What is the best Spirit perk?

No2Loser Member Posts: 83

What is the best Spirit perk? 15 votes

Haunted Grounds
BlightedTrapper 1 vote
No2Loser 1 vote
Spirit Fury
GibberishVolantConch1719LinkdoukenChordycepsGeneralVGlamourousLeviathanValikTotemsCleanserAGlassOfOJ09SHARKBOSSSleepyHHri15IloveYunJinLee 13 votes


  • No2Loser
    No2Loser Member Posts: 83
    edited September 2024

    Dude I hate what their doing to Rancor and Devour Hope

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,263
    Spirit Fury

    Hex: Haunted Ground has three scenarios that play out: No one cleanses your totem and it's a wasted perk slot; Your totem is cleansed but literally everyone is on the other end of the map from you and it's a wasted perk slot; Your totem is cleansed and it leads to the largest snowball effect in the universe and you win the game. There's literally no other scenarios.

    Rancor is probably the most fun one, but by the time it activates, you've lost the game. Either that, or you end the game before you can use it and it's a wasted perk slot.

    Spirit Fury is a really solid chase perk for Killers who can't really play around pallets. It kind of needs to be combined with Enduring to go anywhere, and once people see it once, they'll start pre-dropping, but it's still solid.

  • No2Loser
    No2Loser Member Posts: 83

    Everything you said about Haunted Grounds is true

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294
    Spirit Fury

    I don't think it's a competition.

    Haunted Grounds doesn't work in many cases - survivors dont cleanse it, survivors are injured (making it pointless), survivors hide and simply delay, Survivors play safe and pre-throw pallets for a few seconds. Snore. When it does cook, it cleans out the kitchen - but most of the time I'm just panicking trying to siphon value out of it when it pops [which is almost never at a good time]

    Rancor is a hilarious perk, albeit a mean spirited one. The information aspect of it - at this point - is very poor. Bitter Murmur is better, and even so - most of the time when a gen pops you have a good idea where people are. Getting to off someone at the end game and allowing this perk to turn into those silly "AFK Dredge" builds is hilarious

    Spirit Fury is the only one of her perks that isn't so niche - and provides consistent value. It's best against SoloQ players with limited communication - and low-snowball Killers that do not encourage pre-dropping works best. Everyone breaks pallets and everyone gets stunned (Except the Nurse, but we don't talk about her) So being able to reliably power up the perk and astonish an unlucky survivor by negating the area denial of a pallet stun - whilst saving the time breaking it, it's very, very strong. In addition, respecting pallets can allow you to keep the 'surprise' for the perfect time: coming in clutch for the perfect down, or so you can lunge under a god-pallet to deny the lost chase!