Does anyone remember the old sadako like when she first came out and how powerful she was

theonryo123 Member Posts: 163
edited October 2024 in General Discussions

I remember old sadako’s ring drawing use to be really broken because i remember sadako mains even myself use to slug using knockout and ring drawing addon to force survivors to get condemned. Also the other addon which is irridecent videotape where each time she hits a survivor every 3 powered tv that is turned off will automatically turn on after they are hit and sadako mains use to spam the tp button which causes survivors to panic and get condemned so quickly.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited October 2024

    i think current sadako is worse then release sadako. I don't want to say she is F-tier but like… anyway, i rather not go into it.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    I kinda liked her during the intermediate rework area, when you could go on full on teleporter frenzies and actually get kills with condemn, without playing 3d-chess with survivors, but I also understood that she didn't really fit the game with that playstyle. Still, I think it was a cool diversion from the normal loop and think that they should have tweaked that version a bit, instead of backing down to the release-like version we got now.

    I think its kinda sad that a lot of killers aren't as plug and play, like the original ones and the first batch. With Trapper or Wraith or Billy you can just start doing something, use their power and here and there, understand what goes on and get better and sometimes (but not with Trapper) have a good time, but with some of the newer killers, you REALLY have to sink time into them to learn their kit and understand their ins and outs, to get to the juicy parts, and THEN they shine, but before you get there they are pretty lackluster and kinda low-tier.

    Release Sadako was strong with the one-pump-willy playstyle, ie Ring Drawing and slugging and thus spreading condemned, but that was VERY specific and you really needed to learn how to do that properly, she really was far from plug and play and was held back by many of her mechanics. And today I am not even sure where she sits, tbh. She is such an iconic character and I would love her to be cool and different, but it feels like her comdemn and tape mechanic are still somewhat undercooked and I guess we wont see a real good version of her anymore.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited October 2024

    Release Sadako was strong with the one-pump-willy playstyle, ie Ring Drawing and slugging and thus spreading condemned, but that was VERY specific and you really needed to learn how to do that properly, she really was far from plug and play and was held back by many of her mechanics. And today I am not even sure where she sits, tbh. She is such an iconic character and I would love her to be cool and different, but it feels like her comdemn and tape mechanic are still somewhat undercooked and I guess we wont see a real good version of her anymore.

    i like when killer are not plug and play because it gives me a new experience to learn as killer. what i have noticed over years with plug and play killers is that they often play the same under same coat of paint. as result, you don't need learn anything new to play them and there often isn't point in playing different B because the killer is either worse or better then version A of same killer. I mean if we keep begging BVHR to make a good version of her, maybe one day they'll cave in and do something positive for killer.

  • legiondoctor
    legiondoctor Member Posts: 223

    She went from weak to weak to weak

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,394

    I liked Old Sadako. Powerful? No. Weak? No…Ring drawing was great! Getting condemn upon a pickup when someone was slugged was a great change. New Ring Drawing now. Trash. I wouldnt say you could build up condemn fast with that iri addon since it was only 1 tv at a time and it only applied to the tv, but was it slow? No. Just took patience.

    I miss old Sadako. I miss the video tapes and how they use to function most of all.

  • NickMilian
    NickMilian Member Posts: 115

    I feel like they just kinda gave up on her after her last update, despite there being lots of great suggestions and feedback to improve her from sadako players in the ptb feedback post. Also, the fact that her demanifest bug still exists since that ptb is pretty much confirmation of that.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,928

    Wasn't her release version so hilariously bad that people had to develop a brand new slug-heavy playstyle just to make her work?

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960
    edited October 2024

    Not true. It was quite effective even against really good players. She wasn't unbeatable but more than the biggest part of the playerbase could handle.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 857

    Oh yes I miss the first onryu, it was fun being able to stun her even if she is demanifested, am not sure why they buff it that you cant pallet her no more when she is, its so annoying its literally granting her a free hit. But at least right now she is in a fair spot of fun again even though its more annoying to travel north to south to stick tapes in since remote control became base kit.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,771
    edited October 2024

    I loved old Sadako. It’s so sad what she has become through the reworks. Even when playing her without condemned she was a lot better back then, the tp was so good and she was so much more fun to play as and against. Survivors have so much handholding against her now. I wished they just improved her first version! That she isn’t on the roadmap is just sad. Hopefully the invisibility bug gets fixed soon.

  • StalkingYou
    StalkingYou Member Posts: 234

    gotta disagree: she was trash against good players, evident as when onepumpwillie went against an actual good team and got annihilated (even on midwich, a great map for her).

  • StalkingYou
    StalkingYou Member Posts: 234

    her tp was better back then? lol it had a 100 second cooldown im curious as to why ya think it was better

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Which was the version where you could near constantly spawn inflict condemn stacks on all survivors then mori them with 0 hooks after approximately 60 seconds?

  • TheSingularity
    TheSingularity Member Posts: 622
    edited October 2024

    Her first rework made every game a predictable snooze fest. No chase whatsoever. Spam teleport half a dozen times every two minutes. 9/10 times there's always one survivor who never picks up a tape and dies at 3 or 4 gens.

  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 345

    That was horrific to play against in solo queue. Do not miss that at all.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,394

    They also changed ring drawing so it wasn't an issue anymore.

  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 345

    The rare times I actually play a game against her, there is always one or two survivors that just seem to ignore the video tapes and condemned system and die needlessly.

    Whenever I play killer, I seem to play against players that are either obviously playing together or individuals that know ever safe loop and evasion tactic specific to whatever killer I am. I guess at present she basically has very little chance against these types of players but casual survivors that don't really know what's happening get absolutely stomped?

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    He also had a 200+ win streak on her iirc. Old Sadako was definitely not trash.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,394

    If they kept today's buffs but reverted her old condemn mechanics, I would be happy, including tapes. In no way should we go back to 100 second cooldowns. The 30 second cooldown is already too long for her as well at the start of the trial.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,661

    Version 2.0.

    The version that I and many players here actively fought against.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,771

    No TV auras and TVs stayed on. Right now her TVs are constantly turned off and if they aren’t, there is no survivor near the TV or they prerun half an hour ago in the opposite direction, because they see the Tv auras through walls.

    Sure her cooldown was long, but at least I was able to use the tp effectively in chase and to get close to survivors.

  • NickMilian
    NickMilian Member Posts: 115

    I’d like to see them keeping the QoL changes they a made to her last time around while helping her chase out - I think it would be cool if they allowed her to telepathically break pallets (like the anniversary offering) while making Reiko’s Watch & Old Newspaper basekit. I know we’ve often spoke about her being able to phase through dropped pallets and breakable walls too. I wouldn’t even mind if they toned down her condemned play style to allow this to 0.5 stacks per TP for a shorter tv cool-down.

    Lore wise she’s one of, if not the strongest killers in the entity’s realm, it would be cool to see her play-style reflect that. She’s only really strong and viable against newer players or players that disregard her tapes ATM.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337
    edited October 2024

    Sadako was only good at slugging using a very specific build otherwise she has never really been good. She is pretty much comparable to old Freddy where old Freddy was only really good at just constantly slugging people back when you had to wake people up before you could pick them up.

    That being said neither are really good atm and I would like to see larger reworks on both - at least Freddy is confirmed. I've never really liked Sadako as a whole in the game but I admit I feel she was probably in a better state in her old form before the reworks. She just feels like she's a walking disaster for the balance team because if she gets buffed too much then she can just instant kill people and apply pressure and no one will be able to do anything so that's probably why she is always so weak. She is kind of fun to play but for me personally that's just because you can teleport and that's why I kind of like new Freddy a bit more than the original - mobility is always good / fun.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    Rose tinted glasses, my friends.

    There's a reason slugdako rised up and she was changed to begin with.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,263

    Ah yes, the Killer who:

    • Was a stealth Killer with a lullaby that gave away her position
    • Loudly announced her presence when leaving Demanifestation without any way of catching up afterwards
    • Had absolutely zero chase power
    • Had one of the most excessive cooldowns on her mobility power that had fixed locations she could move to
    • Had a secondary objective that was so non-threatening that most Survivors barely touched it
    • Had only one good build popularized by a YouTuber that was so mind-numbing to go against it put old Skull Merchant to shame (and believe me, I was partially on the receiving end of this playstyle BY THE PERSON WHO CREATED IT, with the screenshot for proof. The only difference was he was testing Nowhere to Hide since Knight just came out, it was still the same playstyle and probably the worst Survivor match I have ever had, before or since).

    Yeah, I remember how powerful she was. She was a laughing stock who had to utilize the most brainless, mind-numbing playstyle to be remotely usable. Her first rework was both much stronger and actually really unique compared to most other Killers. But Survivors refused to learn how she worked and the old players threw a fit that caused most of it to be reverted, leaving us with a Killer that is once again neither unique nor strong. I'm pretty sure the only reason I even get Condemn kills is because it's such a non-threat that people just forget to grab and return Tapes.

  • StalkingYou
    StalkingYou Member Posts: 234

    you can get a 200 winstreak with any killer mainly because most survivors are not good at the game. win streaks dont really prove that the killer is good, it just proves that the player is good. she was a mouse 1 killer with 100 sec teleport cooldown and was only somewhat decent with iridescent videotape. good players were able to easily counter that strategy.

  • StalkingYou
    StalkingYou Member Posts: 234

    pretty much… it was so beyond mind numbing. you had to do a cheese strategy which only worked against bad-somewhat decent teams and was just miserable. if you played her as intended she was complete trash.

    then came the global condemn version which was strong but boring too. and now there's this version which is weak but not as bad as OG sadako.

    they could've gone multiple different routes to make her what she always deserved to be: a killer who wasn't good at chasing survivors but had high map mobility and a secondary objective which occurred naturally when using said map mobility. I and other sadako players gave multiple different rework ideas which accomplished this and they ignored every single one.

  • StalkingYou
    StalkingYou Member Posts: 234

    you know I have to agree with this lol. the teleport itself was good (as in the action of teleporting, not the cooldown)

    there is absolutely no punishment for survivors to just go to tv and remove her power. none.

    the TV aura thing is so absurdly stupid too. if they wanted us to use the tvs in chase and to get the jump on survivors then why the hell is there an aura which screams "THIS IS WHERE IM GONNA COME OUT OF!"? TVs already made a sound so survivors could find them if they needed a tape, but the sound wasn't loud enough to the point where every survivor would know the coordinates of the tv you were coming out of if you were in a chase or if they were working on a gen.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960
    edited October 2024

    It proves that the killer can perform well. Consistently. I mean, you don't see anyone trying a win streak on Freddy at the moment, do you? And that would be pretty fun and impressive since he is considered to be one of, if not the weakest killer in the game.

    But I digress. Someone who is considered to be high MMR (and if he could beat Team Eternal, if only once, it's pretty safe to say that he is in high MMR) should go against survivors that are pretty good at the game as well. Not every single game but in 200+ games I find it hard to believe that he only faced potatoes.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,014

    I never wanted to try that strategy so she was trash to me. Condemned was simply irrelevant when you play for hooks, and more notably the TV cooldowns were far longer.

  • StalkingYou
    StalkingYou Member Posts: 234

    not saying he only faced potatoes, but that you can usually win as killer even against a good team if you try hard enough. you can win with trapper if you uber sweat against a good team. it doesn't really depend on the killer.

    I mained sadako since launch (2.5k+ hours) and could get high win streaks even without using that strategy. its not a good Strat and was countered by good swf with communication. if you ran her for a long time (not hard as shes an m1 killer) and did tapes then you could win pretty easily. it was shown on that midwich game.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    I do remember… and I don't miss it. Aside from the classic complaints about slugging, the condemn playstyle is also not about chasing at all, but rather a slow depletion of resources while holding gens with old buffed eruption (worst feeling in the world). So you won't really get chased unless in deadzone, will get slugged, and have to deal with sloppy/eruption/etc. The most "chase" you would get is 5 seconds of straight follow when she can make you drop a pallet, otherwise she leaves.

    Probably the least fun I've ever had aside from snooze merchant chess games.

    That said, I do feel for people who play her as she seems rather weak right now…