We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

How this game will fare without killers?

TLDR: Pleas do something about killer experience cause toxic survivors, broken matchmaker and gameplay mechanics cause many players to leave the game.

Hi, I've started as killer main. Played a bit, have a few hundred hours and started to notice a trend that makes this game uninspiring and not fun.

Whenever a killer encounters a solo survivors it's easy win, sometimes to easy and games end really quickly. Whenever a killer encounters an organized group (called SWF) there is almost no way of winning because of all pallets, saves and OP survivor perks (DS, Off the Record, Dead Hard etc.). There is only one easy tactic of winning a game against SWF - tunneling, which is considered toxic and unfun. Therefore whole matchmaking comes to: you met solo survivors → you probably win, you met SWF → tunnel somebody off or loose the game.

After the game comes another abomination cause endgame chat is a place used for killer harassment and sending them worst wishes there can be. Reporting such players has no effect and even so, after them comes another team with a lot of bad experience to lay on the killer or laugh in their face if they won the match. Even when somebody just wants to play for fun this causes a lot of stress and frustration, killing all the joy of the game. What happened to polite "gg wp" after the game, either won or lost?

Another issue is earning bloodpoints: Everybody knows best way is to have 4-player party with Bloody Party Streamers or anniversary cake, while playing killer was the second way of earning points. That is no longer true cause of almost constant bonus for survivors from +50% to +150%. This makes playing killer sub-optimal for someone trying to grind bloodpoints for new perks and add-ons.

This causes a lot of players to resign from playing killer altogether and sometime to join for match or two on survivor. Lack of experienced killers causes issues with matchmaker which I've felt a few times where my ~700 hours was put against SWFs of 3k+ hours on each member which causes extreme frustration while playing. This causes me to consider quitting the killer so those SWFs will face another even less experienced killer. Soon there may not be enough killers for the game to work and what come then?

To anybody who plays survivor: Please restrain from mocking, threatening and laughing from killers in after game chat cause without this player you can't play this game anymore.
To game team: Please give us some reason to come back to plying killers cause right now it's just awful, frustrating and kills all the fun of the game. From patch to patch it's getting worse.
To anybody who considers this game killer-sided: find somebody with 7k hours and watch how they can carry the game. There is almost nothing killer can do.


  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 201

    I agree with a lot. However I play both sides and more survivor. I agree the level of toxic game play is through the roof but it is on both sides and I am about to stop playing.

    From a killer standpoint I agree with everything you said except the blood points. I think you get more as killer than survivor. I also hate the toxic in game crap, but as you play more just avoid certain situations. I have let some go because of this fact. Try to stay calm and remember a game can turn around at any point.

    From a survivor standpoint I am sick and tired of the slug to win. It's pointless and boring. Killers nowadays are so hard pressed for the 4k it is unbelievably pathetic. I don't think slugging should be removed but limitations. Slugging is a necessary tactic at times when you play against those you mentioned. I also can't stand when fellow survivors just eff off in the exit gates especially of the killer actually tried. If they so happen to hang I won't save them because it serves them right.

    The toxic game play is on both sides and at this point is terrible. I don't even have fun playing anymore and will probably move shortly.

  • Grimlet09
    Grimlet09 Member Posts: 77

    i had to stop learning killer cuz the toxic ppl. :( just stop bein so mean learning new stuff is hard and trying to do well as 1 person is tough soemtimes.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,007

    "Im not trying to gaslight you, you must have your own experience, but understand SWF are a minority, and you have really bad luck if you go against swf match after match, i highly doubt thats even possible stadistically."

    I honestly want a true statistic to this. Considering there's also repeat lobbies of these same SWFs (albeit, rare occasions).

    If the devs. Would finally implement what many have asked for, a simple Icon over head to show who is actually in a SWF (much like Crossplay shows who's on another platform than yourself) then maybe it would provide true evidence of majority vs. minority. Because it comes down to individual experiences, which is the basis of claims.

    And yes, there's those out there who will claim, if so and so killer knows who's in a SWF, will most likely dodge that lobby. Yea, sure. (The whole Prestige conversation of lobby dodging). Dodging for any reason, still happens. Like Hook Suicides happen. To go next. It's the choice of that player to do so

  • cclain
    cclain Member Posts: 82

    DS an OFC are anti tunel perk.
    If you dont tunel they can't use it.

    Just dont tunel and they lose half perk.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,520

    Showing whos in a SWF should never be a thing unless its in the endgame screen. In fact I dont even think the killer should see the names of survivors in lobby. If survivors cant why should killers?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,292

    It's not that killers would dodge. It's that so many killers are wildly insecure and would try to make that game as unfun as possible for any and all SWFs.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 125
    edited October 12

    If killer is so bad why is it that survivor bp incentive is given like 95% of of time? Why when I want to play killer specially early mornings i be waiting 2 to 5mins while survivor is a few seconds?

    Also I wish people stop saying swf is never affected by things cause we do. Imagine use to having 30 friends to swf up with but down to 3 to even 0, cause people grow tired and move on to other games which is my case of me losing so much friends for past 2 years now starting at patch 6.1 to today date.

    Finally there is so much survivor giving up posts and never killer giving up post indicates to me that killers are having it far easier. The game need both sides to work cause no survivors also means no game for killers.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 374

    Statistically speaking SWFs only survive 3% more than solo. BHVR released the stats not long ago. Solo win rate is 40%, SWF is 43%. Since you say you have a couple hundred hours and not thousands, I would assume you’re not in the top MMR which is the top 5% of players, so you wouldn’t be facing top SWFs, which have a survival rate of 48%. Higher than Average SWF but not by much, only 6% more.

    With you openly admitting that it’s extremely easy to win over Solo, which are the majority of the survivor role, then SWF seem to be the only challenging aspect of the killer role for you, which means you will win majority of your games because cracked SWFs are fairly rare like a cracked nurse. So you can see those SWF games as a proper challenge and work on your skills, which may take time since it sounds like you’re not challenged in the majority of your games. If you’re itching for a challenge try swapping to Solo survivor, you’re intentionally designed to lose more often than win.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,501

    To answer your title this game has too many killers so if some of them switched for survivor we could see the bp bonus sometimes on killer too and 2vs8 would have more acceptable queque times. But what current situation tells killer experience is vastly superior to average solo survivor experience. But again if we had more survivors that would be good thing.

    Killer is still the better role for bp even if survivor has 150%. You get also the bonus if 4 survivor run party streamers. It's easy to earn 30K base from match on lost killers. Survivor bp earning is just terrible without 100% bonus.

    Now if endgame chat makes you feel bad don't read it and disable it from options. I mostly play on console so I don't have even option to see it personally would want to see it if I make people angry or did they have fun. Now times I played on pc most people don't write anything it's just empty even I played basement tunneling bubba.

    I think toxicity is just problem that every game has because that just how humans are but you can try to minigate it. In my experience facebook is much more toxic place than dbd. In dbd it likely some teenager or just some young adult being angry but on facebook it middle aged adult who should act like it and not like an immature child.