Not looking forward for 2v8 return.

Because I'm sure it will screw up normal game queue times like before.
Since the first split up queues for normal and evt we realized that this game cannot handle this and 2v8 makes it way worse.
One of these days the waiting was SO DAMN long in normal that I ended up matching with a professional surv squad just to show how long I've been waiting and we are talking about a evt with a modifier, not another complete separate game mode like 2v8
The gameplay changes are fun, but this year's Haunted by Daylight is ending Nov 7, so we'll only have 5 days of normal queue times before 2v8 comes and screws it again for, like, 2 weeks (if it didn't get extended again).
worst part of 2v8 is that it's extremely casual gamemode where you have way less skill expression and agency. it's very boring to play, it doesn't offer anything new or fun for the survivor, it doesn't make chases more exciting, it cuts down killer variety.
the most interesting thing about this gamemode is unironically the class system and even that is hardly exciting anymore because it's essentially just a bunch of predetermined builds.
i dont understand how people can even enjoy it. i guess it's fun because you can just shut your brain off entirely or you can play with your buddy as a killer. that's about it.
i wouldnt mind the queues if the gamemode itself was even moderately appealing to me and that's can't be further from truth
i really hope BHVR create something more exciting later. 5x5 with capture point tug of war with killer+survivors team sounded way more exciting and it's sad they are not exploring that first.
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I am so excited for 2v8…I am looking forward to its return 100%
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The opportunity to play killer with a friend is rare enough and most people I know wouldn't play DBD under any other condition, so I am more than happy to sacrifice the normal mode queue times.
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I prefer competitive stuff as well.
I only play evt modifiers to complete it's tome for additional BP and that's it.
The only one I play non-stop is the anniversary because, guess what, huge BP bonuses.Ever since I've started playing DbD I always wanted to play killer with a friend and when it finally happens you don't have all killers available.
The licensed content is what hooked me and I refuse that my first time playing killer with a buddy will be with original killers.
I'm only playing for the surv and "hybrid" challenges and that's it.
A little bit more maybe because now I can play as my new surv main Alucard.
I could also play it to farm BP (need my Dracula and Alucard p100 ASAP), but I doubt they will let us use our BP offerings in this mode (again).
I wouldn't mind 2v8 coming back if it wasn't for the huge impact it'll have on the normal queue forcing me to play against bots once a week just to not get rusted.1 -
I mean they are releasing a few more killers and maps. I still love being able to play with my friends even if its not licensed yet. Ill take longer queue times.
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Hot take: 2v8 should have been delayed until either way more original or licensed killers were made available.
2v8 is different from the other modifiers. It is more popular and it has an impact in queue times. It shouldn't be as restrictive as the first iteration was.
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I would have loved to see more than just 3 killers come to this next version of 2v8 honestly. I am still happy with what is coming and thankful to play it again but only 3 killers :(
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Totally agree!
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Yeah, same.
And three killers that, unfortunately, I do not play.
Gotta go back to Wraith, it seems.
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Yeah I dont play them either. Deathslinger, Blight and who? I'll just be nurse again. xD
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It's like that because 2v8 is fun. Especially as killer. If they could make killer that much fun in 1v4, it wouldn't be as big of an issue. Additionally, this rendition of 2v8 has so many new handholds for survivors, I predict it won't be nearly as fun/popular over it's runtime for killers. Behavior has this problem where they think in order for it to be more fun for survivors, it has to be less fun for killers. Killers being punished for getting cages in the new 2v8 proves that. That's such a hilariously awful decision, it's actually borderline offensive.
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I was looking forward to 2v8 because my girl spirit is playable, but the new buffs to survivors kinda took me out of the excitement.
I feel like they went overboard. I'll give it a go and try it out though.
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2v8 > 1v4
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I'm still kinda looking forward to it returning. At this point, I only really come back to DBD to play the time limited modes with any regularity.
That said, I'm not sure about some of the changes they have planned for the mode. Why are they bringing back hooks and flashlight saves? Why will the Medic class be the only one that can self-heal? Why are they adding Blight and Spirit to a casual mode (two Killers I think it's fair to say a majority of players probably struggle to verse)? And no disrespect to Blight / Spirit mains, but you guys tend to have absolutely zero chill in my experience. Besides, I don't even wear headphones when I'm playing, so it's gonna be scout class or nothing this time around if I have to verse Spirit. I hope we experience better queue times with more choice of Killers, but I'm not optimistic (I only played 4 Killer games as I didn't want to wait 20 minutes to get into a game).
Any steps that take 2 Vs 8 closer to being like the main game might be steps in the wrong direction for me, but I guess we'll see…
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I'm not looking forward to it at all. Completely messed up queue times for 3 weeks last time and I got sick of playing it after about 3 days. Got so boring for me so quickly. Was no depth or variety at all, just wall to wall Huntress for 3 weeks. Only good thing was that it made some of the old tome challenges a lot easier to complete.
Won't be playing DBD very much once it arrives until it goes away again.
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Same here.
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Everyone will get sick of it faster than you think. It's way too limited compared to the base game. You can't make your own build and are severely limited in which killers you can play. After 2-3 versions of it we will be in diminishing returns territory. Then hopefully it will become less frequent.
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Weird, I can't wait for 2v8 I think it would amazing to be able to play it in customs and for it to stick around , the queue times are whatever , I just do something else while waiting
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Im with you. Im not looking forward to long queue times again for killer in the normal mode again and I hated playing 2v8 as a solo queue killer(I have no one to play with). Most likely take another break and just go play ow2 till 2v8 is over.
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You can play with me in 2v8.
I’ll wreck some survivors with ya if you want 💁🏼♂️🤷🏼♂️0 -
why the hate for 2v8?
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I can’t wait to play Oni in this mode
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“Additionally, this rendition of 2v8 has so many new handholds for survivors, I predict it won't be nearly as fun/popular over it's runtime for killers. Behavior has this problem where they think in order for it to be more fun for survivors, it has to be less fun for killers. ”
the mode is gonna poplar again for killer. People are gonna be playing it.
“Handholds” huh?
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I'm not looking forward to it, because it was fast-paced and fair for killer, because of the instant cage sends, and now we have to physically pickup. That means, uninterrupted, it's gonna be slower than before, when good teams before demanded both killers to go go go if they wanted to beat them. Interrupted, which is very easy because there's 8 survivors, flashlights, and pallets everywhere, the killer's gonna have to rechase the same survivors or bat away all their saviors so many times, that alone will lose them the game. No wonder they added Blight and Spirit, because you're gonna need them with all the stuns you'll have to endure for free.
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All survivor items are from chests in the mode and if i remember someone else's math in another 2v8 post right flashlight was sub13% chance.
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I dont want it back cause all killers play like 2.0 knights⁰with double teaming, i thought idv 2 v 8 was bad but survivors most of them have powers to 1 v 2 there but dbd you cant do so , looping is non existant in 2 v 8.
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On the plus side, the killer queues are bound to be shorter.
I don't think I'll try though.
Survivor queues should still be faster and overall more productive for the associated rift.
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I don't know everyone's reasonings but I can say mine. I don't like 2v8 bc how it affected the game. Killer queues for both normal mode and 2v8 was obnoxiously long. I remember sitting in queue for a normal match for 10 to 15 minutes one night and after that match I took a long break from DBD bc I don't have that time to wait to play one single match. That's the main reason I don't like it but there few smaller reasons like it was boring to play as a solo queuer and every killer partner I had was just a huntress. Overall I personally wasn't a fan of the mode and rather have the chaos shuffler bc at least it didn't affect queue times and using random perks can be fun some nights.
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I really enjoyed 2v8 as both survivor and killer. Yes, the killer queue times were super long in both queues but it’s hard to deny how much fun I had as killer in 2v8. When I didn’t want to wait for the long queues I just played survivor. I enjoyed that in 2v8 as well. I didn’t like Chaos Shuffle much as either role, but I didn’t mind Lights Out.
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That's fair and completely valid. I sadly don't share your views on the mode. I didn't like it and I didn't enjoy the long queue times. I most likely will not play DND when 2v8 come out and just force on overwatch 2.
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More killers, flashlight saves coming back, what's not to like? It'll be fun, hopefully killer queues can be less than 25 minutes now. Should be better now too since we'll have better survivor gameplay, more killers to choose from and there will be less killer overlap in matchmaking.