Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

I like the new pipping system 👍 ❤️

I like the new system. Yes depipping sux buuuuut... It punishes bad survivors much much more! Farming survs, not saving on hook, hiding staying in lockers, toxic bullying the killer, they give you nada, zip, zero, zilch.

The change in how survivors play is 180. Now folks go after those on hook safely. They don't waste time click clicking that darn flashlight. There is much more team play because of the new system.

However, I see camping and tunneling A LOT more. Now, this is countered, properly imo, with gen rushing and then saving and exiting the gates asap. This goes for tunneling too!

The caveat is in both cases the survivor depips'. This to me is acceptable, not my favorite thing, you usually still get saved or they try.

When tunneling and gens are done 2 go for the gates and the other surv comes to help eleviate the burden. This gives both killer AND survivor a chance.

Is it perfect? No. However, it is much better. It also helps with solo players. I've legit had games where we play like SWF. It forces good game play. You can still be selfish but you are not rewarded the same.

Is ranking up easy? Nope not a chance. I usually play red ranks (1 or 2) I can't get passed rank 11. Why? 1 or 2 bad matches and you go back up but I wouldn't change it for what it was before. I haven't seen a gate tbag or flashlight clicker in 130 matches!

I like it. ❤️

I had posted this elsewhere but wanted a broader discussion.


  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    I agree on that, it heavily punishes bad plays and it's what this games need otherwise you get both potato survivors and killers on high rank.

    Less doubles pips when you 4K is lame, sure, but you shouldn't get rewarded for getting a quick win against potatoes, it's stupid and it's what boost bad players into high rank.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i mean... you will get to rank 1 only if you rly try. otherwise you'll hit rank 5 - 3 and be stuck there.

    it certainly rewards tryhard players, as they will eventually grind their way up the ranks, but players like me, that play for fun and/or dont have the time to grind all the time, dont rly get high rank no more... this could have a negative outcome for lower rank players, as they will face some rly strong killers / survivors in their ranks.

    also, i feel like the game pretty much forces you to play a strong killer in high ranks, as killers like trapper or wraith can, at best, hold the current rank.

    so there will be a LOT of billys and nurses there...

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Well, since we get matched with rank 1-20, I don't see how rank matters at all anymore. I just had a killer match vs ranks 2, 6, 18, 18 as a rank 12 killer. #########?!

    Seriously, this is pure insanity. No, they were not SWF either.

  • ImAGirl
    ImAGirl Member Posts: 147

    well if you like it so much why dont you marry it

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2019

    For survivor the problem is that it's a zero sum game. There aren't enough opportunities for everyone to earn the points they need to pip. You can outplay the killer but still get screwed out of a pip because you didn't do gens and everyone else rushed them. It's not that you are incapable of doing them, more that you got chased for a long time and never had a chance to do them. The opposite is true too, if you are the odd man out that just doesn't get found and you do gens then escape it's not exactly your fault. The killer just went after different targets, or maybe you were just really good at hiding. On top of that, you can be screwed out of a pip with Benevolence and Unbroken just from dumb luck. Make a rescue and the guy runs to the killer? Bye bye Benevolence. Get Chased end game by NOED and downed just as you make it out the gate? Bye bye Iridescent Unbroken. It's really stupid and when every little bit counts you end up with so many situations where you just get robbed of a pip.

    On killer side it's not so bad because you can make most of the opportunities yourself. Gatekeeper is the only one really beyond your control, but the other 3 you can easily do by just playing well and playing fair (ie. going after everyone equally, not resorting to lame tactics, etc.). I still get screwed out of a pip/double pip sometimes from stupid situations, but I feel like this would be fixed with a few minor tweaks really.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    It punishes playing with bad survivors too.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    Agreed. It's a huge shift for some but for others it's pretty much the same. Handing out pips for letting folks die on hook or bleed out was just unfun ESPECIALLY when playing solo queu.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    I haven't seen that yet but yeah that's all over the place.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    THIS 100000000%! It's true many weren't really at the rank that they should have been, and I mean MANY, but because of how pipping worked selfish/toxic players were rewarded.

    It's their ego and or the learning curve, a lot people aren't comfortable with change that challenges them. I'm just looking for a good match idc about rank for bragging points but more for an indicator of *skill*.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    I'm okay with having more Billy's or Nurses if the survivors cut all that toxic stuff and play. At least now toxicity isn't rewarded.

    I also like that it takes more skill to get to the higher ranks due to the emblem changes for survivors. Hopefully folks can see that it's meant to promote good play and not bad players.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    This is true to a degree, however (at least on survivor side) there is too much dumb luck mixed in for it to still be accurate. A really good top tier survivor can still depip or safety pip just from bad luck, or having a bad group. No amount of skill can make up for that. If the others do something stupid and you die as a result, chances are there wasn't much else you could have done. You could have played the game perfectly given the circumstances and still get screwed out of your rank.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2019

    You are always going to have bad games where you just get unlucky or have a bad team that screws you over. If you keep playing games though you will still steadily climb. Those outlier games aren't rank destroyers as they are generally far and few.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    This is great for SWFs.

    Not for solos getting matched with morons. Why am I at rank 8, being matched with rank 20-15.. Even players in red ranks are being matched with absolute bottom rank 20 players....

    Even playing killer isn't that bad. But if they all suicide on the hook or DC you will have a hard time pipping.

    They need to adjust scoring items for solos and killers. Especially in the cases of disconnects because players shouldn't be punished for their rank in the event someone just gave up or quit. Killer included.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yea but at purple or red ranks if you get bad luck or a bad group you could at least have played to prevent a depip in the past. Now you basically need to pip to safety pip. And each game where you do well and pip is going to be offset by the bad ones, since it's far more likely you will get screwed by circumstance than benefit from it. You work hard, play well, get a pip, only to have it taken away the very next game because of dumbness.

    I played survivor for hours last night. Most of my games were safety pips where I just short of a pip, literally by pixels on an emblem (usually Evader or Lightbringer). And the sad part is there is nothing more I could have done. Even the best survivors would have found themselves in the same situation. It's a zero sum game, there isn't enough opportunities as survivor to get the points you need. You are competing with other survivors in 2 emblems, and there is only so many points to go around. It's impossible to get them all yourself sometimes. And if they do something stupid, or the killer resorts to lame tactics like camping, you literally cannot pip because there is no opportunity. The only way to reliably pip as survivor is if all the other survivors go hide in lockers and you just do everything on your own. But that's not what happens. So you end up getting screwed out of even those few single digit points you need for the next tier emblem for a pip.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767
    edited March 2019

    I just 4ked in a very hard match and I black pipped.

    It's nowhere perfect. It's extremely bad.

    I have to play like a cri**** dog the survivors can abuse to their liking to get a pip.

    I'm not a killer, im their toy.

    I pip, when they had fun and I didn't, otherwise I depip.

    That's how ranking feels right now.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Idk I've had lots of bad teams and I just havn't had this problem. Since the new system I've climbed back up to rank 1 on survivor and stayed there fine.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    The new system doesn't reward short matches to help avoid camping and tunneling.

    Sorry you feel that way bud.

  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    NOBODY has a reason to complain. There is no reason to rank up. Stop complaining that it is too hard to pip, when pipping is pointless in the first place.

  • Pandifer
    Pandifer Member Posts: 37

    When you are solo survivor, it can be rough. I get paired up with ALL the overly altruistic SWFs. Makes it nearly impossible to pip. And the fact that other players, both survivor and killer, need to play a certain way is a problem. New system means that a DC or face camp and/or tunnel against anyone makes me depip.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    Good points and yeah pipping can be a nightmare with very altruistic players!

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    The new system is broken. First of all: If the killer quits midgame 1-2 Pips are taken away not every time but way too often.

    So a survivor ranks down because a killer is leaving.

    Second it's entirely up to the killer if the survivor can get a pip:

    If the killer can't catch anyone but tunnels the survivor no survivor will get a pip. If the killer is lucky and gets s.o but decides to camp and tunnel same thing.

    If s.o gets chased a long time, then downed and three gens are done and is unhooked and by the time they healed, the next one gets done and the next hooked survivor unhooked. That survivor has no chance to do more then one gen or unhook s.o. means that survivor might get a black pip but could also loose a pip.

    Now the ranking system is somehow based on luck. Luck means: being not the first one found, being able to get 2 gens done and to unhook 3 ppl and have a nice long chase too in order to pip.

    If s.o is a second faster and gets the unhook and the killer goes back to the hook and your unluckily the one found or trying to be nice so the killer won't tunnel the unhooked you might get some chase points but after being hooked the game is probably nearly over with nothing left to do. So all that happened was a gen and a mindlong chase-> if the killer then tunnels or nobody unhooks and they leave you loose a pip.

    And if s.o deranked a bit the killers are less experienced so you get killers that tunnel you through the game but you won't be able to get anything done. No one will be hooked, gens will be done, no one to heal and then the killer gets u with noed and you won a facecamp -.-

    Even if I did 1,5 or 2 gens, 2 Totems, get 2 unhooks and have 2 short chases or a midlong in the end i only get to blackpip if dying on hook (cause no one comes to unhook anymore when the gates are open, even if it's Freddy)

    I have to admit that if the goal was to change survivors into selfcentered egoists that only care to get themselves out: you "did a pretty good job so far"

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    edited March 2019

    A rank system should be based on how you play and only how you play, it shpuld not be dependant on the other side doing certain actions, killer camps you can't save so goodbye benevolence, survivor suicides good by two hooks, and that's just two scenarios, who in their right mind thought this was a good idea?

    This system does not reward skill it rewards screwing around.

    Forget playing stealthy or killing fast, doing well inst rewarded and as such the game is a lot more linear now like it's on rails, you must follow a set path of things in order to pip, that is the complete opposite of diverse gameplay.

    The fact is some players do not care about ranking and will not change how they play which screws over those they are matched with and can you blame them?

    If a killer has the oppertunity and is the better player should they not down and hook all four? Should they really be punished for doing well and killing quickly? Should a survivor not on the hook be punished if a killer choses to camp not allowing a save?

    Those are huge problems as you are punished for playing well and someone else can basically set your rank not you.

    At least they made it easier to derank or keep rank though so those wishing to bully the newer player don't risk getting banned.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    You can't tell me the pipping system is working when you have to at least get 3x Gold + 1x Iridescent to pip. In which kind of match do you think this is possible as a surv? And it's not working for killers either.

    We went from one extreme (ranking up too easy) to another extreme. I hope we can get something in between soon.

  • SeducedByDaemonette
    SeducedByDaemonette Member Posts: 301

    Current rank system is a mess , you don't have much control over emblems as survivor neither you can smoothly pip as killer due to dc's and gen rush . Honestly they should revert this change .

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @SeducedByDaemonette Not revert. Before, pipping was too easy, so a change was needed.

    We'd need something in between the two extremes.

  • SeducedByDaemonette
    SeducedByDaemonette Member Posts: 301
    edited March 2019

    Forcing players behave in specific playstyle is dumb . Emblems award you for noneffective tactics . You can easily depip with 4 k as killer right now , as well as survivor if you weren't altruistic or couldn't get in long chases

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @SeducedByDaemonette I'm not a fan of the Emblems but that's what we have to work with now. It's just about how many Emblem points you need to pip. 13 points is unrealistic and too much.

    (I would have prefered a bloodpoint related pipping system where the categories don't have the 8k cap.)

    Off-topic: Please @ tag people. Quotes don't give notifications.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @twistedmonkey "If a killer has the opportunity and is the better player should they not down and hook all four?"

    Yea I had this situation happen to me as killer.

    Plague. Wrecker's Yard. I get my first hook quickly but Ruin goes down before I can get the hook. They do 2 gens as I feel like I'm going to have to work hard to keep up. I catch Dwight and put him in the basement. Down the first person I caught but DS is in play so I decide to not pick them up right away. See Claud so I chase her and land a hit, then grab Corrupt Purge. I see the second Claud going for the save on Dwight, I go to the shack (they were being stealth but I saw them) and hit them with CP. They run and I hit them again at like max range with just a spray and pray. 1 hooked, 2 down, 1 injured somewhere. I go to hook the first guy I downed and see the injured one healing behind a tree right there. I smack her down. Game is now over. Huge snowball because they just messed up.

    I safety pip because I didn't get enough hooks or Chaser points. Even though I won very convincingly. It was honestly really stupid. I'm sure they all depipped, except maybe 1 that got a safety pip (prolly whoever made the first rescue).

    This is where ranking system is dumb. At least 2 of these survivors were pretty good but the group made a few critical mistakes that I took full advantage of, but I'm punished for it. This doesn't happen often as killer for me, but it can happen very often as survivor. Had a game V Trapper that chased me for like 3 gens. And it wasn't a gen rush chase either, it was a LOOOOOONNNNGGGG chase. I did get hooked eventually but got saved and was able to escape the trial. Got iri Evader and gold Unbroken, but only bronze LB and Ben because I just had no opportunities to do anything. So even though I pretty much single-handedly outplay the killer, I was punished for it.

  • Remisee
    Remisee Member Posts: 133

    I like your opinion of the new Emblem System. No wannabes anymore on Rank 1 :-)

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055

    Being forced to play a specific way is stupid

  • Letroni
    Letroni Member Posts: 18

    Both survivor and killer have to play bad intentionally in order to pip. Lol Idk how that is ok.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    Examples please... as this actually doesn't seem to be the case nor is it reported anywhere.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    I'm okay with the trade off tbh, less 1st hook deaths, toxic bullying of killer and more cohesion with other players.

    It discourages what players complain about on this forum, survivor hook farming, bullying of killers etc.

    I don't play killer often but I have been and I've pipped more often than not, albeit in the high ranks. Less toxicity from them all around and I don't get why people are still complaining.

    It is much harder for survivors than killers, yes that's true but the trade off with the toxicity is definitely one I'll make every time.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    I'm a little torn on it. On one hand, I love that not everyone is able to get to rank 1 anymore. Rank 1 has always been a mash-up of all different skill levels because just about everyone would get end up there if they played enough in a month. From what I've seen, most of the really good players out there are still pipping and getting to rank 1. That part is good. That means that more skilled players are ranking up while less skilled players are staying at a lower rank that's more appropriate to them (like me, probably, I'm not ashamed to say).

    I do, however, think that it's a little too random as to whether or not you rank up. Part of this is due to disconnections. If even one survivor leaves, that can hurt your ability to earn emblems (for either side). Or depending on how the match goes, you might have a perfect match and just not get enough emblems because nobody went down, for example.

    What I think might be a little better is if the requirements were slightly lower, but the black pip margin was decreased (or removed). That way you could more consistently get a pip without having to max out all categories, since that's not always possible, but you also had the possibility to depip if you did poorly.

    Alternatively if the ranking system was more analog and less binary, it would probably better reflect skill. For instance, instead of having -1, 0, +1, +2 pips, it ranged from -3 to +3 and required more pips to rank. Currently it goes from (bad), (meh), (good), (way too good). If there were varying degrees of good and bad, you could afford to have a bad game without it taking a massive chunk out of your rank, and likewise, you could have a good game and get some pips rather than just barely falling short of the requirement at all and getting nothing.