My guesses for the upcoming Killer Changes.

- Tombstone Add-ons basekit, but only if the Survivor is death hook. Add-ons reworked.
- Buffed speed to 4.4 m/s in Tier 1, removed lunge penalty.
- Reversed stalk efficiency, now you stalk faster if you're further.
- Several Add-on changes.
- Shapeshift speed reduced.
- Shapeshift cooldown increased.
- Nerf/Rework to Medusa's Hair and maybe Lapis Lazuli.
- Wolf tracking somehow buffed.
- Unecessary: Hellfire cooldown increased.
- Teleport cooldown removed.
- Add-on changes.
- General cooldown reduced.
- Removed the interaction of a reduced cooldown per infected Survivor. (Similar to what they did with Singularity)
- No idea really, probably various buffs/nerfs.
- Increased the cooldown of Hidey Ho once again.
- Maybe increased charge time on Slice and Dice.
Ghost Face:
- Reveal mechanic fix.
You missed Chucky's Rat Poison addon being thrown into a volcano.
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I really hope they give ghostface haste addon basekit. It just makes sense to be included and it completes the power.
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The Aura Add-on? How's that a problem?
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Removes pretty much any mindgames you could use on him
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Seems like you already cannot mindgame or juke him to much because of his forgiving hitbox.
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Seems like you cannot mindgame survs without getting carried by an auto-pilot add-on .
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So why should he then have an aura reading addon on top of that?
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it gives chucky a almost 100% guaranteed hit when using slice and dice. If you go around the corner as a survivor when chucky pops his power, you can dodge it by crouching right around the corner so he will over shoot his power on you and go flying but with rat poison all that is gone. It’s like a 90/10 in chuckys favor because you see everything survivors are doing and on top of that it also can give you info on where the survivors are heading after you hit them AND it acts as a portable nowhere to hide since chuckys cd is so low u can pop slice and dice for mobility and see if anyone is near you. The addon is a jack of all trades on an already super strong and easy to use killer. TLDR: the addon is overkill for an already oppressive killer. Kind of like how Billy had old lopro that could down or blight with old alch ring. Very strong killers with an addon that is stupidly strong for already strong killers.
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Tombstone…basekit?! One of the most complained about Myers add-ons in the game…basekit.
That is certainly an opinion. I think I'd eat a hat if that ever happened, you'd have to completely rework how tombstone functions to have something like it basekit, at which point it's not really the same tombstone.
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Did you read anything past that?
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Yes, everything else I could see or agree with which is why I didn't bring it up. The tombstone thing being basekit is just a crazy though. Like, he could just camp 2nd state for free with no counterplay.
Edit: Which some Myers already do. I'm sure you've seen the videos of people unhooking themselves into tombstone lol.
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I mean, seeing Pyramid Head who can just camp you as well with PotD and then down you into Final Judgement I don't see it not happening really.
Or they just give him the ability to mori Survivors on the ground once they're death hook, without needing a Mori offering.
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I mean, the Pyramid thing can also be a problem but with that they have to be condemned and get the down first which is weaker then killing someone still running who can use perks.
Letting him kill death state off the ground would be fine since that's no different then bringing a Mori. Something like that would be perfectly acceptable but that wouldn't be Tombstone basekit, that'd be Ebony basekit.
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I hope Vecna gets his Mage Hand nerfed a bit so you can't get guaranteed hits with it as often.
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Vecna is not guaranteed. If you read him you're perfectly fine. If you predict wrong every time then sure I guess it's guaranteed but rhats where empathy comes in.
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i would hate dracula if they made that changes
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I really hope demogorgons addons get buffed because alot of them are straight up trash. A very rare add on adds 3 seconds after emerging from a portal. I like the undetectable after teleport but skull merchant gets 9 seconds of undetectable when placing a drone. I think buffs to his teleport are going to happen and buffs to his add ons. Ghost face might get his common addons base kit to increase variety like they did with bubba with purple chili. I just wished they made bubbas other addons not butt.
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I find it weird that Demo has the same Add-ons twice, but the green one only gives him 0.5 seconds while the purple gives him 3 seconds extra of Undetectable. It's really strange.
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The point of it would be to keep him lore accurate, to allow him to just murder Survivors. They might not do it, but it's a possibility.
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I disagree. If Vecna is close enough to the survivor he can just block the pallet and get a guaranteed hit against the survivor. And if often enough Vecna can just wait for the pallet drop, then use Mage Hand and get a guaranteed hit as well. It doesn't happen as often anymore after the first Mage Hand nerf but still too many times in my opinion.
Vecna should be forced to use Mage Hand on prediction instead of reaction, by using Mage Hand while the survivor is throwing down the pallet, not afterwards.