Do you slug for the 4K?
So much discourse related to slugging lately that I thought I might as well make a poll. So, yeah, do you slug for the 4k? Also, the poll is private in case some folks are shy about their vote. But those who are not are welcome to explain their choice.
Do you slug for the 4K? 44 votes
All these complains are to satisfy the ego of survivors to make sure they can escape even if they lost the game. If you don’t slug the third survivor, 90% of the time the other one gets to the hatch before you.
Outcome 1, you can risk hooking, and you end up getting to the hatch before the survivor, so if you want to 4K you have to camp the hatch. Then the survivor hides for 35 mins so he can tbag you at the door he opened because you closed the hatch.
outcome 2, you don’t slug the third one, you hook him and the final survivor gets to the hatch before you.Outcome 3, he hides and waits for you to close the hatch because he has key.
Outcome 4, you hook, close the hatch and have a 50% chance of finding him on door.
Outcome 5, you slug the third to find the final one and the third has unbreakable or not.The end game is fine as it is and is highly inclined to a survivor surviving.
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I don't necessarily agree with any of this. But the point of this poll is not to debate whether slugging for the 4K is right or necessary. It's just to see what killer mains in the forums do.
Personally I only slug if I'm doing an adept or if the survivors were toxic. Otherwise I don't even bother. Playing hide and seek with the fourth survivor while the third one is helpless on the floor is boring as ######### to me. And I don't care at all if the last one gets hatch (unless, like I said, I'm doing an adept or they were toxic).
That is just my point of view though! Others want the 4K at all costs and that's fine.
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I suggested on a another post that the survivor could have the option to risk getting up at a 4% chance (like unhooking) or bleeding out.
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camping the hatch isnt a intended feature, do it if you want but YOUR the one prolonging the game, do you want the survivor to just come up to you and accept defeat?
Also, with killer powers, gates spawns, scratch marks, Killers are likely to find surviviors even if the hatch is closed.
And if hatch is that much of a issue, just bring a offering, whether it be for a map or hatch spawn
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In that case, If I’m camping the hatch, you could do the last gen no? The thing is everyone complains of the killer aims to perform the best he possibly can. Everyone is expecting a “not complete defeat” idk.
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If you hook the third survivor, you should be winning hatch race most of the time. In the last week, I had one survivor get hatch on me, and she took the hit that would have downed her while she jumped in. Admittedly, sometimes I do choose to give hatch or the door. But if the survivor is getting hatch 90% of the time, you need to be doing your hatch races differently.
Run slightly inside the tiles around the edge of the map and listen for the hatch. Remember typical hatch spawn locations and go for those when the pathing makes sense for it. Consider blocking possible pathways for the survivor to get hatch. Always be on the lookout for movement or scratch marks. Hatch race is extremely killer sided.
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Only if I have to for adept or I already know where the last survivor is.
Otherwise no, it's a waste of time and I don't care about the 4th kill, 3k is more than good enough for me. I give hatch/gate pretty often anyway.
If you ask me, slug for 4k is an issue that needs to be addressed and adepts should be changed to only needing 3 kills.
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Only if I see the 4th survivor with my own eyes right as I down the 3rd. Otherwise I won't, for the very simple reason that I find it boring to do and would rather just speed up the end of the match and get into a new one.
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The only time I slug for the 4K is if there are 2 Survivors left and I down one, yet see the other Survivor nearby, in which case it would be rude not to.
However, I never hard slug for the 4K. It's dull and a waste of time. Just get that 3rd Survivor out of the wau, then race to the end. Far more exciting.
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If there is an Adept, Archive, or Daily Ritual that requires such, I will slug for the 4K, but in a 99% of my games I dont since it just pans out the game unnecessarily.
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No because its a waste of time and I already platinum the game on ps5 2 years ago and dont care for killer adepts. Also if one of my re babies, yoichi, or a trevor is in the match I want them alive. 3k is my win ty, am not getting rl money, fame or glory for 4k slugging and wasting other people precious time either.
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i only do it if im going for an adept, bc its just. not fun for me as a killer nor as a survivor
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I don't care that much about a 4k. I'll usually only do it for Adepts or if you're REALLY that toxic.