Lack of bloodpoints incentives

So what happened to the usual 100% incentives that used to be available on either role for most of the time throughout the day? Lately I am seeing either no incentive or 25% at most for a short time. What happened? Grinding bloodpoints is feeling tedious like it used to feel before the introduction of bloodpoint incentives and progress feels too slow.
They don't match the queue times either. Used to be, no matter what the BP bonus was on survivor, you'd still get into a killer match quickly. Now, the survivor bonus can be at a mere 50%, and you're still waiting 2+ minutes for a killer match. I'm not against longer queue times, but it at least needs to be for the cause of better matches, not the constant messes all 5 players get thrown into now, with basically random opponents and teammates.
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Finally someone has it too, so I am not the only one… It's very annoying for me. I am used to playing whoever has 100% bonus and I am not really motivated to play when there so no bonus on either side.
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I've been having 25-75% incentives all day for survivors. European servers
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Yeah that's also true! You would think that no incentives would mean the queues would be instant, and I played two games at the time I took the screenshot I shared with the post and I was around 3-4 minutes waiting, so I do not understand what is the issue at the moment. The quality of the matches feel weird as well. Maybe they are doing one of those secret matchmaking tests that they have done in the past.
I just want to think bloodpoint incentives will be consist again soon, it's what keeps me motivated to play more matches no matter the outcome/result.
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Same here! I used to play also the side with incentives so that way I felt rewarded and I felt like I was helping the matchmaking to be smoother and better. Now the quality of the games feel weird and I also get much less bloodpoints overall. Kind of kills the motivation to play since it just takes too long to grind for the so needed prestiges to unlock perks and content.
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I am also in EU servers (Germany)! The most I can see on a very lucky day is 50% on survivor but it's super rare now, usually it's either 0 or 25 in the best case. Feels kind of bad, I don't understand why bloodpoint gains are being gatekept like this.
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My experiences are similar. I get 25% or 50% on Survivor most of the time and I've not seen a 100% bonus (or any bonus) on Killer for quite a while. I'm missing it because Legion is how I do all my farming for BP :(
I guess this means the queues are relatively balanced right now, with lots of new players from the Halloween period?
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I wonder why is it happening. I am on European servers too and haven't seen 100% BP for weeks.
25-75% is still less than should be tho. Before kinda standard was 100% for survivors during day, then 100% for killers during evening.2 -
I started noticing this ever since the Castlevania chapter came out with the Lights Out mode return (I believe, if my memory is not bad lol). I miss being able to obtain at least 1 prestige a day with how much I play, now I barely can feel motivated to achieve half a prestige because it feels insanely slow if you have a few bad games for whatever reason.
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Yeah, for me it was always like that too. So it was good for me to play survivor in the morning and then at night I would play killer and the games overall felt good. Now it's kind of completely the opposite and the bloodpoint gains feel awfully underwhelming.
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I guess this means the queues are relatively balanced right now
Thing is they are not. If you try to queue on both sides, there is still usually big difference even when noone has bonus. Who it is depends on time as usual.
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So right now I have a bonus. 25% on survivors, which didn't seem right to me, so I did some testing.
My queue times on killers: 18-25 seconds (tried 5 times)
My queue time when I tried survivor (soloQ): 3 minutes 18 seconds
Like really, this is clearly not working, how have you managed to break this devs?7 -
Yeah, my Killer queues are pretty much instant just like they used to be when the 100% bonus was in effect. My Survivor queues take significantly longer, despite there being a 25% bonus (I assume my queues are longer partly because I'm a Solo and lots of SWFs play in the evenings). It's very weird, but I think BHVR said they were investigating.
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It does kinda seem like the balance of players has been consistent a lot lately…
I have noticed that the survivor queue is at 150% first thing in the morning, but otherwise it's bounced around from 0-50% most of the time for survivor.
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but it clearly is not balanced. Even when one side has way higher queue times, there is little to no bonus.
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Fair enough, I can only speak from my own experience, but queue time have been about the same for me on both sides in line with the bloodpoint bonus, so I can't really speak to that.
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Yeah I generally play in the morning once I get the kids off to school, and during the event I was getting 150-200% survivor during that time, fast queues too. The rest of the time it's about 25-50%
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BP incentives have been broken for quite a while now. Apparently it's not a priority to fix.
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They won't even acknowledge something is wrong.
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they did say something was off last time this was brought up after chaos shuffle.
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I'm honestly convinced it's bugged. Survivor can have a 25% bonus to play while having much longer queue times than killer. (I play on NAE FYI.)
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These are totally bugged. No doubt about it.
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Somebody here said they addressed it, but I fear I have not seen such thing and I doubt they did honestly.
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NOW this is crazy. No incentives at all on the regular queues by the way. What is going on with the incentives? It's insanely tedious to play to progress the grinds on characters for basic perks or anything at the moment.
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New update and the issue is still the same and not addressed on why this is the norm now.