when there's literally no problem with my connection.

    Post edited by Quaetro on
  • I just have garbage connection, I get disconnected every 1 in 3 matches because this game requires a NASA computer to run LOL

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 679
    edited September 2024

    Are you running a VPN? I had issues after yesterdays update and couldn't load into any games and was getting that message. When I turned it off everything started working again. Seems to be back to normal today though.

  • CrackedShevaMain
    CrackedShevaMain Member Posts: 585

    this has been going on for months now with zero acknowledgement from the devs that they’re aware of, and/or trying to fix the issue. Guess this is just part of the game now to have your time wasted every few matches.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127
    edited September 2024

    I have a VPN but it's usually off unless I feel it needed. Have had it off since I had issues with running other games a couple months back. The server issues seem to be an on and off issue, but the thing is, I play in SWFs generally and it effects everyone in the game, not just myself, so I doubt anything I do personally would affect matches this horrendously, especially if I'm not the party host.

    Nonetheless, thank you for your suggestion. Every little bit helps!

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    Quite an unfortunate standard to set. I really hope we see some compensation in these matches, if we're not going to see a fix any time soon. It happened to me again yesterday in my first game with friends, I had just opened the exit gate and then the server went down mere seconds later and I got so frustrated that I got off the game immediately after. This was in Lights Out so I didn't really lose anything, but my challenge didn't count as completed and I also got no bloodpoints from a match that I effectively escaped at that point. It's getting old.

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 370

    still happening in nov 12. played three matches of hag, and the last two i was kicked out mid match. no dc penalty for either, but I'm not risking trying for a 3rd match.