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What is a tryhard?

I don't get it. I read it everywhere, especially in competetive games. I suggest, tryhard means "play to win". Who does not want to win? That's the reason to play competitively.


  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited August 2021

    Someone who's good at the game or better than you. You can't be either of those things without being sweaty, according to the loser anyway. To others, it's you used a certain killer, or you used certain perks, or you're SWF. Pick any one of a dozen other things they don't like to justify losing.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I never understood the "tryhard" meaning. I like to play to do my best, to learn, to improve. Am I a tryhard for it? I don't mind if I lose. But the fun for me is when I can see how far I improved, how close it was between me and the opponent...

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I hear streamers say it all the time. I guess a "tryhard" is anyone other than them who plays the game.

  • Machini5t
    Machini5t Member Posts: 20

    Folks that call you a "tryhard" are attempting to insult you. You've been making effort to get a kill or survive a match but failed and the person is adding an insult to injury.

    If you are a "tryhard" then be proud of it. At the least, you are trying to improve and not simply disconnecting mid-game, or crying over losing a match when you gave your current best effort.

    Wear the tag as a badge of Honor.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It means you played to win and succeeded (i.e.: won), while the other person played to win and failed (i.e.: lost).

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,265

    In another game 2 people called me "Try hard" "Trying so hard". my character level was higher so they probably thought i was trying to show off.

    In DBD try hard is someone who is trying to survive / kill in any way just to win that game.

    If they have a chance to let one go or give up on the game, they will not let it happen and they will try until the end.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    In this game?

    Survivors who don't know each other irl and only ever play together in this game as a 4 man swf using coms to its full potential.

    Killer. People that live on nurse and spirit and only ever use the strongest addons for them while slugging and camping at 5 gens before anything has even been done.

  • Dhurl421
    Dhurl421 Member Posts: 154

    A term used for players who used the best equipment / perks and played well and won...usually used by people who think they deserve better because they don't use the meta.

    Doesn't have any actual meaning. Just comes from salt.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    I think when people say 'Tryhard', many seem to say it to try and insult their opponent for winning in a 'sweaty' way. However, I'd argue that there is some legitimatcy to the term when used in a different context. When I think of a Tryhard, I think of a person who uses EVERY possible means to win. That includes using a strong killer or a strong item with the best add-ons and the best perks. They'd likely also use a map offering to further increase their odds of winning. An example of this could be a swf who burns an offering for Haddonfield and brings loadouts especially to abuse that as much as possible.

    9 times out of 10 though, 'Tryhard' is just used as a petty insult because someone lost fair and square but are upset about it.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,343

    Personally I reserve it for someone who plays in a manner that might be competitive, but their mindset is far from it. They don't want to be tested, they don't want to improve, they just want to steamroll 24/7 and when things don't go their way they throw a tantrum. Scrub BS like the classic "You didn't win the right way so it doesn't count" and "I can try as hard as I want, but if you do the same you're a sad no-life" is common.

    But I'm well aware that's way more complicated than what it means in 99% of the times words like tryhard/sweat get used. Most of the time it's just a lighter version of the classic "you're a no-life virgin in your mom's basement!" stuff, which is just a cope of the "I can't beat you in game, but I beat you in real life" flavor.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,776

    A tournament level Nurse using Corrupt, Ruin, Undying and Pop while also slugging for the 4k against randoms every single match. That's pretty tryhard.

    The same can be said with 4-man SWF swat squads who bring 4 brand new parts and just leave everyone to die so they can get out quicker.

    With those kind of groups it's like pitting a professional athlete against some random people on the street and they go all out with no mercy. That's some true tryhard sweatlords right there.

    Almost everything else is just standard people wanting to win or have fun or things like that. Of course people are going to try their best and there's nothing wrong with that on both sides.

    Does it suck when you're a casual just messing around? Yeah, it does but this isn't family game night on Mario Party and expecting people to take it easy if something goes wrong is just going end with disappointment.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    If someone is better than you, it is because they are a no-life try hard.

    But if you're better than someone, they are just a noob (it doesn't make you a try hard).

    The unwritten rules of multiplayer gaming.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I do those things as survivor. :(

    But yeah, I don’t expect my opponent to go easy on me in either role tbh. I expect survivors to “tryhard” and I expect killers to “tryhard”. If someone shows me mercy I appreciate it, but I don’t feel entitled to it.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    Oh, it's actually pretty simple-

    If when you play as killer, you bring any perks or add-ons, you are a tryhard.

    As survivor, if you bring any perks or items, you a tryhard.

    And you're super sweaty if you win. Hope this helps!

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 855

    A no-lifer who sweats balls to win at a party game, usually at the expense of everyone else's fun.

  • SoundBody
    SoundBody Member Posts: 1

    I'll answer to the best of my knowledge.

    It seems as though most people in the comments take the term literally. It doesn't just mean you try hard to win at something.

    It's when someone is losing and there should be a clear winner, and then when they're 1% away from losing they try so hard and somehow win when they most definitely shoyld have lost. It's when they have no skill and then the moment they start losing they somehow immediately start sweating like crazy and gain a thousand skills.

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 460
    edited October 2024

    Tryhard is a much older term for being a sweat in a game. from the late 90's and early 2000's.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,081

    To me, someone who plays not just to win (everyone wants to win, of course), but as if their very life and honor and family name depend on efficiently winning every match.

    As opposed to someone who balances winning and having fun (i.e. not treating it like a job in which your pay and job security are metrics based, and optimum performance is everything).

    DBD is such a messy, imbalanced game that treating so seriously is just kind of silly.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,265

    When I was a kid playing CoD 4, tryhard specifically meant playing full on meta while also thinking you're so good for doing so.

    There is nothing wrong with trying hard. Or meta. The thing is, anybody can do that. So using meta AND flaming the other side when they are using off meta made you a tryhard.

    In CoD us Vets were all 10th prestige so we had the space for meta builds like noobtubes in case you busted out yours and decided you felt the need to BM. that's when the spawn camping and tunneling until you quit happened.

    In dbd terms.... sweating for 4k as Nurse is not tryhard. Its when you sweat for 4k as Nurse and you hump everybody until bleedout.

    I feel there once was nuance for the term but it really means nothing now.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,609
    edited October 2024

    Isn't this thread from over three years ago? Could we define a tryhard as someone who resurrects a three year old thread?

    Arise my pretty