Why I Have Trouble Ranking Up As Killer

I just got matched with a group and 2 of them were red ranks and my rank is 13 for killer. I didn't get a single hook that game. If I went for the guy with the flashlight he would loop me if I went for someone else he would blind me. What was I to do? Pretty sure it was a swf team.
most likely it was a swf, that being said the whole rank/matchmaking system is pretty broken at the moment so don't expect things to get better anytime soon.
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Biased killers main logic - if they are good = swf , bad = solos. Just got outplayed = SWF!
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With their ranks it is likely, but yeah some people don’t think solo players can be good.
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I had 2 low ranks and 2 high ranks. That is why I thought it was a swf team. I remember 3 of them appeared simultaneous in the lobby before the match.
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@Ray_Penber I play solo and pretty often spawn at the campfire at the same time as the others.
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Can't play nurse because she sucks on ps4. Frame rate issues.
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So how come the different ranks. Why are more experienced survivors getting matched with low rank killers like me?
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Lets hope that its just lack of players of your rank currently in a game
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Matchmaking is weird rn and high ranks are getting paired with low ranks
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Prior to matchmaking issues of recent. Seeing 2 red ranks at rank 13 is damn near a guarantee its swf.....
Oh and OP. Consider it a blessing you don't want to rank. It is currently ridiculous trying to rank right now and I love it. Games that used to have me barely missing a double pip now have me black pipping. It won't last though. Survivors are going to cry when veteran killers start falling down the ranks. While the ones the remain at the high ranks have a way higher chance of actually belonging there. Unlike before where just playing a lot would get you ranked up. It will be reversed thogh.
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Yeah, I complained about the ranking a couple months back. It was ridiculous. Way too easy as a survivor. I was getting into the purple ranks on my way to red ranks when I was playing survivor. However, I would get totally stomped every match due to my lack of experience as a survivor. I never won a single match as a purple rank. I would always die. I complained to the devs I didn't want to be in the upper ranks where I get mowed down by every killer there. So I dc'ed back to the green ranks where I was comfortable. I won some and I lost some. At least it wasn't one sided though.
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Tell that to all survivors in the low ranks. Better yet. Lets just get rid of ranks entirely so everyone new or a veteran can play together. That way the newbies can get good while getting mowed down by veteran killers/survivors. Oh wait, it's because the devs wanted to separate the two so the newbies don't quit the game because of toxic try hard veterans. So therefore I shouldn't be put with people who have been playing for a year or two.
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In your case, the problem isn't about SWF. It's that you got matched with highrank survs as a rank 13 player.
I really hope that the devs are reworking the matchmaking.