Onryo is annoying
Onryo is incredibly annoying to play against, that's it. Give me a fast blight match any day than the chess matches I get against this killer 😍
Would you rather a skull merchant or knight?
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I don't like them either
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i like getting onryo instead of 534534th blight. pretty interactive and fun killer.
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Definitely a knight for sure
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They both stink for me. However, Wesker tops the cake for sure.
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I agree - blight is boring.
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idc much about blight in particular, i just hate repetitive gameplay and getting blight all over again with nothing else is getting tiring. same for other few popular killers. survivor queue being nothing but like 5 same killers is why i dont play survivor that often.
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Honestly, even though I don't dislike Sadako I'd rather play against Skull Merchant and Knight.
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Skull merchant I don’t mind. Knight is a way different story.
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Heh, I really like Knight.
He is one of my favorite killers to play as and against.
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Y’know it really says a lot when a survivor main is so spoiled to the point where they’re literally complaining about an M1 killer.
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I like Onryo for two reasons.
1. I like seeing what other players do with her as a P100 myself
2. I like doing more than just gens. Her TVs are a great, but somewhat flawed, side objective to juggle. It could use tweaking but I still love facing Sadakos.1 -
I love playing him. 🫢☺️ Just not the other way around lol
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I love how many blood points you get off tape runs and turning off TVs 🥰😄😄
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I play as her for Daily Rituals
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I enjoy Sadako games, though all I still ever see is no chase and non stop teleport spamming.
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Then you're gonna be REALLY pissed when I say I don't like Wraith either 🥰
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This killer is nightmare for soloq, but punching bag for swf. Not like something wrong with killer, soloq survivor once again refuse to do even simpliest counterplay to killer. You can completely remove her power, and this killer is best example of how we should get away from put killer's power disable in survivors' hands. Soloq won't do it at all, swf will left you without your power, devs will watch in the middle and say "oh wow, she is in balanced state".
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Ever since Clown got his vision blurring effect substantially reduced, I can't say there is any killer I genuinely hate going against based purely on the killer alone.
Sure specific strategies like a tunneling Wraith, or tunneling Nurse, or a slugging Twins, or a Tombstone Piece Myers, etc are annoying to face, but the killer themselves doesn't immediately draw my hatred just because of the killer they are.
DBD has enough variables between maps, spawns, perks, add-ons, items and playstyles that even when facing the same killer player twice, games can go wildly different.
The one thing that does disappoint me is how many people want this game to be ALL about chase, and want to absolutely gut any ability that isn't about chase, such as RBTs, Condemn, Chain Hunt, etc, as if chase is the only skill people prize in this game. Anything that requires you to actually think and/or pay attention to the game state, killer behaviour and the world around you is somehow not important.
If I was to be childish and accusatory, I'd say the reason Onryō, Pig, Pinhead, Xenomorph, Skull Merchant are all considered boring/oppressive by most low/mid level players is because they have to actually engage with the power and think about what they and their team are doing, rather than just mindlessly run/follow the WoO yellow brick road with exhaustion perks to extend chase as long as possible.
Too many survivors refuse to use their brain, and only focus on the skill of extending chase, with no thought to the macro of the game whatsoever. Counters are available, but most survivors dont want to engage with/use them, then complain the Killer is OP or boring.
Variety is fun.