8 Gens in 4 minutes 14 Seconds
How is this even remotely possible? 8 Gens to complete with supposed "catch up mechanic" where If the Killers are getting cage stages the Survivors gain 1% gen progression but once completing a gen the Survivors lose 1% gen progression.
The Killers were Blight and Wraith who got 10 Cage stages which isn't even half their objective, no kills. We completed 8 gens in 4 minutes 14 seconds, that's near enough 250 seconds match time which works out to be 31.25 seconds a gen.
The lack is gen regression for Killer in 2v8 is quite sad I feel something interesting could be a basekit Surge so at least there is something. We know Gen regression at base is laughable so I'm not sure why BHVR thought the Guide class would be a good idea to implement.
Could it also be I happened to have hackers on my team? No way of telling becasue the game doesn't have a replay system but there is also clips out there of gens being done in mere seconds with the Guide class.
8 Gens to complete with supposed "catch up mechanic" where If the Killers are getting cage stages the Survivors gain 1% gen progression but once completing a gen the Survivors lose 1% gen progression.
I think this was a typo somewhere, because I remember seeing it as well, but I don't think it is correct. I believe the correct numbers are +2.5% per hooked survivor and -5% per completed gen.
If the killers are clustered together and the survivors are spread out working on the gens, especially if the killers aren't kicking, this is absolutely possible. Survivors can get lots of progress on the gens before the gen penalty for finishing them starts to hit.
10 -
It really is weird they decided to take some gen info from Killers, AND to give Survivors more gen progression tools. We really do need some form of gen control on every Killer class, some kind of Surge, a minor Gen lockdown, something where if Survs stay wounded they do gens much slower, a hook to take like 10% off a gen, SOMETHING. They have to implement something, the gens are legitimately too fast and Guide is way too overtuned.
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One thing that the killers have to do to not get genrushed, is scare survivors off gens, especially in the starting phase of the trial.
The more it takes to complete the first gen, the bigger the chance of winning as killer.
10 -
Scare them off at start
I wish it was so simple.
I had a great match as Billy with Wraith, but despite us both engaging in chases from 5 seconds in, kicking every gen, constantly downing and caging one and the other, 4 Victims still managed to escape.
I tried to consider what I could've done differently, and I was baffled, I had been slaughtering, and so had my Wraith buddy.
It's very clear to me, that gen speed is atrociously fast and should be nerfed, but I doubt BHVR will nerf it at this point, but hopefully they won't repeat this mistake for the next time it comes around.
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We completed 8 gens in 4 minutes 14 seconds, that's near enough 250 seconds match time which works out to be 31.25 seconds a gen.
Forums "math" makes my head hurt. That's not how this works.
You have people doing simultaneous actions, which is the only advantage survivors have.
So even 4 people doing gens, and if gens were 90s, it would still be possible to have all 8 gens complete in about 200 seconds.
It's not "30s per gen" it's "70s per gen, but we're leaving most of the team alone to sit and finish them".
These mechanics exist to offset the fact that two killers can reduce chase time to zero by teaming up and double tapping a single survivor.
Stop obsessing over regression, when the killers objective in this mode can be reduced to literally zero.
It doesn't matter how many killers exist if none of them know how map pressure works.
9 -
Dude, I can’t believe I still read survivors wanting even more buffs to this mode. It’s the most survivor sided mode ever created. Unlimited pallets, heals in 1 second, gens in 30 seconds, still not enough. God.
This is a mode where killer functions as a crippled dog chasing cars. That’s why no one queues as killer. It’s a dumbed version of the game, it’s nonsense.
The only good thing that brings this mode, is the evidence that the game will die if they keep buffing survivors to the extent of killers being a chasing npc.
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That’s why no one queues as killer.
It's literally the opposite - killer queues are so long and with no incentive while survivors have permanent and instant lobbies 250%.
14 -
I mean, do you even understand what you are writing?
You say that nobody queues as Killer - yet, my Killer queues in the mode are AT LEAST 20 minutes. I had 20 minutes when the mode went live and yesterday it was more than 20 minutes to find a match as Killer.
This means that there are way more Killers than needed and not even close enough Survivors to play.
15 -
People just want to tag team survs while refusing to pressure different areas of the map and manage gens. This mode is absurdly survivor sided but like normal 1v4 strong killer choice, loose mmr, and solo queue shenanigans can make it possible to 8k almost every match.
Only tracking my last 12 matches my duo and I have an average 7.5 kills and ~6 gens completed. 2/3 of our matches have been an 8k, we've only had a single match where more than 1 escape and survs have only completed all gens 25% of matches. Our stats would be even more absurd without an outlier match where we made a lot of mistakes and 3 got out.
Post edited by LeFennecFox on2 -
Yeah, it reminds me of nerfing distortion at the same time as buffing aura in the main game. I think the “snowballing” fix is a good idea at its core but it needs to be stronger. It would be cool if killers could have some kind of ability, similar to the survivors special ability that has a long cool down and must be built up, but perhaps after “x” amount of hooks if either killer reaches that goal, they can press their special ability button and get a strong instant damage to every gen on the map like pop? It can help with killers that don’t have good mobility, rewards for multiple hooks, and provides a decent counter to gen speeds.
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4 escaped so it was a tie. what's the problem. You realize you're not supposed to win every match just because you play killer, right?
5 -
Should increase gens to 10 in 2v8 mode.
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Yeah, like why would you put a gen aura range limit on killer? I know it's when they're further than 64 meters, which is pretty far and not likely to occur. But still, just the concept is absolutely ridiculous.
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People "just want to tag-team Survs" because chasing Survivors is fun, and doing it with your friend is even more fun. Guarding generators is boring, Killers want to chase Survivors and - eventually - hook and sacrifice them.
If your only argument against the many numerous and vociferous complaints that Killer isn't as fun this time around because Survs are too strong is "git gud and pressure gens lol" when the gens legit go faster than they can pressure and they can't see half of them, please get a better one. The complaints do not come from nowhere.
1 -
You have a class that gives 5% per survivor bonus to gen progression.
4x guide survivors repair a gen. +5% per nearby survivor is a +15% each for the next gen they touch. All four jump on the next gen a it's 60% complete off the bat. Not to bring up the 8% repair speed bonus they can get.
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this is way overkill where i can say 1st interation is better then this one by miles they need to go back to 1st one as that was more fun for both sides this one is just poorly thought out
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And this isn't really a playable strat. Players much better then most try this over several matches to have it mostly fail. when you complete the 2 or 3, 4 player gens on a map you lose 1/4th the power of it cause the guide has to be touching the gen to get stacks.
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It's because the concept itself being unique - killers finally have someone they can rely upon. For survivors it's still the same - fix gens and escape. The fact that there are two killers doesn't matter since there are so many tools for survivors and even if they last in chase for 5 or 10 seconds that can be enough for the team of 3 or 4 survivors to get 2 or 3 gens popped somewhere else. In some aspects it's the same classic 1v4 match, but with every survivor running with brand new parts and having a purple medkit that auto-recharges itself.
Gameplay wise this is survivors on steroids vs no-gen defense killers.
2 -
It is very playable strat actually. Thing is some people get 8 potatoes on survivors instead of 8 decent players which often results into 6-8k at 5-6 gens. I and my buddy did that few times and let me tell you we aren't the ''best'' players in the world but survivors we matched against really slacked way too much and ran around without trying to do gens or help each other despite having roles fairly distributed.
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They need to be hooked first to unlock that. And need 5 people around them for a 4 sided gen, and 7 people for a 3 sided gen. I've watched streamers try pull it off and just throw games. This isn't happening in your average game, and if it is then where are the killers when the whole team is surrounding a gen?
The issue I've noticed in my games is the tag teaming between killers who clearly aren't a duo in communication. I had a Spirit and Deathslinger completely annihilating the team when separate (multiple cages at 8 gens left), then for some reason they decided to team up, stagnated, and we got a 6 out.
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Gens are done way too fast. Period. The medic class is also overbuffed. Deathslinger is underbuffed. His chain breaks way to easily with the most minor inconvenience of any resistance.
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Not really sure what the issue is. Most of my match are 6-8 survivors out the gate. I typically play as medic. Very broken if you have a medic buddy with you, lol.
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The tag teaming by killers with buffed powers is why survs aren't flocking to the mode to begin with. Chase is 80% the fun of dbd as survivor and you have no agency vs 2 killers. Killers and survs can both win if they want to but the way to win isn't fun for either side. Killers avoid stacking up on their buddy too much while defending gens & survivors afk hold m1 to heal/repair all game.
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Then that means the mode is DOA and needs to be scrapped if one whole side is still not having fun even with all the buffs they got this time.
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Funny how even with all the overpowered survivors classes, killer role is still not miserable enough to not have fast enough queues with 2/8 player ratio.
Dont worry, they'll make it even worse next time
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I see how you're trying desperately to spin this, but let me write exactly what you said in a way that isn't trying to be killer biased:
"They've made so many improvements to the base game for killers, including base kit buffs, killer kit buffs, and map/tile/pallet changes. And to such a degree that even despite giving survivors extra base kit classes, ultimate abilities, and a slew of other mechanics that aren't in the regular game, that killer is still the more enjoyable role that people are desperate to play."
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that's a nice projection, senator, but why don't you stop twisting my words to fit in your actually biased narrative.
2v8 has severe queue issues because killer role is too fun and actually has new interesting gamemode-level gameplay dynamic going on. Survivor role is dumbed down to no end and has nothing going on and the way devs try to fix it is by making killer role as miserable as possible by overbuffing survivors and expectedly fail because the balance was never the issue.
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Killers are miserable, and yet there's still a massive queue time for people lining up to play killer.
Which is it? Is killer more fun in this mode, or miserable?
Because you seem to want to say both in the same breath. The only way this makes any sense is if killer is miserable, yet survivor is somehow far worse (making killer the preferred role), despite having the extra features for survivor.
Which is exactly what I said. I didn't twist anything. I said the exact same thing you did. You just don't like the reality of it.
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the queues will be massive unless only ¬20% of people choose to play killer with their friend while the rest choose to play boring survivor with the only appeal factor being overpowered classes. id imagine you would realize that when throwing out queue argumentation, but guess not