Basic stuff make me not want to play this game at all

drunky26 Member Posts: 686

Honestly, stuff like crutch perks, moris, insta heals, insta hatchets, fu**ing noed and other stuff make me not want to play this game at all.

Not to mention many bugs, infinite loading screens, they're a thing since the game's launch.... still not fixed... You can't even start a game without at least someone disconnecting, and I'm not a huge fan of 3v1 matches.

Just today I had 3 infinite loading screens.

Then lag switching, getting hit through pallets, not being able to vault specific windows (autohaven). This kind of stuff should've been fixed before the game's release.

Lately I kinda lost interest in playing it, purely because of things above.

I love this game, honestly I do.

But knowing I'll have one of these things happen in a match just makes me not even start it. It's just not fun for anyone.

You can defend noed, insta heals or whatever. But deep inside, we all know they're overpowered and shouldn't even exist.

