And yes, I'm talking about HARD tunneling.
It's been YEARS and there is no preventative for this?
You want to do built in moris, you can do built in decisive strike.
Make it make sense.
Why make Decisive built-in if it's a perk already? High MMR games are always sweaty, do yourself a favor and don't take the game too seriously, killers play like that at high MMR for a reason, they go against similiar sweatfests too. High MMR is a sweatfest. And it's normal, since the best performing players are there.
14 -
Do you have any evidence to support this?
Cause with all the experiments that have been done recently by established members of the DBD community, and non established members personal accounts, statistically real tunneling only happens about 1/20 games, and that's on a bad day. What's likely going on, and what it almost always is, is that you were tunneled once or twice, and it just stuck with you for longer. The bad experiences weigh harder than the good ones.
If what you're saying is actually true and not the exaggeration I suspect it to be, and this isn't a consistent across the board, as well as all the experimentation that has been done, and data collected, perhaps it's time to look at doing some self reflection, and also look at the state of the game from a killer standpoint.
Also, comparing built in CYPRESS MORI'S that can only be used when there's only one survivor left to a build in DS is insanely laughable.
13 -
I don't know where you see connection between mori of the LAST survivor and tunneling, but I can tell you exactly where there is a connection between the fact that I usually do not tunnel and then regret about it. Survivors should start at least respect these killers who throwing the game just to see "ez loser" or something like this in the chat.
31 -
Tunneling is part of the game like or not. It might not be according to "survivor rulebook" but not everyone plays the game according to how survivors want them to play. There are counters to it, just have to use the right perks and if it's happening as often as you say it is then you should know to go into the match equipped and prepared for it.
6 -
So you're b$-+ hurt because you ran into one swf troll team? Like I've said so many times... Killer mains are a sensitive group that just won't be happy till they can roll every team in dbd
7 -
So is self unhook. (Mods...not suggesting it just merely pointing out that not everything that's game play is sportsman like)
0 -
Why aren't you using all the anti-camp+tunnel mechanics?
Here is something helpful:
Also, there is absolutely nothing in common between having the ability to mori the last remaining survivor and giving an anti-tunnel perk like DS base-kit. That's not even close.
4 -
Why does my build have to surround the tunneling but they get to play however the want and use whatever perks they want AND they still nerf my general game play like smaller loops and closer hooks?
11 -
If it's that much of a problem, build against it. That's seem pretty straightforward.
I don't mind being tunneled myself. My builds are mostly about dropping a chase and I get out often enough.
And when I play killer, sometimes I tunnel (why is unimportant) and survivors with anti-tunnel perks are a pain to handle.
So, use the tools available, or don't. It's your choice.
5 -
I have noticed an uptick in this as well. Unfortunately, depending on the strength of the killer and survivor being chased, oftentimes altruistic measures to prevent tunneling are game losing compared to sitting on gens.
Babysitter, Reassurance, For The People, Syringes and Sabo builds are options to try to counter it.
0 -
Do you mean how we can build against aura reading but then they nerf Distortion?
Survivors get NOTHING. They nerfed Decisive Strike :D
11 -
Exaggeration doesn't help your argument.
Moving on.
6 -
Denial doesn't help yours.
9 -
Why do killer builds on any killer that isn't in the top 5 killers have to revolve around countering annoying things survivors have/do, such as exhaustion, or splitting on gens instead of running the chase perks they want to run because they are more interactive, but can't run them because predropping renders almost all of them nearly useless?
7 -
I usually don't even waste my time on replies like these, but I will try this time, because I'm in mood to maybe put in your head something except hate and biases.
Firstly, I can't tell for these killer mains, generalizing based on your beliefs/biases also doesn't make you look smarter, but in last two months I have nearly 80% of my matches on survivors.
Secondly, I would be insanely glad if it was "one swf team" (and they were duo and two solos btw). I see it almost every second match on both sides, if survivors made it to gates/hatch. And If I play killer, I usually ask them why they do this, because, you know, I played as they want (maybe 30-40% of my killer matches are 8 hooks with 4 survivors alive), wasn't rude or toxic, but almost always I get answers like "it's not that deep, it's just the game". Well, this logic of course doesn't apply on tunneling, slugging and other things survivors don't like.
Few days ago I had a game against baby Wraith, who got only 1 hook in endgame and 0 kills. And Renato did nothing but trying to bring his attention to the exit gates just to press his crtl as fast as he can. Team literally destroyed new player, but this Renato somehow still have strong desire to bm killer. And I'm tired to ask killers to not put too much attention to these losers and don't lose faith into humanity and dbd community, because it's hard to stay calm, when you try to play chill and see this behavior almost every match.
I know, for most survivors it's really hard to think one step forward, but this behavior is literally what produce even more tunneling. So people who ask to reduce tunneling and still act themselves like this should just finally accept they want not to killer play "fair", they just want to feel this sore winner feeling more often, mock more people and to amuse at least something of this loud and miserable child inside.
And it's not about sensitivity. If you ask something that you won't respect, why someone should respect your ask then?4 -
What a lengthy response when your whole purpose was to do the exact same thing they did to you, to me on my post.
I would be so glad if it was just 1 killer that was tunneling but it's impossible to play without a full swf so why would we?
Maybe you should take your own advice here lol
1 -
Sames been happening in event mode all day. Last 10 games all are hard tunnel for no one getting points at end but killer getting 30-40k for the tunnel.
4 -
If the tunnelling is getting bad you're just going to have to run the perk itself, mori being basekit doesn't give killers a huge advantage like what base ds would, yes it's been nerfed but still usable.
6 -
Only if DS wasn't behind a paywall for newer people.
8 -
Well, there is a reason I never remove DS from my build.
4 -
Not sure I've escaped in the past 40ish games in event over the last 2 days cause of the sweat. I know I'm not playing optimally by doing 1-2 gens then kicking pumpkins but its an even mode. Its supposed to not be full sweat and tryhards that need the game to end in 5 minutes in a 4k with no points.
1 -
You’re right, they need to make decisive strike and off the record free perks that don’t require unlocking characters.
0 -
From my experience it's like every single match... Survivors attitude is horrendous regardless of if they win or lose. So ye, tunnel em out and give them something to have a bad attitude about if they will be toxic anyway
3 -
LOL survivors deserve basekit decisive strike because killers can mori the last survivor (who they already downed, by the way) instead of hooking them? OK 🤣
5 -
- Last less than 30s in chase
- Have a highly inefficient team that doesn't touch gens even when you last long in the chase
- Have players massively refuse to learn counterplay to tunneling and rather decide to give up every time they see a killer tunneling
- surprised pikachu face when killers are tunneling because survivors make it look like meta strategy
11 -
Blood Rush and Sprint Burst has saved me so many times from tunneling, give it a try.
6 -
with Bloodrush, SB, & OTR you don't even have to loop. just double SB and u still got OTR if they manage to catch up. I understand that most players want basekit solutions like how they did for 3genning and camping. G
3 -
Very relatable. I've had people be rude to me in post-chat, when I obviously let them all go. I had hooked evevrybody twice and downed 3, but I let the 4th revive them, only to unironically get: "ez scrub, git gud, l2p".
It has gradually made me lean towards "Victims deserve no mercy", but I still can't help but to let a few teams go sometimes.
4 -
I wouldn't say every swf, but at least many swfs that throw you on eyrie with insane toolboxes or 3-4 flashlights. Fact is that you should use what you can xD
5 -
Nah that's vile.
Survivors should be very glad if they get a killer that 8-hooks before killing and doesn't tunnel. Not... whatever these ones were doing.
9 -
You know that you're actually onto something here?
If DS is a perk you have to run if you want to not get tunneled, it shouldn't be a paid one.
1 -
it's funny how it's always gonna be "i shouldn't have to run a perk hidden behind the paywall" (you had it so many times in shrine +you don't necessarily even have to run anti-tunneling perks to counter tunneling) but then there will always be money ready to be smacked out of wallets for Sable skins, rift passes and various cosmetics in general
6 -
I spoke for myself, as someone who only bought the base game + Halloween DLC.
I do not give a damn about cosmetics and won't spend a cent on them. Same with the rift. And also, Shrine can come with good perks/perks you want, bit the chance is getting smaller with every single patch, which is a problem for another discussion.
1 -
Hooked the first survivor — Then hooked 2 different survivors — Went for the first survivor again — First survivor calling killer a tunneler
When I was called a "tunneler" in the end-game chat - I asked the person: "Wait, what? Who did I tunnel?" — they just instantly left the lobby. :D
You need a hard evidence of that, since so many killer players being accused of tunneling when they're not. :D
9 -
I don’t think many people actually wanted base kit mori’s to be fair.
0 -
Why should you get free anti tunnel when you can just run anti tunnel perks?
Would be the same as people saying: I get blinded at least once a match so give me free lightborn or I cant find a palett so devs give me free WoO.
If tunneling is such a huge problem for you and you have tools against it then use them instead of expecting to get build in meta perks.
Same argument all the killers have with genspeed. Everyone demanding free reduction while there are like 10 perks for that.
2 -
You get free tunneling and camping and don’t need perks to access those features. No difference in survivors receiving the counter play for free tbh.
4 -
So true. Recently had match, where two survivors left, I downed one of them. I saw scratch marks in ~20 meters away, but was like "eh, whatever, she can have hatch, if lucky enough". I hooked first person (last hook), went afk on a minute, came back and see match is still going. Went for search, and you won't believe... Yeah, Kate tb-ing on a hatch for almost two minutes.
I'm like 200% sure that in the next match she was slugged for 4K and she came here to cry about it after, lol. These players always want politeness to them, but they also spit into your face as soon as you are polite with them.
7 -
You say that like if it was a crime. Tunneling is a perfectly acceptable tactic.
There are weapons against it, efficient ones.
I only do it rarely myself but only because I don't find it very efficient.
4 -
This is every killer's excuse. I wish people realized dbd as a heirarchy means that the company wants money, the best way to advertise these days is streamers, streamers play killer, streamers demolish most teams, in their wake is a very very unsatisfied survivor playerbase.
BHVR is a corrupt company that uses its own buyers as cannon fodder.
1 -
You have access to their purchase history so you can see how each person is spending their money?
1 -
Also, don't ever go by what this forum community says. They're all streamers, company men, plants, developers etc...
They don't care about their players. Never have, never will.
0 -
It's been 8 ish years and they still haven't fixed tunneling. Bubba hook camping existed for yeeeears. It still does 80% of the way. They DO NOT CARE.
They want to sell copies, characters, and cosmetics. That's their goal and it ALWAYS has been.
It benefits them to let killer streamers be OP. Kids watch, go buy Dracula, run the example builds shown, win, rinse repeat.
It is not in their interest to care about you. They obviously don't, don't plan on it ever, and consider you cannon fodder for the gears of their machine.
0 -
You're being too dramatic. Decisive exists as a perk to help with tunneling. So does Off The Record.
5 -
that is not what was said?
They said being able to mori the last survivor is not comparable to DS on every survivor basekit.
they should do something about tunneling but not DS. Maybe have endurance or a something else.0 -
How are moris and free DS the same thing?
4 -
What exactly is basekit mori supposed to do for the killer? It doesn't change anything.
If you want to "trade", then maybe try something killers actually want.2 -
DS, Babysitter, OTR, Bloodrush
Is it so hard to use perk against something you want help against? That's what they are for.
This just seems like killer complaining gens are finished too fast, while using no slowdown perk.4 -
What makes you think that's the only time? Or are you just playing dumb?
4 -
where do I sign up to be one of these?
Saying this because people disagree with you is like calling someone a facist because you can’t text while driving.