No developer update today :(

I really cannot wait for the Killer and Perk changes, please give us a sign!
I hope it’s today.. I need a sneak peek at something atleast!
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Damn, I thought it was going to be today.
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I just wanna see the Myers buffs :(
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I guess we have to wait until either Thursday or Friday because that their usual dev update day.
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Can't give you a dev update but I can give you a sign:
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likely next tuesday.
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Next Tuesday is most likely the PTB release itself (hopefully)
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Maybe the real dev update was the friends we made along the way
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Developer updates are usually posted on Thursdays the week before a PTB is due to start. Then the following week, Behaviour usually releases full patch notes just before the PTB goes live on Tuesday.
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it’s on Thursday’s typically
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If we don't get the dev update soon we'll be dead by daylight!
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If the developers do what they usually do, they will release the dev update on Thursday (or Friday because the Lara Croft-Update came out on Friday instead of Thursday) because the PTB should start on Tuesday the 12th. They also haven't release the roadmap for this month.
There is a chance that they will change something because the PTB and 2v8 goes live on the same day which is a bit bad for both. Maybe they delay the PTB or the 2v8 mode to next week Thursday or something.