Killers its time

Put that lightborn on so we dont have to be put in a lose lose situation cause flashbang is back
Just fix the damn sounds already...
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It is time to once again to bask in the glory of our Lord and Savior Lightborn 🫲😎🫱
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I've been using Lightborn for years. I never take it off.
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Never leave home without it
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Hope one day it gets the distortion treatment and only have 4 tokens one perk should not be robbing survivors to protect themselves or save a teammate since people claim distortion makes people selfish and should be working as a team, lightborn is taking away that from survivors to play as a team ty god blast mine still has stun at least which flashbang should do as well since that is what it does in re games.
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I agree. Please put it on. Never let it go. Killers with only 3 perks is always welcome :)
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Hopefully when flashbang gets nerfed
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If not, I'd settle for a Background Player nerf.
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One step ahead of you. I didn't take it off either way.
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Flashbang requires to work on a gen and waste time making one in a locker, lightborn requires nothing so thats why flashbang cant be nerfed and if so well then flashights need to be buffed back.
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Actually you know what your right. Also blast mine with OOO vs a lightborn user is funny try it and you will see why. Yeah I actually want them to run it all the time, gives me a big advantage ohohohoho.
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And then Generators start flying because they realize they can't make Flashbangs anymore.
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With camping, hard tunneling, slugging and noed...who needs 4 perks? 😁
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If you're chasing me, you're gonna need 0 perks. Just.. for the record lol. Im the 'intended' reason for WoO. But I hate all the yellow constantly in my face. Ugh, it's atrocious. Especially on The Game.
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and the dropping inside the killer, blinds against walls shouldn't be possible xD
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honestly kinda fair. But there should be a way to renew the tokens, like kick gens so many gens or whatnot
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Or skill
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Reject Lightborn and embrace Forced Hesitation×Infectious Fright
It's fun to allow survivors to "try"
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I see you have prepped your acolytes and read the sermon to your Lord!
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It's dangerous to go alone! Take this:
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”Riseeee like the sun”☀️ 🤣🤣🤣
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The difference there is that survivors have 16 perks, and killers have 4. If the killer takes 1 perk, it should nullify something that survivors can bring because they have vastly more things they can bring.
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I rather my Knock Out and always slugging
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I agree it needs a slight change. In my opinion, it shouldn't provide as much for free, and isn't that what killer mains are always shouting about here? I'm not saying to eliminate the perk, but it should be earned rather than given away for free. Using tokens would be an effective approach (imho).
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Killers have 8 perks, their two add ons and their power which can totally negate those so called 16 perks easily.
But yeah ofc is completely fine to totally negate one of the few defenses of survivor yet its not ok when survivors use something to stop being seeing 24/7 cool.
Please show me 16 perks on a match and I mean 4 different perks from each survivor cause which means if 2 people are using woo that does not count as part of the 16. Cause I lol everytime someone tries this fictional 16 perks.
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Killers have more than 4 perks and survivors don't have 4 perks because some perks don't count as perks.
That totally makes sense.
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Yes it does because in a 1 on 1 situation where its 1 survivor vs a killer via chase=the survivor only has 4 perks to use some of which aint even able to be used right away or cant even help in the situation vs the killer with their 4 perks+2 adds on and power. Oh and m1 so that is 4 perks vs 9 perks.
Post edited by buggybug on3 -
Exactly but you know in killer rule books for survivors we cant have free stuff, but they are to.
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You're counting the M1 as a perk too? That's hilarious. Okay, if M1 is a perk, then the entire WASD counts and so does the sprint button and also pallets and vaults count as perks for survivors, and they all get them, so survivors get 11 perks each.
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Oh I see.
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But survivors do have free stuff. It's not like we don't. Botany, Unbreakable (faster recovery), Tenacity, Empathy, Bond, Windows of Opportunity, Self Care, Boil Over. Those perks are just always on.
Both sides complain about everything. Survivors complain about killers getting info for free from their perks, killers complain about survivors getting free stuff from their perks. Lightborn saves me the headache of smashing my console with a hammer when for the millionth time countering a blind fails because of the latency or input lag or insufficient sensitivity or whatever it is that makes console killers so easy to blind. Maybe PC can afford to have it nerfed, but leave console alone, we have enough problems in this game.
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You forgot about the greatest 5th perk of all that no one ever brings up.... Superior looping, it negates tunneling and not so much slugging and camping though cause after 3 gens pop they're def face camping you lol.
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Flashbang just needs to not work with locker saves, same as flashlights.
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Oh no, Flashbang requires........ doing gens? The main objective that survivors have to do every game anyway?
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Who needs skill when there's camping, tunneling and slugging? Lol
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Went against a TTV SWF bullysquad running flashbangs, flashlights, and Exponential. Every pick-up was an unwinnable situation because I didn't have Lightborn.
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Staple it into your 4th perk slot and never look back. :)
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The one thing they need to fix is being flash-banged through the wall.
That's a very disagreeable exploit.
When it happens, it tends to annoy me enough to four slug.
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Meh. I would rather let them their occasional save with them and use a good Perk instead. Survivors wasting their time trying to get Flashbang/Flashlight-Saves are way better than Survivors who stick to Gens once they realize that you have Lightborn.
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Keep your chin up, @buggybug your crusade for survivors isn't going unnoticed. The Entity finds you… pleasing. Continue! Continue and know you are among friends, except those that aren't! Avoid those! < 3
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Yeah i'm thinking of putting lightborn on after todays matches. So many flashlights and blast mines my eyes were shot after 1 hour of playing.
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Is the Chucky perk where 'if you blind/stun, you are also blind' any good?
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We gotta stick together and power through this in memories of dear swfs who moved on to better.☺️
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SWFS can burn for all I care. I solo'Q and Trapper, thats about it. I can't find people to make a decent SWF with, save for one.
But your passion is amazing. Keep at it!
"Duo, a SWF, does not make.' ~Yoda'cious