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Distortion change is awful

In the Discord presentation you said that you buffed most the perks in upcoming PTB due to their usability being lower then 1% and now you killing Distortion nobody gonna use it after this changes and it wasn't even meta just useful perk.
So the perk was dead > you buffed it so it become somewhere usable > you killed it again so nobody gonna use it, so what's even the point?
I agree that sometimes it can be frustrating to face but there's just too much aura reading nowadays which is also terrible to face and people used it for a reason cuz it's awful to go against Nurse with full auras or Huntress / Oni etc and upcoming design is clearly not the way to "fix" it.
And the answer is right there:
1) Keep the token system so survivor start with 3 tokens and tie recharge during the chase
2) Or if you want to make it just weak: make it so survivor start with 1 token and recharges during chase up to 3. 3) Or you can keep it as is so it's gonna be dead and we will once against understand that you cannot find middle ground in perk balancing.



  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    People who used it not always hide whole match lol, change is trash and if they wanted to prevent problematic part (hiding) they could just make so it recharges in chase, did u even read my post?

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,283

    well, the 2v8, together with the Distortion annihilation and the ridiculous change to Zenshin Tactics makes one thing clear, imo: players are encouraged to force survs into lose lose situations with the help of aura read (not all aura read perks gonna work on all killers, obviously, but with the plethora of perks there's one to fit every killer's need at this point). Pyramid head, Dracula, Nurse and Artist certainly gonna love Zenshin.

    idk, I thought we had established with DH for distance that lose lose situations are awful. But alas.

  • Wezqu
    Wezqu Member Posts: 33
    edited September 17

    Its pointless to use when you lose the perk usually in the same chase or right after the same chase you got it. It makes it way weak and pointless to use. Keep the tokens and make it recharge to full tokens after you get unhooked from the hook. That will limit its usage and does not let people hide it with forever. Then if you still want to be nice let survivor get one token per save unhook of another survivor. This way you have chance of getting more tokens than the base after unhook but you also have to danger yourself to unhook others as killers quite often come back to the hook and end up chasing either one. This will make it anti-tunnel perk and those are way better usage for aura hiding than chase where aura hiding is pointless as killers chase using scratch marks, pools of blood and sound. If you get hooked while you have tokens those tokens are lost and after unhook you get the base token amount back and unhooks only give tokens if you are not on the base token limit.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 584

    keep current changes but let it start with and stack up to 2 tokens, balanced.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,014

    I think it needs maybe two tokens and to tie it to conspicuous actions, @Skillfulstone suggests.

  • SkeletonDance
    SkeletonDance Member Posts: 306

    Exactly, they overnerfed it. This perk just needs a different requirement for token regeneration like being in chase

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 545
    edited September 17

    It's invaluable for SWFs - it allows one knowledgeable survivor to determine what sort of aura reading the killer uses, so all four can take the appropriate countermeasures. Distortion is still going to be highly useful for these teams. As a killer player, I find this a respectable and highly skillful way to counter info perks.

    It's a serious nerf for sneaky solo players who want to be invisible for the entire match. I hope the other three survivors in the trial agree with me when I say this - screw them! You all should take your part of the chases like the rest of your team!

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    "3 tokens is too many" no it's not. With Lethal Pursuer , Darkness Revealed and nowhere to hide you will lose them really quickly.
    If it's gonna recharge in chase up to 3 it would be completely fine and survivors wouldn't be able to hide.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,014

    Who runs those perks except huntress? With any standard terror radius killer even those perks won't chew through tokens.

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 684

    distortion basically blocks all aura reading mid chase and hides your scratch marks, i don´t see how is it bad

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Nurse / Oni, so they need to basically make it recharge in chase instead of terror radius and it's cool.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,014

    Nurse is way better with pain res and surge, as is oni.

    I disagree with forcing stealthy survivors to take chase. You won't be very happy when they go down in ten seconds. Tie it to useful stuff they can actually do like gens and unhooks.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    2 aura is enough and some addons too. A lot of people take cuz of Nurse / Huntress this killers with aura readings are extremely strong. Not everyone who uses it hide whole match, it's a good perk for also knowing what aura reading perks killer using.

  • joel84
    joel84 Member Posts: 234

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Nah, not really.. Full aura Nurse can easily slug everyone, especially with aura scrouge
    Well with current distortion they will be easy to find and they still go down in 10 seconds, so what is your point?

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,014

    I don't understand what you are trying to say. With current distortion they are obviously much more difficult to find.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    the should’ve just nerfed it to its original buffed version of 4 tokens with no recharge I would’ve preferred that

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    K, let me give you a clue. For example we have stealthy Claud with PTB distortion against Huntress or Nurse, this 1 token gone right from the start then she uses Darkness or Nowhere to hide and it's ez double tap down.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Well this 3 perks make your chases and info on the survs way way easier, like I said distortion needed changes but they straight up killer the perk which contradicts their whole thing of buffing dead perks to somewhat usable.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Survivors aura reading perks don't give you that much of advantage. Well I'm not one of them, I agree that distortion need changes but the way they did it is terrible and nobody gonna use it now.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 354

    don't know what your games were like but 9/10 times the distortion player on my team was of the self preservation type

    this sounds like skill issue, you don't need distortion to survive a huntress

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Back to old Dist there was no tons of aura reading perks like lethal, nowheretohide, scrouge hook, darkness reveal etc.. this 4 tokens would fly way too fast I believe

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    You don't but it's kinda unpleasant to play against and you couldn't recharge tokens against huntress anyway due to lullaby so it's really not the problem for her.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    We know they not gonna do this anyway. It was good perk in general and not even meta. I said that cuz I started taking this perk only cuz of her and Huntress so It's hard to imagine surviving against this killers with full auras now.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 354

    aura stuff is just stupid to play against and the new zenshin doesn't help. Distortion needed a nerf to discourage selfish, useless teammates but maybe not in the same patch where you buff stuff like zenshin. 10 second aura is a long time and you'll see that perk in droves if it reaches live (it likely won't at 10 seconds though)

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 545

    It's interesting to call the 12th most used survivor perk out of 146 "not meta".

    (according to nightlight stats)

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    With new zanshin most of the mindgames are gone now… If you meet selfish distortion type of player in soloq you gonna lose anyway despite this nerf. The problem with new zanshin is not even a time, 5 seconds also would have huge impact.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Well yeah it's not, I don't see it often. and even if perk "meta" it doesn't mean it's busted or smth, windows of opp perfect example of this. I don't ever use this perk but it's one of the most popular survs perks accor to stats.

  • JonahofArk
    JonahofArk Member Posts: 27

    Kinda lengthy post, but oh well. I think many are getting a little too ahead of themselves. Having distortion now hides scratch marks. I'm no dev, but it sounds like the devs WANT the survs running distortion all the time to actually be in a chase instead of hiding all the time while the non distortion users take all the heat and hook states.

    I've had games where the distortion users would effectively let their teammates die because they PREFER hiding. If I'm running aura reading, and I'm only picking up the non distortion users, who am I going for in this instance? Often times, these same distortion users haven't even been hooked once. For a team based game, that's pretty bad imo. And this is, essentially, the solo q experience lol.

    If the perk changes go live, you chase to gain stack. If the killer has any aura reading perks, it essentially is an escape for free with your scratch marks being gone as well if you play smart. Having no scratch marks leaving a loop is STRONG imo, and if the killer loses you, you effectively wasted the killer's time. Time needed for your teammates to do gens peacefully. Not trying to shame people, but some of yall don't think outside the box and instead find something else to cry about. Js. Hope yall have a great day.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    What you're explaining is not the problem of distortion but the players themselves, if people in soloq want to play selfish they still will despite distortion being trash after patch. Soloq experience has been terrible for quite sometime now and this perk has nothing to do with it, it needed some change but not like this (I provided better change in my post)

    If the perk changes go live nobody will ever use it again cuz it become useless trash which contradicts devs whole thing about going back and buffing below 1% useless perks. Decent killer will rarely lose you in chase and the main streghts of distortion was info on killer perks / addons , you could prevent Nurse / Huntress Getting free hit on you from NoWhere to Hide or Darkness or Scrouge. So stop acting like this new version is worth something, it truly not.. They just killed the perk with adding another strong aura reading in chase (Zanshin Tactics) which is gonna kill mindgames especially in specific killers. Aren't the killers were crying about distortion being OP? lmao, game become too good for the killers so they will cry about distortion because you can't rely on your aura reading all the time.

  • JonahofArk
    JonahofArk Member Posts: 27

    I agree with you on the player base. Many players don't understand that it is a team based game on survivor side. Taking hits and hook states balances the match, so no one gets tunneled out early game. But hey, I can't control the way others play this game and wished other players understood this.

    As for you stating that distortion will be nothing... you're not listening. Read my comment again in depth please. With the changes to distortion, it's essentially a CHASE perk now instead of it being a stealth/hiding perk. You need to be chased by the killer to gain stacks back. It's healthy for the game. These changes to distortion LITERALLY counters all the changes to old/new aura reading killer perks. Understand this.

    You say zanshin tactics is strong, but it can be countered with distortion. You drop pallet. Your distortion stack goes off. You lose scratch marks for 12 seconds. And your aura isn't shown. Wdym lol? If the loop warrants it with either walls or high cover, you can either shift+w or hide... leave the loop/ area. Losing your scratch marks during chase is STRONG. I don't understand why everyone thinks these changes are gonna gut the perk.

    These distortion changes are definitely showing which players would let their team die cause theyre hiding all match, and it's showing lol. Especially with all the complaining about this change. Clearly not thinking outside the box. Old distortion encourages hide/ stealth playstyle cause you gain stacks by being hidden. With this change, yall are gonna have to interact with the killer if yall want yall stacks back. Which is probably new to some people. Yall can cry, or use this change to your advantage. The choice is yours. If you don't know how to use your perk. Scroll up and read my comment again. Thanks and have a great day.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    But that's what I propose in my main post aren't I? My ver also needs to be chased to recharge but it keeps token system, with their version you start a chase you got you one use and it's done you will never use it in the same chase again cuz you will need to start chase again to reactivate it which will happen like never…
    Personally I started to use this perk cuz of the nurses with full auras which was busted, player could be bad but due to constant WH it's free hits, also cuz of Oni. Also it's good info perk to know what perks killer using, I never used to sell my teammates and hide.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    My version of distortion is literally perfect, you have a good chaise = you recharge your tokens to 3 and it's all fine. so idk what are you complaining about… If it's gonna recharge in chase but keep token system it's cool, that's what I said in the main post, you can even start with 1 use but I would rather choose start with 3 tokens still.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561

    Distortion was such a huge problem in SoloQ and for killers builds. Aura builds are kinda viable again. I'm happy they are changing it.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,280

    IF they would go back to 3 tokens i think they should recharge way slower. 3 tokens gives you the ability to hide too long while teammates are dying. This change to distortion is healthy and like @JonahofArk said new distortion is extremely strong chase perk.

    New distortion won't be useless at all, you just literally cannot rat your way to the victory.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    SoloQ itself is the problem. They were viable before, not everyone were running distortion, it wasn't even meta. Killers running 4 slow downs most of the time so distortion was basically useless sometimes. Now full auras is busted on some killers and it's gonna feel like trash.

  • Mag1cian
    Mag1cian Member Posts: 134

    Too long? How? If killer has lethal and nowhere to hide you will lose tokens really quickly. And if you got this sort of temmates who's hiding while you are dying you will lose anyway, this nerf not gonna change the mindset of this kind of players lol. It's not healthy it's literall trash and nobody in a right mind gonna use this "exremely strong" lmao, yeah using it 1 time per chase is very strong. Not gonna do anything against main aura perks like nowhereToHide , Darkness reveal or Floods of Rage , yeah.. think again bud.

    How old distortion was rat way to victory? If they are hiding whole game they were most likely gonna lose this game. Now after nerf they just gonna sit in a locker, why are people so close minded? lol

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,280
    edited September 18

    I used distortion when i got bored dying because my teammates were using distortion and took 0 hooks for anyone. I used it for couple of weeks and i saw how it wrecked my teammates that did not have distortion. I NEVER ran out of tokens.. not against a "normal" killer. Only time i ran out of tokens was a mirror myers match. Those tokens are so easy and fast to get back.

    The fact that you cant accept distortion being unhealthy and bad perk for soloQ and how many perks it denies kinda tells me you just want easy matches where you don't have to take chase much.