In-depth detail explanation below.
So sick of this, I'm sick of having to deal with a penalty all because either my teammates don't do anything all game so the killer just always targets me for actually trying to do gens because no one else is working on one or the killer just somehow acts like I'm obsession(when I'm clearly not & rarely ever am) and want to tunnel me all game and the only reason why it's all game because I'm trying to go on a hook take myself out the game(die on the hook) because I'm not having fun so why be forced to play a game that I'm not having fun in which is also why I've been uninstalled this game and just recently got back into it so to continue I'm still in the game because of survivors keep on unhooking me when I'm clearly trying to get out of the game, I hate doing all that in a game like I'm the type of person that plays the game the way is meant to be played because if a game is fun you can just play it the way it's meant to be played So I'm not trying to do anything other than play the game the way it is meant to be played, that said the game forces you to try to get yourself killed and then put on a hook to #########, now a lot of killers see you once right into them and don't kill you and keep you in the game, even nodding their heads back and forth saying no, this has to be the most stupidest game mechanic I ever seen like this game isn't even ranked, it doesn't even have a rank mode yet we're forced a penalty no matter the circumstances?
Literally had a game yesterday where my whole team and I was being slugged to death, we were up against the alien from the alien movie series, one survivor already quit out the game within the first 60 seconds I don't know what happened but judging how I ended up getting slugged to death, it was probably some BS that made them leave. I was on a hook several times but had gotten saved by people clearly looking at me trying to kill myself like I don't understand the game, I don't understand the studio behind the game and I don't understand these goofy teammates that try to force you to play something you don't want to play, If you're playing basketball and you're wide open and nobody's passing you the ball would you keep standing there wide open or go do something else? Even if you're going to still play basketball at that point You're not going to play with those people so you would be leaving that game if you had any sense right? So what sense does it make to play video games that you're not having fun but to still force people to play those games that they're not having fun? Sorriest game mechanic ever, tou block people, you report people, nothing changes anything. They have got to be the worst dev studio on the planet and that saying something with companies lik Activision with call of duty out there or Ubisoft with XDefiant, that game has delayed for like a year to fix netcode, had a beta with nothing was fixed, season 1 came around the game was horrible was even worse than the beta, 2 and a half seasons in and a half seasons in and the netcode even worse then it was in season 1 and the game is now sluggish and it's a fast paced PvP so that makes it extremely frustrating as well as extremely horrible but guess what? Still more fun then this goofy bs, You're having a problem with the game, whether it's people using a overpowered gun or overpowered team whatever you can leave out the game no question no penalty.
I just don't understand people these days. People want easy wins yet the best way to win is to just divide and conquer and gen rush, played against a OP killer and gen rushed tf outta him yesterday(the one team that did gens) like if it doesn't work and you keep doing it over and over again that is just insanity, like you're not going to escape allowing only one person to do gens which mean only one gen is getting worked on so the killer follows the one gen that they hear, resulting in the only one doing gens getting taken out quickly, If you go to the game store to see the reviews on this game, it's always negative stuff about this game, so much camping and tunneling. Funny thing is I'm rarely ever the obsession but basically every game the way how I'm tunneled as well as can't you would think I'm the obsession.
As far as The game that I mentioned previously where I was getting slugged to death I had a full bar I wasn't going to wait that, then the teammates went out of their way to constantly keep unhooking me when the killer tried to kill me before then the killer just started slugging everybody and not hanging anybody on hooks. I had the most patience I ever had I waited about 10 minutes after I got unhooked and finally gave up and said F this I'm out.
First game on today, moments ago which triggered this post, me and three people work on a gen, I see the glow of Michael watching them from around the corner so I take off running, Dwight is the one that Michael sees so he goes after him, I'm running away from the scene, I already been running away from the scene technically so I have some distance but yet I keep hearing his music so next thing I know I see the glow and he's behind me So he gives up the white who is the obsession to come after me for what? When I already distance myself from that whole entire thing so he went out of his way to get me, why? When he had everybody buy the gen that he could have easily slugged because he got to tier 3, He could have potentially had two or three hooks right there but when are his way to get me? I just don't get it when I finally get games when people do gens the killer just singles me out even early in game so it's impossible for me to have done anything other than a one thing that pretty much my other teammates are doing so why am I getting tunnelled. I play all types of survivors from Thalita to Meg, Kate, Yui, Mikayla and Zarina So it's not like I played one person, I do know that killers always go after Megs or Dwight's but that's not even the case in my games, I chalked it up to just being unlucky to be honest. I never have luck when it comes to PvPs whether it's teammates or killers. Even my apex days I will always have the worst teammates that didn't want to listen to anything I say even after giving them everything they wanted as well as saving them numerous times and being the kill leader.
Another thing I'm sick of is all PVPs being the same type of boring/toxic/fustrating, I play XDefiant a fast paced PvP, everybody uses the same OP bs, same thing here, every killer runs the same perks, exposed, the gen locking perk, some stealth killer and either some killer that can one shot you, or long distance attacks, there's no cool downs or anything yet sprint burst is for a measly 3 seconds in a game where the killer walks faster than you run as well as crows give away your every move every 2 seconds, You're a scratch marks are shown, you leave blood trails, you make a bunch of noise, like how many crutches do killers need have stealth as well as the same hex totems. You get exhausted for 60 seconds with Sprint burst only lasts for 3 seconds like what, then you got other perks that are very good so they get to be used only one time per trial meanwhile Killers can spam the hell out of all these OP things, even the perk that locks the exit gate for a whole 3 minutes or gens, like that's the one thing we have to come back these killers like this dev team can't make a balanced game if it fell into their laps and gave them credit for it. Had a whole 5-minute penalty I had to wait then a 15 minute penalty all because Michael wants to tunnel me when I'm not even obsession smfh.
Last but not least three things that will change this game drastically is to 1 add game chat, 2 take away penalties, just add bots, If they want penalties have it in ranked mode. Actually give penalties to people that can't and things like that like they can tell if a killer is literally in front of a hook because after all you get a meter for it now well there should be a thing where if a killer stands in front of someone for more than five or so seconds they should automatically get a penalty otherwise the exhausted status when you unhook someone should get buffed, I hate leaving people on the hook all because of a killer who's face camping when that survivor actually was vital to our escape. Instead of face camping why not just go to one of the exit gates and try to take down another survivor, The way this game is it kind of makes the killer camp when they're about to lose So if you're the last person that goes down when the exit gates get open yeah good luck to you. I'm really hoping someone takes this formula but make it 10 times better with game chat as well as no penalties like I would take the BS in this game if I can just leave out from any game I might having fun like who has time to waste on the video game that not having fun, not only that people have real lives so they have to leave So giving people penalties is ridiculous
I didn't read but I will say
"Stop unhooking survivors when the game is already over and everybody is trading hooks at 5 gens. Just hide and try to get the hatch for f sake"
16 -
I agree that ######### like killers bleeding everyone out shouldn't be in the game, and is a very valid excuse for going next. Same with all your teammates hiding and not doing gens, or rampant sandbagging. I recently had a game where a Doctor bled me out and then picked me up when I was almost dead, carried me for a minute until I wiggled out, and would not let me progress the game at all, just to waste my time, and yeah - in that case, a survivor has every right to go next.
But most survivors I unhook that are trying to leave the game are doing so on their first down, long before any reasonable assumption of 'this game is over just let me leave', so I don't have any empathy for them. I'm harvesting my bloodpoints in compensation for them screwing up my game, not the other way around. And I absolutely do it out of spite because I do not want to enable their behavior, which is the reason most of my bad games are bad in the first place. The easier it is for them, the more they'll keep doing it.
Generally I feel like if you're at the point where you're hating every match you lose (which is most matches, as solo survivor), and you're wanting to go next in more matches than not… it's a good time to play killer or set down the game.
15 -
What people don't seem to understand is soloq is individual. Someone might be going for totems or might be going x amount of stuns or achievements. Gens or even escaping isn't always at the top of the priority list for some people depending on when challenge they are going for. In that respect, sorry but if I need to get hook saves for a challenge then I'm unhooking you like it or not lol.
Also if the new perk comes into play, expect more slugging, so there won't be as much suicides on hooks
6 -
Lately its been odd like if we at 4 to 5 gens and its only 2 of us and am caught idk why the person dont let me go and try for hatch.
I mean I appreciate it but am not going to be mad if its 2 of us only and I got caught. I only get mad if all of us is alive and your not doing nothing and letting everyone else die while you seek hatch.
2 -
In my experience, people really don't like to be yelled at in the endgame chat, in the case of someone is mad that they didn't save them
1 -
Stop self-ending on hook and DCing when you go down first, and people would stop doing this. The Killer cannot "tunnel" you if it's the first chase, the Killer doesn't magically know who to target first chase, they need to learn as the round develops and react to it.
Honestly this whole post feels like whining because you're mad you got outplayed by a Killer. The Penalties are there to punish people EXACTLY like you. Stop handicapping your team because you're mad you got caught, not only does that make the Killer hate you, it makes your teammates hate you because you ruined the round for all four of them.
37 -
I will continue to do so, because I want the BP. If that player isn't interested in anyone else, then there's no reason to be interested in what they want.
Anyway, this was a very long-winded bait post (because it's the weekend!!!), so credit for the effort in this. I'll give you a like, even though the actual topic is crap.
28 -
I will absolutely unhook survs that try to go next unnecessarily; at the very least it will keep that player from ruining others’ games for just a bit longer. You’re welcome.
25 -
I'll let most go if I understand why they're doing it. If the game is clearly over, I'll let them go. If they've done the hard work and no one else is doing anything then I'll let them go (yesterday I had a team mate run the killer for awhile at the start of the game, to the point where I got a gen done on my own. The other 2 survivors didn't touch a single thing. Not a gen or totem or anything. So yeah, I let the chased survivor let go on hook). If they get downed really quickly though and start to let go then nah, I'll unhook them lol I'll even take aggro for them if the killer comes back. You had a bad start, that's okay.
0 -
Same. I hate survivors that quit, especially at the start of the match. So I absolutely will charge in recklessly to unhook before they get the chance if I can. If you don't want to play the game then don't even start a match. I hope the killer bleeds you out for 4 minutes. Quit ruining the game for everyone else just because you didn't get everything you wanted.
16 -
Play through or play another game.
10 -
I've had matches where I unhooked someone before they can get to second stage after two self-unhook attempts and then we get them out :/
4 -
Ignore the wall of text. Always save the survivor who are trying to end it.
Killers. If you find a survivor like this, make sure they survive as long as possible. Don't kill them until they can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
13 -
Stop queueing up for a video game you clearly have no interest in playing.
20 -
It's pretty situational to be honest.
There are certainly times where it's better to just go next but that's only like; 5 gens, your hooked, 2 bots and the other person is slugged. Yeah, GG go next.
The people who let go right at start, no. I will bum rush to save you and better yet if the killer just slugs them when they give up right after. I also don't get the people who let go on first hook when the match is 50/50 or even survivor favored, like why?
One of the nice things about the upcoming Shoulder The Burden is that now you could combine that with Reassurance twice.
2 -
You'd be surprised how many people get angry for not going for unhook in these situations.
0 -
Far to long post didnt read it but based on a skim read your angry that you are giving up letting your team down and survivors are unhooking you? As a killer main there is nothing i hate more than a survivor giving up on hook when the game is very much winnable by survivors. If i have a survivor who gets hooked, tries to 4% to get out of the game then gets rescued followed by them running up to me pointing at a hook then you better be ready for a 4 minutes bleed because that's the punishment in my games for giving up. Now that may seem toxic but there is no punishment for the one who gives up on hook only punishment for the rest of the team therefore within my games I take it upon myself to dish out that punishment in the name of the Entity.
Yes Mate
Best i had survivor tried to give up within 30 seconds because i franklin their flashlight. They were forced to play out that entire game as i just ignored them all game untill end game. In that particular game i let everyone apart from this person live because Justice.8 -
Sorry brother but no deal. There is literally no reason for me not to unhook you if you try to SoH.
- Best case scenario you start playing again or DC.
- Average scenario is the killer has to take 30s more to kill you, which is 30s more than I get for the team by leaving you on hook.
- Worst case scenario you start throwing pallets and deliberately miss skillchecks to sabotage gens, which I can then report you for... which is what I want to do anyway when you SoH to start with anyway.
You are willing to screw me and the rest of the team over, so you can be damn sure I'm willing to mess up your ability to do so, no matter how much it pisses you off.
I'm with you on your frustrations on soloQ, I've gotten so mad at my teammates for being useless all game it has physically hurt... but SoH for anything other than giving hatch is never something I will ever endorse or allow if I'm in a position to stop it.
9 -
insert Danny DeVito voice
So anyways, I activate Reassurance...
6 -
Take the DC penalty if you want to go next. If you want to go next all the time then uninstall.
If you go next at 5 gens then you are the reason why solo queue is so terrible at the moment.
15 -
Had a survivor try to "go next" as soon as the game started earlier today. They LET me down them, then ran at me as soon as they got unhooked. The game ended fast... but I made sure they stayed in the longest for like 400 BPs. Got to do my mori on them, lol.
7 -
Absolutely not.
If anyone attempts to leave a perfectly winnable match, you best bet I’m going out of my way to make sure they don’t kill themselves on hook, if you want to leave you can take the penalty instead.
I’d rather take a bot than have a match ruined, so be my guest and DC instead. You took the time to queue up for the match, you stay and play! :)
7 -
Considering OP also made a thread demanding DC penalties be removed, this is either a troll or someone who feels incredibly entitled to ruining other people's matches for the sake of their own convenience.
8 -
Killers who realize what these Survivors are doing after they get off the hook:
So anyway, I slugged them until they bled out…6 -
But that is forcing people to be in a SWF and that's something that a lot don't want. So if you're playing soloq for achievements that isn't fair to the rest of your time trying for a win.
Not every survivor is part of a SWF and soloq is actually bigger than SWF play, so for you to go in and ruin it is just selfish.
1 -
I think DC's should actually be looked at harder. Does a certain player as killer have a lot, why are people doing it. Were they slugged etc. I mean if you actually get those answers you will see what the problem is.
Yes I do realize survivors have tantrums too.
1 -
4 -
Yeah I'm going to keep unhooking them.
5 -
Maybe but if every solo player didn't do challenges then it would be forcing them to be in a swf which like you said, many people don't want. Part of being solo is you go in as a solo player, you have the choice to work as a team or work solo (which is why so many people hide for the hatch). You might be lucky and get 3 others that want to work as a team, but if you want to exclusively play as part of a like minded team then ye swf is you best bet.
0 -
Sorry, no can do. If the result of the match is still in doubt (at all) and I see you trying to self-sacrifice, you're coming off that hook. You're obviously not respecting your teammates, so I am not going to respect your wishes there. And you're not entitled to a free pass, if you want out that badly, eat your penalty and leave the team a bot.
I'm not really sure why this is so hard for people to wrap their brains around - all kinds of crap happens in game, we all know it, and if you're not prepared to play the hand you're dealt, don't queue up. Don't. Do. It.
Play something else (preferably single player) and stop acting like your time is so much more valuable than everyone else's.
And everyone has at some point been the reason someone else wanted to bail on a match. We all should remember that when considering bailing.
1 -
Yes keeping slugging, until the devs do something about it
1 -
As a survivior I will definitely unhook you, give you chance to reconsider ruining the match for others.
As a killer I will let surviviors unhook you, waste your time and never let you win.
Your teammates will escape because you trolled tho.1 -
personally I say the game is already ruined. I’m not agreeing with OP at all but unless you just want the unhook points, your game is already done when someone tries to go next on hook. You can unhook them and they’re just gonna stand there AFK and wait for killer or run at the killer. You’re not saving your game and making it any less ruined because you’re not gonna force someone to participate in a game they’ve already given up on.
1 -
I'm going to get the unhook points as it's the only useful things survivors rage quitting are worth.
3 -
these are the people us killer mains should slug. You want to make everyone else have a bad game you can wait 5 minutes or DC and wait 15.
It makes survivors lose almost 100% of the time and makes killers bored cause there isn’t anything fun about winning without any struggle.
3 -
It’s frustrating when someone wants to leave the match early, whether I’m playing as the killer or the survivor. However, it is what it is—I’ll just let them go. They’re not going to play the game normally anyway, and I refuse to stoop to their level and be toxic in return.
1 -
I highly agree with this. There are certain instances when tunneling and slugging are indeed a need and a must. I do understand it being in the game but when you go in at 5 gens to slug for no reason it's ridiculous. Also slug and seek because your that desperate for the 4K.
2 -
yea the 5 gen slug is pointless. There isn’t a fun reason to do so unless they are very toxic and try to sandbag the others.
but this is a cause we should strive to bleed out. Don’t hook the DOH people
0 -
Nah, I’m going to unhook all the obvious quitters. Maybe stop playing a multiplayer game if you can’t handle being in a team with people who may play differently to you. Them being bad is not an excuse.
You also have the option to join a SWF. You can find one on the forums, Reddit or Discord.
7 -
No. They will either eat the penalty or they will play the game.
5 -
I love blood points.
7 -
Nope, I'll always unhook people who try to rage quit.
6 -
i think you may need a break from the game, honestly.
2 -
I know the word gets thrown around a lot, but it is quite literally entitlement. People who quit matches and ruin the game for the other 4 players put their own personal enjoyment above the game actually functioning properly. They leave when they aren't enjoying themselves, and refuse to take the bad with the good. It's just childish behavior, taking your ball and going home, etc.
7 -
Michael wants to tunnel me when I'm not even obsession smfh.
Michael Myers perks:
- Save the Best for Last: "Whenever you hit a Survivor other than your Obsession with a Basic Attack, Save the Best for Last gains +1 Token… Whenever you hit your Obsession with a Basic or Special Attack, Save the Best for Last loses -2 Tokens."
- Play With Your Food: "Each time you chase your Obsession and let them escape, Play with Your Food gains +1 Token… Performing Basic Attacks, or Special Attacks that can damage Survivors, consumes -1 Token."
- Dying Light: "Each time you hook a Survivor other than your Obsession, you gain +1 Token"
I would expect Myers to be using at least one of his own perks, in which case he will often avoid hitting his obsession because it negatively affects him.
Perform an experiment and try equipping Plot Twist. If the killer sees you put yourself on the ground, they usually hook you rather than let you pick yourself up. It should be less likely you'll be left slugged.
Really, though, leaving the game should not be a regular thing. If you find yourself wanting to leave a lot of matches, that suggests you are the one with the problem and you should play a different game.
2 -
The current game might be lost, but at least I can delay the griefer from doing the exact same thing in their next game. I’m sparing 4 other people who want to play from having to deal with selfish pricks that suicide at the first inconvenience. You’re welcome.
2 -
You're playing a multiplayer game with no catch up mechanics after a snowball. I absolutely will unhook quitters every single time i can and its that utterly selfish mentality early on in a game that already has a single player mode that's frustrating.
Just que as killer, que as a stack of friends or take a break. i really don't get why players like this keep doing the same thing they clearly don't even enjoy anymore and you ruin the matches for 3-4 other players making something utterly lopsided and miserable.2 -
You’re not saving your game and making it any less ruined because you’re not gonna force someone to participate in a game they’ve already given up on.
All the more reason to unhook them. They want to ruin the game, they certainly shouldn't be rewarded with a quick escape.
It's called Karma. They deserve to kept in the game as long as possible, if for no other reason than the community expressing their voice that their behaviour is unacceptable... and to be frank there is simply catharsis inconveniencing this player a fraction of the amount they annoy everyone else.
2 -
That's why I run toward killer if someone unhooks me to cancel the safe unhook challenge if I'm the only one to try to play.
Sorry but not sorry, the point of the game is try to survive not being stuck in the game when I 'm the only one to play and 3 ppl who did challenge like " did 3 safe unhook and I can suicide and go next challenge"0 -
I am not reading all that but I will say I can totally understand if you have a DC or someone goes next at 5 gens, it is reasonable to want to move on, as a 3v1 at 5 gens is pretty much a lost cause and a waste of time unless the killer is absolutely useless.
It does frustrate me when team mates unhook me when the match is clearly over, it just wastes my time and keeps me in a pointless match