Don’t worry to much about the finisher mori

I don’t think the sweating will last longer than a few days or a week. The 4k already gives you a bit of a bonus and people will get bored of seeing moris all the time.

So just wait a bit, and if you can’t stand it find another game for a bit. Or just play killer and mess around to even it out.


  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,395

    Just like how "if slowdown is made stronger they'll stop tunneling"? Hate to break it to you: that spectacularily backfired.

    at this point any amount of slugging for a mori is flat out bm and should be made impossible. I propose: if the last surv is slugged they automatically get hatch. At least that way they get compensation for being robbed of any agency for several minutes. If a killer wants a mori they gotta have to find the actually last survivor.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    Yeah people are crying about it like crazy and making up all sorts of lies about slugging increasing by 400% to try and get it removed. All of which isn't true at all. I see slugging in about 1 in every 15-20 games. It just doesn't happen. I brought Unbreakable yesterday and out of 40 matches only got to use it once.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 716

    I have seen a massive increase in tunneling and camping lately. There's a correlation between the time when the finisher mori came around and the number of matches where this happened to me. Matches have become much less fun.

    I've definitely seen people slug for the mori too, even been hit repeatedly on hook during a slug for 4k situation because the killer wanted me to let them have the mori as a prize for bypassing hatch. I think it's having a very negative impact so far.