Hex: Wretched Fate
Hello, does anyone know if Hex: Wretched Fate can activate more than once?
It's description states: "When a generator is completed, Hex: Wretched Fate activates and lights a random Dull Totem."
This description makes it sound like it can activate multiple times but only being able to have 1 Totem at a time.. but I've heard from streamers that this Perk only activates once after the first gen and then never again, even if cleansed. Is that true?
I've never played with the Perk, would be interesting to know. Thanks!
Best Answer
No, I also thought it would activate everytime survivors completes a gen, but it is just the first. So once it is cleansed it is gone. When I discovered this I thought "oh, this perk is actually thrash".
Well, thanks for clarifying. I'm currently working on a list of Perk buffs/nerfs/changes/reworks.. that's why I have so many Perk questions haha
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Thankfully no, it activates once per trial. It would be too oppressive if it activated after every completed gen. Paired with perks like Pentimento it could reduce repair speed by almost 50%, making gens take 180 seconds to complete again.
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Yeah, to be honest, if I were to change it, I would just make it activate on every gen. It just makes sense, specially since it only applies to the obsession and the totem aura is revealed. In the current state of the perk, it is worthless.
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I would revork it completely. It's just bad without Pentimento and unhealthy with it.
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Hey now…What did Penti + Hex: WF + Thanataphobia ever do to anyone? It requires so much work to setup for just a chance of a scaling ~70% debuff on 1 poor unfortuante surv😂 . Pure Dopamine rush tho whenever it goes off…
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It should but it doesn't. Wow, another high roll hex perk, right? Completely useless, or wins you the whole game off pure luck.
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It's a pretty bad perk in its current form as it only affects one survivor and only once. The issue if they were to make it activate again on any gen completion is that it would basically never be worth the time to cleanse it, given that it will activate again if you do - you would be spending vastly more time running around the map searching and cleansing Hexes than the additional repair time it would cause were you to simply stick to gens instead. It would be a "noob trap", and also another perk that disproportionally affects solo survivors as they can't coordinate to leave it up.
A better alternative would be to make it so it activates on any gen completion (even if another Hex associated with Wretched Fate is already active, but of course only if there's a dull totem available), curses a random survivor that is not already cursed, but only causes a 20% repair speed debuff.
While a really strong perk, I think it would be balanced due to the activation condition of gens having to be completed. For one thing that means it would only have come into full effect in matches where at least 4 gens had actually been completed. And for another, in the time it takes survivors to repair any gen to completion, other gens will usually of course also have gotten progress put into them, unaffected by Wretched.
(Only the combo with Pentimento could then really be cause for concern, and might warrant an adjustment or another.)
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this is why I haven’t bought the DLC, all of Dracula’s perks seem either useless or just too situational