Lisa Garland is officially back on the menu!

I've been lamenting the death of Pharmacy ever since it was killed and left to rot.
I never took to self care, but I liked the idea of a Nurse having her trusty medkit. You can gift them to friends, or drop them or just overall play around Franklins. Was super fun to roll with Ace in the Hole
I am so back, guys. I've waited literal years for Pharmacy to be usable again!
Huh?! Pharmacy changes I somehow missed? Could you please paste them here?!
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II'm At work but long story short, the injured requirement has been reverted :)
I can now take my medicine kit any time and do with it as I please, instead of only grabbing it when I'm in trouble
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I'm so glad to hear that! I hated the injured change; it was really terrible to have to wait a while in the match when your teammates may have already opened the chests.
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I don't know why the perk was ever nerfed in the first place. One of my fav survivor perks ever is back!
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That was them buffing it. It was part of the low-use perks bhvr buffed
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Because they tried to buff it. But it was more of a Nerf than anything (same with Calm Spirit back then).
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Hell yeah!!!! We are so back!!!
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I mean the real nerf was unfortunate timing (Green medkit which was busted got nerfed from 8 seconds to 24) and that changed hapened really close with 6.1.0 so it felt More "abrupt"
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- Pharmacy:
When injured, Pharmacy activates (REMOVED)
Unlocking chests is 70/85/100% faster. (was 40/60/80% faster)
The hearing distance for noises from unlocking chests are reduced by 20 meters. (was 8 meters)
Pharmacy guarantees an Emergency Med-Kit upon completing the interaction.
0 - Pharmacy:
Lisa main here!
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Still a bad perk, might as well bring a medkit and a different perk altogether. If green medkits still healed you at 50% bonus speed sure, but theres no difference between green and brown