please reverse dead man's switch

please reverse dead man's switch Seriously, that perk helped killers without map control or weak killers to be able to reach the gens now it is simply useless and has no value
killer are not allowed have good perk.
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it was literally the most problematic perk in the whole game on killer's side that led to many unfair nerfs to completely ok and healthy perks, like old PainRes. I would say don't revert DMS, but bring old PainRes back
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You realize the perk is arguably stronger now, especially paired with Pain Res? The change is basically just to prevent the Artist from constantly keeping every survivor off of gens.
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Have you thought about the chances of kill rates being too high and thats why they are nerfing it?
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DMS is still a good perk, it's there to set up 3-gen situations for killers
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finally someone said it
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Kinda this TBH,
It brought back my patented, Pain res + DMS + Thrilling Tremors + whatever, build.
- You pick up a survivor, and thrilling tremors procs, if any gens are unblocked, pain res only hits the unblocked gens, slowing progress, and blocking with DMS
- If survivors get wise to DMS, you still know which gen or 2 to go to right after the hook by process of elimination
- If survivors get wise to thrilling and/or all gens are blocked, you have just barely enough time to wait out the thrilling, hook the survivor, and still proc the pain res and DMS. And you can throw on BBQ if you want so if they wise up to everything you STILL know what gen to go to.