I’m winning too quickly and it’s not fun

I like games that come down to the wire. In my opinion those are the best kinds of games. Not knowing who’s going to win.
but recently when I play killer I win within the first few minutes. And it’s not really enjoyable. Yes I like winning but it’s not fun when the survivors just stand still and wait for me to kill them.
I’m serious when I say they just stand still and don’t do anything. I like the chase. I like being chased and I like chasing survivors. It helps me when I play survivor to know what to do around loops.
but like I said before every game is just a 4k win without any resistance from the survivors.
should I even be complaining? I don’t know weather to be happy or frustrated. It’s just getting old now, and it’s not fun really.
Well Idk, it's better than people throwing you on eyries or garden of joy constantly. It's miserable to play on those maps, that I don't even care anymore if I lose xD
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Must be your MMR. Survivors never just hold still for me. They give up on hook occasionally. I can’t imagine why they would even be playing if they don’t want to be chased, maybe they want a Gen repair simulator game? That would probably sell well. Just remove killer entirely since it seems like that’s what some survivors want lol.
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Keep winning then. If its so easy, you are clearly not playing survivors of what your MMR should balance out to, so your matches should get harder as you continue winning. Even the best killer players sweat when playing survivors of their skill level.
Unless you meant that you never play killer and only tried it for a bit and found it easy to win when starting with near zero MMR and going against survivors with similarly low MMR (either due to being inexperienced or just losing that often.)
I'm not saying its not possible, but the level of exaggeration people often use makes it hard to actually discern how accurate anecdotes can be.
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You're still new enough where MMR hasn't adjusted enough. Keep winning, and you'll start getting shifted into more challenging matches.
For what it's worth, Hatch escapes don't adjust MMR.
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if its not a problem with mmr then its your gameplay
No survivior likes to have 1 teammate dead at 5 gens, and no killer likes to see 5 gens pop in 1 chase
If you see your doing overheleming well, feel free to play around with the survivior for some funny clips or chill on the pressure a little
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I have 1200 hours in this game and 1000 of them are on killer. So no my MMR isn’t low. It’s just really easy to 4k now a days
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Do it without perks and addons. Dont tunnel. Dont camp or proxy camp.
See if that challenges you a bit more?
You can also try playing a harder killer.4 -
So basically you're likely exaggerating and using your experiences to try to disprove any that disagree with you. If you played that much the chances of you not encountering equally (or more) skilled survivors is near impossible. If that is honestly your experience, I'm sure most players would absolutely love to get your matches.
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Come on. Who gets tired of winning? And what's funny, I never hear this from survivors. "Just too tired of winning! Please nerf us!" It's just not something that someone in their right mind would say. Apply it to any other multiplayer game.
I tell you what you should do. You should seek out a tough SWF to custom match with. Maybe they'll make you fight for that 4k. Most likely they'll do a little bit more. But don't take my word for it. Do it.
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I sure would. Matches where I can just do whatever and 4k? That'd be a big break for me. The only issue is I don't think that's possible, because I've never been able to "take it easy" as killer (an oxymoron), even with the old ranking system (maybe because I was still learning).
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This is because the devs prioritize match queue times over actual skill matching as the SBMM algorithm priority. When the devs did testing with a bunch of different SBMM options, more people prioritized fast queues than they did more even games, so that's what the devs went with.
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disregard this comment, I’m slow.
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Low mmr syndrome. Keep winning and you'll soon be thrown into the Lions Den smelling like a pork chop. 1000 hours on Killer isn't actually that much tbh.
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If you get 50 or so 4ks in a row, you'll begin to meet much, much stronger survivors because your MMR will be high enough to get you into the top mmr pool. Note that while the event queue uses MMR, it doesn't alter your MMR at all, so if you're getting kills there it doesn't count.
Also try playing after 11pm, that's when the super strong players get online with their powerful SWFs.
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Survivor quitting is out of control to the point of being asinine.
We had some petty reasons to quit before, but survivors quit over the most mundane crud, and also on games that are perfectly winnable, or that survivor team is even winning.
I struggle to not think it's because quitting repeatedly successfully gutted Skull Merchant, and now survivors are trying it against anything they don't like. I'd like to reach a different conclusion, but the brattiness makes it hard to give the benefit of the doubt.
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he's not tough it's not that hard to get a high winstreak as a killer when you're good at the game the fact that 2k plus winstreak exist is at itself the proof in the pudding when you're good at the game as a killer
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- yes, it is that tough to get absurd winstreaks (like the 2k example people love to throw around because big number scary.)
- Being good at the game is relative. Like I said, you should be playing opponents who are either on your level or better as your MMR goes up. They have to win a lot (in apparently impossible circumstances) to get high MMR in the first place, so they are likely going to be the players who adapt to hardships instead of complain about them.
- a 2k win streak existing means absolutely nothing about the overall performance of literally anyone else in the game than the person who gets the streak, and in order to get said streaks they need to play very carefully, and have a very strong ability to adapt to both advantageous and disadvantageous situations.
THAT SAID, it will always be easier for one person to coordinate with themselves vs 4 players with varying levels of coordination. They also often need to build specifically in ways to prevent counter strategies, watch for stream snipers, etc. Basically they need to line up as many advantages as possible, while preparing contingencies for anything that can go wrong. 99.9% of the player base are NOT getting 2k kill streaks, just like most survivors are NOT 4 man death squads. Do not focus on extreme examples and normalize them internally.
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This is my main problem with killer. Even if 75% of my games are a challenge and fair (and its under that), those games that are easy wins are the worst. The game just becomes a boring slog because even though its evident you've won, you still have to hunt down the remaining survivors and it all feels pointless.
Time of day can be a big factor, but most people just can't change what time of day they have available to play games and it seems to be incredibly region dependent. I recommend playing with some type of handicap. Run less perks, or go entirely perkless. This does mean, on occasion, you'll get smashed, but it makes the majority of matches better.
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I don't mean to imply that what you are saying is false.
But I would like to see a video of your play.It would help the killers like me who can't win.
Please post a video of your easy 4 K and victory.0 -
Hmm, survivors don't complain about winning dozens of games in a row? I wonder why that is.
edit: uh… I didn't mean for the post to take up that much room. there was a screenshot showing that survivors escape around 40% of the time when solo; the point being that survivors aren't complaining about escaping too easily because they are not escaping too easily. unfortunately the image stretched to take up the whole screen so i had to delete it and write this instead
Post edited by ratcoffee on4 -
sure but that being Saied i've personally had many runs where i get like 50 plus winstreak with low tiers killers not even trying some of em are even vs a couple bullies squads i've play both sides and i have the same sentiment of what op is saying the game currently on killer is not hard in general(relative to ppl like you saied) it's to the point i barely run any slowdown anymore outside of doc
there are so many ways to play currently that make you win more in general than anytime before and survivor haven't change on how they play science then dawn of time(mostly speaking when all the broken stuff got removed like perma hook infinites ect ) on top of soloq being in shamble i do think dbd is in a really bad spot currently in general btw i have 90% of my surv p3 and about 60% of my killers p3 just to give some context so im not new and the way i've p3 them is i play them till they are p3 so i don't just funnel bp onto them and get the experience with them outside of nurse lmfao console nurse is a nightmare don't wonna to bother i do think something need to change funny enough tough i do think the way they implemented 2v8 fixed about 90% of the issues the game have with the class system outside of slugging
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I kinda already addressed that. Again, if you're not exaggerating you have considerably more lenient matches than many players. Matchmaking trends vary considerably between regions, MMR, even time of day. Some areas get casual matches during the day but only sweatfests at 3am. Sometimes a killer dodged and now the matchmaking backfill ruins MMR rating matching, one player might be high/low MMR while the others aren't, there are plenty of factors that can cause people to have wildly different matches from each other.
and thats fine
Anyone can have any perspective they want considering balance, especially from first hand experience. That said, it says absolutely nothing about the experiences of other players: I see a lot of players on both side complain a lot about things they have full control over, but refuse to learn how to handle properly. If the kill rate is 60% and 40% of survivors are escaping, that overall blanket statement completely disregards factors like loadouts, compositions, opponents, maps and of course individual skill.
So basically "I find killer easy" doesn't mean much to anyone but your own personal experiences. And even then, you would need a pretty large sample size to be able to credibly make that kind of assumption, especially as they are designed to start with bad players and get matched with better or worse opponents the more you win/lose.
Also again, if your matches continue being too easy, then you'll win a lot and get paired with better survivors who will make it harder.