Subconscious drive for the win?

I usually play the game in total silence with a very good headset accurate enough to let me hear a survivor breathing.
But today I was only doing the rift for the event so I wasn't playing seriously. I was on Discord speaking with friends while playing as killer. After all, getting only five pallets or a few hooks is easier than winning a game.
For my last few matches of the night, I took Huntress just to aimlessly throw a few hatchets. I didn't even plan to get the golden medals for the rift. The discussion was still going on and I had muted the game. The map was RPD.
On Discord I was explaining some technical issue and how I solved it and wasn't paying attention to the game at all.
After a couple of minutes (maybe a bit more) I landed back on Earth and I realized I had already killed two survivors with 3 gens left.
I have no idea how I did it.
Later in the chat one survivor commented on my good mind games and looping.
Mind? My mind wasn't there at all.
The only thing that I can imagine is that maybe my subconscious mind was playing for me while I was otherwise occupied.
Has it ever happened to you?
probably your muscle memory and instincts kicked in which has mind games baked in - good stuff :)
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Could you say — killer instinct?
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touché! lol
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Overthinking can cause reaction times to slow down and Analysis paralysis, its definitely more common in other games and i experience it too sometimes, especially when time is limited, its called Kotov syndrome, its something you can exploit.
For example its a very common strategy in R6 Siege to try to run down the timer of the round using operators like Smoke, Goyo etc. and its often done against teams that take their time to set themselves up or try to bait out the defenders, leading them to do something stupid out of the sheer pressure you build by mostly just waiting for the clock to run down.
When i play For Honor when im trying to hard to read an opponent, i overthink the options the enemy have and my reactions to it, leading me to die pretty quickly sometimes. Sometimes i just take a deep breath, a big shot of gin, calm down, play more with instinct and kick my opponents ass as quickly as i died last round.
When i play Warhammer 40k i sometimes stop thinking, do something that might even be stupid at first glance for a round and then work with it next round, it works wonders sometimes.
Post edited by GroßusSchmiedus on1 -
Its called alpha state. It happens when you do repetitive tasks over long periods of time. A good example is when driving a car and sometimes your brain completely switches off and 10 mins later you come to and realise you've been driving and can't really remember the last 10 minutes of driving. Apparently we do it automatically for approximately 10 minutes out of every hour in a waken state. It's basically our brain going into auto pilot to rest. We would also apparently go mad if it didn't happen, not sure why though. Oddly my brother has schizophrenia and I was explaining alpha state one day and he says he's never experienced it.
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u might just be him.
or her
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I know that too, I can play huntress much better if I not think about my shots and just flick in autopilot. Also I'm sometimes playing better while being sick compared to normally even tho I'm not fully there xD
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I think we can say OP was made for this!
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Maybe, but if it's so it's the first time it happens to me in this game.
lol 😅
I had something similar about 25 years ago on DooM. Well, all my group of players had it. Sometimes while turning too fast to really see anything our finger was pressing fire without any thought process. And most often than not it was a hit.
But DooM was a much simpler game than this and we all had way above 10k hours on it. (I have about 4k in DbD)
It makes sense. It's true that I when I drive my mind goes to think about various thing and I only notice the road at key points.
I'll look up "alpha state", thanks.
I'm sorry I don't understand.
I'll experiment more with her, and maybe also with my main. But I would be really surprised if I could also do it with Nurse.
I'm not sure it'd be a very … marketable … perk. 😅
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Alternate take: you’ve done nothing extraordinary. The experience you’ve shared merely demonstrates that game favors your preferred role so much that you can play on autopilot and still cheese a win.
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Girl you are so salty.
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Y'know I'd usually play this off as a joke or call BS, but as a person whose been playing FPS games for almost 2 decades, I've been playing Deathslinger tonight just for something new and god damn I'm just sniping people from max range. Maybe there is some truth to it.
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Yes. Almost every time I was working and couldn't use headphones. Try playing without headphones at all. You'd be surprised at how long a streak you can get.