What does the entity want?

hygcat Member Posts: 56

Does it want to be worshipped, or does it prefer to watch a cat-and-mouse chase? What does it really want? We know that it plays with both killers and victims as if mocking them in its endless cycle of existence, and it has its own rules. It provides a way out to those who deserve to escape and enjoys the fact that the killers it has enslaved continuously provide it with victims. Yes, it also accepts everyone’s offerings.

The only guess I have is that it watches everyone from above and takes great pleasure in it.

What do you think? Let's talk


  • Tyler3
    Tyler3 Member Posts: 194

    Well, we do know that the Entity feeds off the emotions of the killers and survivors in a Trial. This is it's primary food source. I don't think it seems to care for being worshipped.

  • Noobking3000
    Noobking3000 Member Posts: 35

    Basically, it's just a hungry thing that feeds off emotions

    Specifically, any action that gives bloodpoints feeds The Entity, according to a dev stream from a while back

    It's probably doing this to grow in power so it can do something when it grows strong enough, but we can't really tell what it'll use all of its power for yet.

  • totallynotamegmain
    totallynotamegmain Member Posts: 658


  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,861
    edited September 9

    It wants to consume everything in existence throughout the omniverse and it's many different timelines, to continue feeding on the emotions of anyone and everyone it can get it's hands on by putting them through the trials, both Survivors and Killers.

  • hygcat
    hygcat Member Posts: 56

    Alright, now I want to ask all of you, what do you think about The Entity's alignment? I think it's Lawful Evil

  • Yggleif
    Yggleif Member Posts: 182

    Neutral Evil, it only cares about consuming. It clearly causes suffering purposefully so it can feed off it but I don't think it really cares about ruling or causing chaos. It mostly acts like a very intelligent animal tbh.

  • hygcat
    hygcat Member Posts: 56

    But the entity has rules, if the victims have earned their chance to escape, it doesn’t allow the killers to pass through the door. It grants rights to survivors and killers when conditions are met (such as locking generators, closing windows, etc.). It also considers the offerings presented to it. I think this makes it lawful, because a neutral evil character wouldn’t care about any of this.

    On the other hand, its focus on its own interests and committing evil acts against everyone makes it, as you said, neutral evil.

    I think the Entity has a alignment between Lawful Evil and Neutral Evil.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,188

    Does it want to be worshipped

    Seems like a pretty hard "no" on that one.

    What does it really want

    It wants to feed. It feeds off pain and suffering. This also requires providing glimmers of hope for survivors so they don't fall into total despair (at which point they become useless as food).

    That's what I've pieced together from different parts of the lore, anyway.

  • Yggleif
    Yggleif Member Posts: 182

    Having rules doesn't automatically make a character lawful. Generally lawful characters create laws and rules to shape a society they want to create and rule over. The entity's rules more create a natural law for the realm and all of it is done so the entity can get a better meal. The fact that it seems to mostly be thinking with it's stomach rather than having a greater overarching plan to create any sort of civilization is what makes me lean towards neutral.

  • Vasyazx
    Vasyazx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20

    To be fair most things we know about Entity is only about its digestive system(yes all Dbd is basically just about Entity lunch ) Observer also speak that Entity other goal is gathering information and there is possibly even more but we simply unable to undestand them

  • Vasyazx
    Vasyazx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20

    1.Entity have countless cults in many worlds and both killers and survivor can directly make offering and prayers that Entity respond towards Adiris also is killer who directly worships Entity.So its seems to at least recgonize and allow worhsip towards it

    2 It consumes both hope and despair but otherwise you statment is mostly correct

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,111
    edited September 19

    Based off of old Tomes, newer tomes, a spotty memory, playing The Casting of Frank Stone, and somewhat off-the-cuff headcanon:

    Some spoilers for TCOFS


    The spider-like entity we're familiar with, is not the whole of the system. The whole system is Auric Energy. Effectively a conceptual zeitgeist: the mood and spirit of all Horror, over all time. Its own dimension straddling the Omniverse like an invasive thought, not only like an idea, but a tangible force, though initially detached inside its own Realm from auric universes.

    This conceptual zeitgeist is drawn to horror inside the Omniverse. The thoughts and the memories related to it, those leading up to it and during horrific moments. The more horrific/prolonged the scenario, the more that Auric Energy can bleed into a reality. Up until it forms a breach and its "Realm" begins to seep through.

    Auric energy has the rather unique property to outside observers in that it seemingly creates matter out of thought. Though that would be incorrect. As it's more that thoughts from auric beings permeate the nearby auric energy, forming a "conceptual auric scaffold" that thoughts and memories of nearby auric energy of a similar kind can adhere to. Not comprised of matter, but thought, auric energy.

    But this is not a guarantee: The nearby Auric energy may not be comprised of any of the thoughts or memories associated with that scaffold. Or, there may be such a predominantly existing pool of auric energy of another kind that it has sporadically formed its own scaffold, and is much less prone to manipulation from other auric sources.

    Near anything is possible in this realm, this void of all sense. But the auric energy itself has a predilection towards forming more fearful things within The Void.

    So what happens when this void bleeds out into reality?

    Its established that horrific events are the best method of drawing it out, and creating such a tear in reality. As Auric Energy is predisposed towards horror, the pool of thoughts and memories that bleed out of a tear would be horror related. And given that Auric Energy typically forms around the most common thoughts or memories, those auric scaffolds of nearby auric beings in a horror scenario will typically create the horrors envisioned/entombed (Like Frank Stone), or empower the horrors causing them. Though this is not usually a clean process. Prone to mistakes and embellishments or an outright abomination (Such as with The Dredge).

    What happens when you/physical reality enters The Void?

    Do those that enter suffocate from a lack of oxygen? Will they starve? What happens to the dirt? How do physical things react to a lack of, well, physics?

    The Garden of Joy seems to indicate that physical objects brought into The Void no longer need abide the laws of gravity.

    What happens to the Physical body hasn't been looked into too much, but the assumption would be that the conscious and the subconscious more or less causes basic physics/biological processes to continue for that auric being/body (which is why Stan seemed to still be alive inside of Frank Stone, before Frank consciously ended him). And the observations of that auric being on their surroundings would cause anything else to be grounded in "reality" based on their cognitive bias forming auric lattices. (though once again, this does not mean that the necessary energy is available to build them, and a surplus of another kind might erratically build something else).

    That is The Void. The Realm. Infinite in size and possibility, leaning on Horror, but also capable of becoming absurd. The Realms and Trials we perform an an infinitesimally small part of it. Technically speaking all fanfic is cannon (unless its harmful to the community or in violation of Terms of Service).


    The Entity is emergent from The Void. It's a big fish. But it's not the Pond. That would be The Void. But as The Void is infinite, so too is The Entity, in all its permutative glory (hail Enkitty).

    But this is the appearance of the "Big Bad", a multitude of auric scaffolds around a strongly permeating idea of a foggy orange and blackish spider-legged being, one which is frequently associated with the act of pulling in Survivors and Killers into "Trials" and whose followers idolization perpetuates that concept, if not simply being that black fog is the most easily associated concept with the fear of the unknown. And spider legs just because of creepy crawlies.

    It could demand blood sacrifice. One could demand a high stakes dating sim (never played that though so not sure about its lore implications). Another a sacrificial mouse. Or a well-balanced game.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,212

    It just eats and eats. I'm uncertain whether it's consciously interacting with individual survivors and killers, or whether it's such alien form of being, these "conscious" actions are little more than digestive mechanisms it may not even be fully aware of.

    On the Wiki for a podcast called "The Magnus Archives", it says something about the Entities in that universe which may apply in this case:

    Most Entities are near mindless: unable to conceptualize time nor themselves and motivated purely by their desire to feed on fear and enter our world

    This feels close to what I imagine the Entity as: A "thing" which is beyond our understanding, yet at the same time is very simplistic in what it needs.

    As an aside, The Magnus Archives features God-like beings which feed off branches of fear (e.g.: "The Stranger" feeds off fear of the uncanny, or the not-quite-right; "The Hunt" feeds off the fear of being chased and killed; "The Spiral" feeds off gaslighting and fear of being unable to trust your senses; "The Corruption" feeds on fears of disease, filth, toxic relationships and such). Coincidentally, The Hunt could very well be close to what The Entity is on this universe.

  • Vasyazx
    Vasyazx Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 20
    edited September 22

    There is many instances of Entity directly interacting with both survivors and killers and also manipulating them into doing its biding and its vast knowelge and omniverse is noted by observer so its certainly intelligent .And auric cells is direct proof of it having consciousness since all Enity realm it basically made of it

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,212

    Yes, there is that and people all have different perspectives. My thinking comes from the fact that the Entity absorbs trillions, and often uses its preys' weaknesses against them. There are real world examples of animals, fungi and plants manipulating their prey using trickery or control, even though they are barely intelligent in the ways we understand intelligence to be. It's instinctual.

    The Entity similarily uses weaknesses or lures (see Jonah and the numbers) to attract creatures. It may come in forms of words, objects, symbols, etc., but it often is close to the prey and what they fear or are motivated by. It triggers the prey along a path that leads to consumption. What makes it different is our lack of understanding of how this creature works, other than the perception of those within.

    Basically, it's not always clear cut and open to interpretation. I hope they never fully reveal how it works, because mystery makes this thing a greater threat.

  • angel_pellegrino
    angel_pellegrino Member Posts: 23

    I think that the entity is very similar to Leviathan in the Hellraiser universe. Leviathan is an ancient god who thrives on the suffering of others, using the cenobites to control what goes on in his realm. The entity uses killers in a similar way, and feeds off of the frustrations, anger, and suffering of both sides. It feeds off misery, pain and chaos.