So we gave Billy his insta down power for 2v8
Guess I’ll always be playing the gen class to try and make gens fly as fast as possible since that’s the best way to counter a one tap killer who has a teammate for extra help. Let’s go for 5 minute matches 😆
Yeah called it.
Everyone will just play the gen class.
7 -
I thought Billy was too weak last time, but this tips him over to too strong, especially in this kind of game where he's basically always in a chase and there's almost no search time. Instadown with some of the best mobility in the game (did they add any indoor maps, or are they all still in his favor?) and loads of aura reading is just kind of insane. Between that and Blight, who's much easier to play than Nurse, I'm concerned that this round of 2v8 will be a lot sweatier on both sides, which will erode the fun factor it had last time.
7 -
he wasn't weak last time he was actually pretty strong just more team oriented i guest it was too much for ppl to handle the team part of billy ?
8 -
I think Behavior severely overestimates how much people enjoy playing against overtuned killers. One of my favorite things about 2v8 last time was not having to worry about Billy flying around the map and insta downing the entire team. I get that it's fun for the person playing him. The problem is it won't be fun at all for the casual audience that plays 2v8 on the survivor side.
22 -
I already knew blight was gonna be a problem when they announced he was in here. Once people figure out that blight and Billy are probably the strongest ones to play together, survivors are gonna get tired and getting slaughtered in 5 minutes and stop playing. Killer queues are already 10-15 minutes. That’s just gonna go up when all anyone wants to play is killer.
9 -
Nope he was weak garbage. And return his instadown option was the most common request from Billy players.
3 -
I'm personally kinda excited for Billy coming in properly to 2vs8.
With the pallet rebuild perks now in the game, and saves from all sides being a thing, I think we've got ourselves some potentially awesome high octane games coming.
0 -
Welp. Had my first match of 2v8. Blight and Billy who constantly zoomed over to cages to tunnel and slugged for the 8k. 3 gens got done. Whole thing was just running around desperately trying to unhook everyone who was dropping like flies.
Awful experience. If most my games turn out like this, I'm going back to 1v4 for the entire event.
14 -
Meanwhile deathslinger just has a reloading speed buff lol
6 -
Yeah, this is not fun so far. They should make it so only one high mobility killer can be in each match. Having two of Billy/Blight/Spirit in a single match is too much.
10 -
Survivor mains want devs to balance around solo queue, and when killers get teammates they want them to balance around the killers being organized and in discord together?
So which is it, do we balance around solo queue average player? Or are we balancing around a well organized team playing with discord?
6 -
I was gonna suggest this. I’m all about adding new killers for future iterations but you gotta consider the powers of those killers and their ability to group up when balancing. Billy and Blight should not be in this mode together especially with Billy as an instadown.
6 -
Yeah. I had Trapper + Deathslinger and Spirit + Deathslinger in my second and third matches and they did not do well. 6E and 8E respectively (though the second Deathslinger didn't seem very good at the killer, while the first was.) I'm suspecting Deathslinger needs a buff, he already wasn't a very strong killer and he isn't doing very well in a faster paced environment.
0 -
Word to the wise: Just because a killer chases a survivor doesn't mean he gets them. That includes instadown killers, so there's nothing inherently strong SIMPLY about the fact that they instadown.
4 -
I've been having a blast in 2vs8.
Blights, Billy's, Huntress, Wraith, doesn't matter. Loads of fun.
0 -
Till you see the 1 Slinger + Trapper pair that shoots people in to traps for free downs
0 -
Yeah loved 2vs8 how casual it was in the summer. Occasional nurse was okay but now it's just strong killers after strong killers and survivors are noticeably nerfed too. The killrate was around 55% in summer which sounds balanced for me.
Survivor side felt like having chance. Killer was still super fun with mate. Now im not surpriced if kill rates will be around 60-65%. We have lack of survivors in this mode so giving killers big buffs is probably not helping to solve that.
3 -
I totally understand that even im considering going back to 1vs4 survivor and last summer I would rather wanted 2vs8 to stay than 1vs4 to stay so says something. On survivor every match has at least blight or hillbilly and matches are like in 1vs4 soloQ where you get stomped but at least the pace is slower in 1vs4.
I felt bad playing just wraith in 2vs8 because he has got some insane buffs too and I got just hits through pallets and just won by myself 1vs8 as my teammate was potato trapper. Well im gonna still play see if it gets any better in coming days. But might be killer only mode for me this time.
2 -
I know you aren’t saying that Hillbilly with instadown saw and Blight, the fastest characters in the game, are fine because they might mad dash a survivor but not catch them. That can’t be the defense you’re giving. Please tell me there’s more.
9 -
Survivor and killer are completely different roles. Two killers teaming together in 2v8 isn’t the same as 4 survivors on comms.
3 -
I see, so we balance around average, solo queue megheads and also top tier high mmr nurse mains with 5k hours. Got it.
5 -
Don't make it sound like he is too strong. I would say survivors and everything they have are even stronger this time around.
0 -
I like the scout class the most so far
1 -
isn’t this what people wanted tho?
0 -
I would rather have the old 2v8 Billy over the current 2v8 Billy. The speed and turn rate was much nicer before.
3 -
It's forum's classic.
You can't compare survivors with killers… BUT if argument works in my way, you can.
You can't balance around top SWF… BUT we need to nerf X killer, because 30 people in whole world are too good with him.
Stats doesn't show anything, because there are so many other factors in it… BUT if I need to prove my point with it, I'm glad to forget about it.
Let's punish killers for forcing their objectives… BUT survivors end match in 3 minutes with broken stuff? Oh, it's fine, you don't see it every game, just take L and go next.
SM is braindead, play a killer, which require some skill. Wait, you r good with killer with one of the highest skill floor and skill ceiling? Nahh, bhvr, I'm the best player in the world, I can't be outplayed, nerf it.7 -
Correction BHVR overestimates their player base.
3 -
i mean 2 player is way easier than coordinating 4 or even 8 players i've played it enough to say that it wasn't hard at all lol
1 -
he was on of the top pick because his expose effect was really strong if you knew how to curve around the map i have no clue what you're talking about
1 -
Congrats on deciding to play the objective.
Hope your matches improve.
3 -
This is not what people wanted, they wanted basic 2 Killers 8 Survivors. Nobody wants it to be this "even".
And no, I don't buy the whole "But I don't care about balance in the party mode" statement some people have. I care about a fun game. 20 minute waits for an 8 minute game because Guide is overtuned and gens are too quick is not fun. I can blink and escape as Survivor in this mode. It's just not as fun as the first iteration.
2 -
"And no, I don't buy the whole "But I don't care about balance in the party mode" statement some people have"
It's kinda funny because survivors were told the same thing here ("game modes don't need to be balanced") during the first iteration. I'm even seeing complaints about this iteration from someone who repeatedly held that sentiment here on the forum in July. That's possibly why you're seeing it, people are just repeating what they were told.
3 -
Nah even if no one said that last time people would still be saying it. Whichever side has the easier time likes to stay stronger and uses it as an excuse.
Using “you said this last time” is just an excuse. Just like the people last time saying “it’s just a party game” was just an excuse because they want to stay powerful.
5 -
I love going against Billy. I haven't had any issues going against Billy in 2v8. He still has the same counters that make him easy to evade in 1v4 if you know what you're doing. Use windows and try to force him to curve around obstacles. If he happens to be a god-level Billy who can curve around anything, tip your cap to him and move on. Fortunately, Billy players with that level of skill are pretty rare. Most of the time they'll bump into something with their saw a few times and then give up on the chase. He's only strong against survivors who don't know how to properly counter him.
3 -
Same. I think he's fine in 2v8, not to mention there's an abundance of tiles and pallets on these larger maps that complicate things for him. I don't think it's an issue at all
5 -
Serious question. I played a match yesterday with Billy and Huntress. No one's cages were teleporting when they got close. It was hard to tell with the huntress but with Billy he kept reving the chainsaw up and going around me with no teleport. Is it possible that when Billy revs and goes there is no heartbeat and no teleport?
0 -
Was there a survivor nearby? It doesn’t matter if a killer has no TR, the cage should still move if they loiter near it. Wraith has no TR when cloaked and will still trigger it to move.
1 -
True but it hits a little different when you have instant queues for Survs, but 20 minute queues for Killer, doesn't it?
0 -
I thought I read that they changed that this iteration. They made it so killers couldn’t loiter near cages to make them constantly teleport and prevent saves. That was heavily abused last iteration.
0 -
It was but it's still abused. I really think the whole thing is bugged because there is no sprint burst, there is no healing boost and I teleport sometimes. The survivor things happen a handful of times.
0 -
You're mostly correct. It will not teleport if there is a survivor nearby, so that the survivor can get the save. The cages still teleport even if you are loosely nearby, so long as no other survivor is near.