BHVR ignored everybody

Azulra Member Posts: 496

Literally at least an entire week before the PTB a LOT of people were saying to not do the changes to SM so BHVR said they'd "listen closely to the SM feedback."

PTB begins and it was made heard that the SM changes clearly weren't acceptable and had to be tossed into the dumpster so y'all could go back to the drawing board.

PTB ends and we eventually get the next Developer Update where BHVR VERY CLEARLY showed what they meant by "listen closely to the SM feedback" which was blatantly ignoring what almost everybody said and went "We'Re GoNnA mAkE a CoMpRoMise" by keeping all of the horrendous changes that almost everybody said to scrap then adding even more horrendous changes on top of those changes.

Everybody was saying to NOT allow these changes to go through to the live servers for an entire week at least before the update rolled out because, apparently, if the #1 SM haters and SM mains are both agreeing that the changes are COMPLETELY HORRENDOUS that means that "nothing is wrong with these changes" to BHVR's eyes and just gave the green light for the update.

An update needs to seriously be rolled out to revert her back to pre-8.3.0 and just focus on getting her rework made instead because it is not acceptable at all to make the laziest changes possible to upset everybody.


  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 984

    I mean, removing her from the game and re-releasing her later could be a good choice. She'd be out of the sight of everyone, so complaints would stop (mostly) and thy could do more significant changes that way.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 313

    even though i hate her with passion, i don't think scrapping her completely is mot how things should be done.

  • upsideinsanity
    upsideinsanity Member Posts: 29

    I dont think temporarily removing her from game would do anything because as soon as they brought her back, people would still just hate her because all the remember is the old her. They are trying to replace the memories with something less miserable

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,505
    edited October 10

    Something needed to change, but we'll see how devastating the nerf is. The choice make radar movespeed 4.4m, but also add the haste back makes no sense. Now you're bringing back the haste that survivors hate, and the radar slowdown which SM players hate, but they'll even each other out, so survivors will feel like they get hit thanks to the speedboost and SM players will feel like they're not getting hits because of the radar slowdown.

    The immunity to being scanned when fast vaulting thing is also pretty damn lame. Now she has absolutely nothing she can do on strong pallets that survivors can camp after they've dropped it, they literally can't get scanned and you're forced to kick it. What's the value of her drone in chase then? If you're about to get scanned as you approach a pallet, just vault without thinking and you don't get scanned, no need to play around the drone at all. I can sort of get why they remove stealth scans to help newer players since it wasn't very intuitive, but then you nerf her chase like that?

    Same scan line immunity also works when you're fast vaulting a window of course, but I just don't get why they would add this. Now her drones won't be consistent at scanning survivors in chase, made even worse because she only has one scanline.

    Partial basekit Ultrasonic speaker is welcomed.

    I'm gonna play her for a while and see what I think. She was already very hard to play vs good players, but stomped newer players. I think she'll stomp nobody now as long as the survivors are actually trying.

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 496

    Someone made a post from their experience against her now with the new update and said that the killer didn't even get a single Lock-On stack until 3 gens had popped and not a single Claw Trap the entire game. That's how bad the situation is because all she is now is a M1 killer who's power was "rebalanced into the dumpster" to where she just hinders herself for even trying to use it.

    This change shows what everyone was telling BHVR by nerfing her in any way isn't gonna solve the viewpoints survivor mains have on her and that they should've just left her alone until her rework. She's officially the first ever F-tier killer in the game due to her non-existent power now, survivor mains are still giving up against her, and BHVR should now realize that the SM players and other players who told them that no matter what they do it's not gonna change how people view her. And for the people who said that she was boring to play as before are now sitting there with a miserable experience rather than a boring experience.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 84
    edited October 10

    I thought this was about the entire 8.3 changes but it's just about the washing machine failure.

  • MiamiBoiiiii
    MiamiBoiiiii Member Posts: 1

    The game has become a dump. The developers are too busy being gay to pay attention to the players. We need more stuff! Stuff! Sell your goodies! The latest update allows the killer to hit at 50 feet. I have played over 4000 hours and this is the last straw for me...

  • Marzipan210
    Marzipan210 Member Posts: 3

    Everybody worth listening to said scrap the changes. BHVR went along with it anyway cause they care more about pleasing the most toxic and therefore most loud side of their playerbase.