Chucky broken
This video alone proves how powerful this exploit is and it must be removed soon.
I mean what is a survivor supposed to do against Chucky?
And those who say just enter the locker, well I should be lucky to find a locker every 10 seconds in the chase
No, it's not a skill, it's a completely free hit.
For the first time, I don't find anyone objecting to this.😀
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They will surely fix it sometime, but it doesn't seem to have a high relevance for them because it's there for a while. I personally don't use it but it's an exploid you don't even have to use intentionally, I've used it 2 times until now accidently because I dashed to close to a palette and I wanted to flick to the survivor xD
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I was so confused when I did it accidentally too. I'd love to see it removed and Chucky get some turn capacity after scampering.
Because currently it's the only way to make scamper useful Aside from when you're using it for mobility
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On some people you can also scamper out of shack-window and make a 90° degree flick to the side, of course that just works on potatoes xD
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the amount of times Chucky has dashed past me only to flick and down me when I’m behind him is infuriating , but I never bothered to mention is as no doubt people won’t see it as a problem. Glad others are starting to realise the impact though.
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Now do Oni
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I'm confused. How does that even work? They hard capped his turning last time I checked, so I genuinely have no clue what is even going on.
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he's somehow canceling vault animation of scamper and than using bounce from vaulting backwards to glide along the wall. it is like that bug that legion used to have in feral frenzy where you could vault a window and then double vault back a window. he is doing that but with chucky's scamper. bug seems to somewhat bugging out his turning rate after he performs the exploit.
that's pretty crazy. I have never seen that. pretty funny that scamper is only useful when the player has to exploits and glitches to make it relevant.
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Ahh, I see. Well, that should probably be fixed. Although I must say, it's nice seeing a Chucky do actual flicks again.
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I am not sure what he is doing to uncap his flick in first clip. maybe he's doing that blight J-flick tech where he is uncapped his sensitive to 99999 which is allowing him to over-turn the sensitive for very brief moment. They did something for Blight to fix this tech but forgot to implement thing fix to Chucky's S&D. So likely, this will be fixed.