We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Survivor endurance meta



  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248
    edited October 15

    On one hand, you are right and many killer perks feel pretty restricted in their usage, to the point where they just don't seem feasable, but on the other hand, killers are probably in the best spot they have ever been, with a real 60% kill rate over most of the board.

    But improving on bad perks so that they become viable usually shouldn't increase killyness, it should only increase perk diversity and interesting situations.

    Like with half the Hex perks I think "I have to jump through all this hoops, just the get it possibly cleansed before I get any value at all? That doesn't sound like 'high risk - high reward' to me!", with Hexes as a mechanic killers have lived with the looming threat of a cleanse since their inception, but with survivor perks I hear all too often "if the perk isn't giving me value every game, all game, its worthless and not meta enough". Thats just how it is ^_-

    Dragons Grip is a perk that I like the concept off, but 30s up-time is just so short!

    I really like the idea behind Make your Choice, but you neither get a short 4s aura read to show you the survivor, nor do you get any visual indicator on their profile pic - you got to instantly identify them by their scream and thats such a bummer.

    Alien Instinct is a fun concept, but far too restricted to be of any value: the Oblivious is one of the shortest durations in the entire game and because the survivor is far away you can't really get close enough. Maybe the perk could activate three times intermittendly, while also showing the survivor that they are hunted? This could lead to a scary cat and mouse game, but right now the perk is trash.

    Hubris could be a fun perk, but unless you combo it with Endurance AND Spirit Fury, the duration is so frigging short, that you could never get value out of it. And if you play this combo it will work exactly ONE time, before the survivors predrop all pallets or greed tight loops one round less.

    Terminus … I don't really know what this perk is. It counters Adrenalin, which IS a strong effect, but while still a popular perk, it isn't THAT common and widespread used. And its supposed main effect goes away in the blink of an eye. Would the perk be overpowered if the duration was an actual minute?

    Sigh So many killer perks have cool ideas and concepts, but are hold back by being too restrictive and safe in their numbers, so that they will never break into the current meta. I guess the same could be said about survivor perks, but I am too lazy now to give their list a view and I am pretty happy with my Blast Mine/Head On/Quick n Quiet/Plot Twist build (Head On is the outlier here that I think could be stronger, for how hard it is to apply, but its still damn funny when it works).

    @Devil_hit11 I just saw your comment about killer perks needing a tweak in the Bloodwarden thread ^^

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,156

    Can you not do that? Obviously if you're being chased or body blocking for another survivor you're not being useless.

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 250

    If kilers run gen perks, survivors complain. If killers run chase builds, survivors complain. If killers run hit and run, Survivors complain. And Now, looking on here, you'd think aura builds were the end of the world.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,759

    that's true, and that's why you usually bring 1 exhaustion perk and Deli or Wicked + not everyone in team should bring Deli/Wicked for obvious activation reasons

    i think it was done intentionally since killer is solo role and survivor is a multi role.

    I don't disagree with either, but my point is that there are many factors that make it difficult to do any sort of direct survivor to killer weighting, Like Wicked and Deliverance are both strong, but the addition of Wicked did not noticeably make survivors stronger. The same with Exhaustion perks, if they added a new exhaustion perk unless it was stronger than the existing strongest exhaustion perks, it doesn't actually make the survivors stronger, so just doing a count of good perks is not really reflective.

    yeah, i noticed that too, but i'm not yet able to realize why is it so much used, apart from combining it with Botany Knowledge. But still, since Asian rulesets are much less liberal, it makes me confused even more.

    So this is an incredibly long topic and I'm going to try and be as brief as possible. I watched a bunch of twitch Asian streamers awhile back to try and get an idea on the differences.

    Starting with game theory ideas - some games, the strategy is clear and the game becomes a test of who better executes, while in other games the primary strategy is trying to figure out how the other player is playing and counter what they are trying to do (play the player, not the game). DbD is closer to the second and slight changes in how people play the game will create knock on effects on strategy.

    There are a few differences in how the Asian players approach the game.

    To start, as you mentioned, there is no killer rulebook on the Asian servers. So what does this mean? If you make yourself available to be tunneled, you will be tunneled, so as a player you have to play against it. How does that change your playstyle? Well, instead of healing at hook unless you are confident you are safe, you start running the moment you are unhooked.

    So how does this affect killers? While it might seem ironic, because you are allowed to tunnel, you tunnel less, because you now know that the survivors expect you to tunnel. You know if you try to tunnel its going to take you even longer and you're going to lose the match. So what do you do? You still tunnel if they give you the opportunity, but otherwise you play gen defense instead of tunneling.

    Okay, so how do the survivors on gens change their behavior? Well, because proxy camping and tunneling are less effective, they expect you to come back to the gens, so a logical strategy is to get off gens and get away from.

    What does this result in? Lots of survivors moving away from the killer. What perk would be great to have if your strategy already has you moving away from gens and the game slows down?


    The Western servers play off the 1 on hook, 1 going for the rescue, 1 on gens, 1 in chase metric, because its a constant race. But if self-care is common, you can get situations of everyone getting off of gens and going to either self-care or hide.

    Which is when the perk looks really strong. If everyone has self-care and the killer is patrolling gens, it doesn't matter how slow it is as long as everyone is away from the action. You can now do a full reset even as soloq.

    There are other factors as well, and its a chicken and the egg situation on whether different playstyles led to self-care or self-care led to different playstyles. An example of one of those factors: survivors play much less altruistically toward the end game, its more common for survivors to open the gate and just leave. Which means if you are stranded in the map having self care substantially increases the odds you'll get out.

    Compare this to the Western servers. Because many killers just never tunnel, it conditions survivors that the best strategy is to unhook quickly and heal. So if you are a killer who doesn't care about 'the rulebook', tunneling is going to be really strong and killer players are likely to base your strategies and playstyles around it. Additionally, survivors on hook, because they expect to be rescued, are more likely to rage quit if there isn't a rush to rescue, which conditions other survivors to rush the rescue even more.

    Which is why if the killer encounters someone who plays against that type (reassurance), its so devastating.

    Anyway, the main point and why I bring up self-care in threads like this, is what perks are or are not strong are totally dependent on how the other side plays. There are a lot of bad perks in DbD, but which perks are truly strong really depend upon what you end up playing against.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 300

    Yet when killers decide to counter these builds instead of complaining about it, survivors complain. If killers camp, survivors complain. If killers tunnel, survivor complains. If killer slugs, survivors complain. If killer runs certain perks like noed, survivors complain. Even running double iri Myers, survivors complain.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 125
    edited October 15

    Bad as self care is its some what worth it and infinite immediate cause every other healing perk is just as time consuming, too limited or worst than it is, inner strength while good and fast for example requires a totem and some maps have horrible to spot totem locations or strength in shadows while nice is bad because you have to waste time finding basement which you can use a offering for a fix but some maps ofc has no shack.

    My swf and I run it as we rather not waste time healing each other which instead can use that healing time of doing gens.

    Honestly I would have expected them to buff it back to 50% since circle of healing is now circle of garbage.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,520

    I just spent 20 minutes catching up on this thread. Just wow lol.

    I don't even know where the conversation is now from the point of the post to here. Like the game and perks, it's evolved. The only thing the same is the tension and disgust with each other. What a drag.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,152

    You're making 2 big mistakes. You're thinking that "killers being in the best spot yet" means something, because yes they are stronger overall than they've been for years, but the gen defence nerfs, killer power nerfs, 70-sec hooks, base BT/anti-camp and especially survivor perk buffs have more than negated that increase. Experienced killer players are having to play harder than they ever have to get worse results, settling for draws constantly. The 60% kill rate also doesn't mean anything, and is a copout for anti-killer people, because even if it's accurate it means that killers get little more than a draw every time they queue up. And it is an average of kills and not wins, so if you do the math of all the possible outcomes, you could get draws 80% of the time and still have a 60% kill rate. It's a forced outcome that the devs have been balancing towards which is a detriment to the game.

  • iloveandhatethisgame
    iloveandhatethisgame Member Posts: 93

    “Experienced killer players are having to play harder than they ever have to get worse results, settling for draws constantly. ” based on what?

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 251
    edited 7:11AM

    So many people are complaining about OTR but there is an easy way around it: do not tunnel.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 271

    The game is literally balanced to give killer the advantage yet you still complain. You say killers gets draws too often, but what do survivors get? They don't even get a draw, they just lose. 60% kill rate to 40% escape rate ( and its actually probably worse then that) is a 33.3% advantage for killer. You're complaining when you literally have a built in advantage. What do you want, a guarenteed 4k every single game? Why not play a pve game in easy mode if you demand that your opponent have no chance against you? I almost feel your entire complaint must be satire, but sadly deep down inside I know its not.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 268

    Its almost like everyone is complayining about everything the other side does xD
    It seems it is pretty balanced when both sides are complaining non stop

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 94
    edited 9:30AM

    A lot of survivor complaints are for SoloQ and nearly all killer complaints are for the sub 5% SWF matches. Game balance should really be around the 95% of matches instead of the 5%

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 268

    So what?
    It is nothing new that SoloQ is bad and swf sucks for killers. Leveling this is a completly different discussion. Most of the posts I see are about killer related object placement like lockers or sadakos tv's, perks that are complained about and the most complained thing about is some kind of build. Aura build, chase build, endgame build, heal build, to name a few.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248

    Of course 60% kill rate does mean something, it means that killers have gotten more kills lately. And most games don't end in a draw, most games either end in a 3K or 4K or a 3E or 4E, with a big emphasis on the kills over escapes. Very few games are so on the verge that they could swing both ways and end in an actual 2K/2E. Its true that most of this games are SWEATY AF, but killers are still in a pretty good spot, overall. There is still lots to complain about and I am with you there, but this math ain't something to complain about. Lets not go down that road, lest the others won't take our complaints serious anymore.

    What I really hate though is that +10s hook time. That one was a real mistake, I reckon, and we are now feeling the change taking full effect: so many complaints about slugging and killers who never hook. People can talk all they want about "hur dur a survivor who is hanging isn't doing gens.Thats good for you", getting unhooked powers many powerful perks and the extra 10s equals just that much more pressure and time that the other survivors can sit on the their gens. For the first time in DBDs history its more detrimental for the killer to not hook survivors and just slug them, and thats doing no one a favor.

    BHVR really needs to sweeten the deal of hooking for killers; with all this base BT/anti-camp we could need some basekit debuffs das keep on stacking the more hooks the killer gets without killing anyone. If everyone got hit with a Pentimento or Gift of Pain sized gen-speed debuff if the killer didn't kill anyone off, then it could work, but right now its absolutely not in the killers favor to not ping pong between two survivors and kill them off asap.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,636
    edited 9:48AM

    LMAO i must play devil's advocate here: most of the perks that killers have were nerfed to the ground (the most useful ones at least)… to name some of them: pop, ruin, PR, overcharge, thanatophobia… i could continue for ages, but you get the idea…