What do you think about voice lines?

I see in interviews with the devs that people want them not only to continue but to also go back and do older characters like Dwight for example.
Does anyone else, while appreciating the talent, wish you could turn them off?
I get so distracted playing as Lara Croft or The Unknown.
I know there's a lot of people who hate Chucky. Maybe the losses wouldn't be so irritating if you weren't literally being laughed at?
Does anyone else get "distracted" for lack of a better word?
I don't mind the little "ha ha" from Freddy or the grunts of The Trapper, but the talking irks me so much.
You’re certainly not alone there.
I’d also be against adding voicelines for the older characters. I feel like the ambiguity that comes with the lack of them shouldn’t be lost.
Not to mention that a lot of characters pre-Resident Evil were voiced by in-house BHVR staff, some of which have even left the studio.9 -
I'll be fine with them adding more voicelines so long as they also add a option to turn them off
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Wish I could turn them off. They're neat the first time but after that they get super repetitive and annoying.
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Yes I would because everytime I get that braindead rat poison annoying pipsqueak with his smart ass mouth I just wanna yank him out my monitor tv, and same with clown and death slinger with their annoying laugh
Wesker and Vecna voicelines is the only 2 I like since both of them makes sense with their character of no nonsense its seriousness business feeling vs clown slinger and chucky just giving annoying cocky stupid laugh and their laugh to me is like taunting and rub it in your face.
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I agree completely, friend.
I would also like the option to turn them off, if possible. If I hear another "Poor performance indeed" I'll go insane.
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You really don't like Wesker, do you? Like, not at all?
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Yes! I have my own idea in my head what Survivors would talk like, accents, attitudes, nice, mean, bossy, all kinds of invented stuff. I just want the option to turn them off.
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Nope, can't say i share that sentiment, i welcome more voicelines even without the ability to turn it off.
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Indeed, my friend.
I feel nothing but disdain for this character in DBD.
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I just started playing him since the anniversary as part of my Killer Expansion (playing more than 2 Killers)
I even bought him the police outfit.
If I see you in my lobby, I'll just farm with ya 😉
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For the OP, if they do go that route we'd also like voice lines to be optional or minimal. Nick is funny but hearing everyone after so long of silence is jarring to us.
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If I see you in my lobby, I'll just farm with ya 😉
Please don't.
Just tunnel me. That way I can find another match, hopefully against someone who is fun to play against.
…I'll resort to the old reliable:
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It's that bad?
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That's what an insane General looks like, behold the horror!~
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I've never seen him talk like this. I'm scared.
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So much so that, before his release, I had never disconnected from a game out of dislike towards a character. I really don't like doing that, because it hurts my teammates and they have nothing to do with my likes / dislikes towards killers and their powers.
I had a perfect record… until Wesker was added to the game.
I dislike this character just as much as I disliked the Original Legion.
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if, and it’s a big if, they ever do make the DBD movie, it will be interesting whether those actors end up doing voice lines for the original cast
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Do you enjoy facing Freddy?
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Personally, all my favorite characters in this game have voice lines. Pinhead and Nic Cage are my mains for their respective sides. I wish more characters spoke in game; it’s one thing I prefer in Killer Klowns over DBD. That said, if there were an option to turn them off for people that don’t like them, that seems like the best of both worlds.
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Of course <3
My favorite character in the game, no matter if I am playing him or against him. Seeing Freddy is always fun!
Here, I can share my "fun to play against tier list". It is slightly outdated, but still mostly accurate:
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Depends on the character and when the voicelines are said.
For older characters, adding voicelines when they didn't have any I would find off-putting and cringe. For characters that have a voiceline in the lobby or when loading in, that's fine.
For survivors, I don't really like Lara/Nick's voicelines aside from the "thanks for saving me" ones related to altruism or the "whew" when you get a gate open.
For killers, I think it's fine on the ones they are on (mostly Wesker/Chucky) as it fits their personalities well.
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I'm surprised Wesker isn't literally all alone in his own F category.
I love facing Freddy. If we all survive, I always offer myself as a sacrifice to give him some points.
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He is, actually, in the newer one. This is slightly outdated, a character or two have changed placements.
Yes, facing Freddy is always an amazing experience! Unfortunately we just don't see him very often.
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I would like the option for them to be turned off, especially on characters like the OG 4 and everyone who was here before Real Beyond (what I consider to be the end of Classic DBD in my mental timeline of the game). An character by character option would be really nice for someone like me.
I can't really imagine some of the modern cast without their voice lines, but I understand why people would find them repetitive and want a toggle. My only real concern over that inclusion would be bugs, but you could say that about every DBD release at this point.
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I say it for months that there should be an option to turn of Voicelines. I mean, I get their implementation for licensed characters, but it also annoys me that they add them for original characters. But the worst voicelines are those from Alan Wake, this mindless, senseless screaming. Makes me not play him at all, since I always have a "Shut up Alan" in my head.
Ideally, they add a feature to disable Voicelines for each character. Because some Voicelines I really like, but others I highly dislike. E:g. I think Unknowns Voicelines are great, I also like Weskers Voicelines. But I dont like them for almost all Survivors.
When it comes to adding Voicelines to older characters… I hope they will never do it. Especially since some Voice Actors will probably not come back to record those Voicelines.
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They’re a nice idea but this game thrives on its subtlety.
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I get jump scared by The Unknown while playing The Unknown lol. I need an option to turn it off. I only played as Alan once so I wasn't aware he was a big talker.
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I love voice lines personally.I would really love if Anna got a few sparse voice lines. Russian is such a beautiful and dark language and it would be really cool to hear her say some things.
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Is that the new Survivor?
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I think there should be a toggle option for certain stuff like voice lines and especially scream and groans. I remember a few people around me raising eyebrows at the screams and groans when I first started playing it on switch… 😅
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Anna is the Huntress, my friend ;)
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Oh, I had no idea that was her name.
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I am right there with you. I will happily dc against wesker. Legion pushes it for sure. I wasn't around for legions release but I really do not like legion at all.
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It is! Her lore is also pretty good.
Well, the original one is. Not sure about the Tome, I rarely read those.
Both really unfun killers, indeed.
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I thought her name was crazy axe lady!
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Can we PLEASE stop talking about Wesker!!!
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No that’s Taurie who is Scottish. I was talking about The Huntress! My Pookie Bear😭
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I never knew she had a name other than The Huntress. I wonder if all the non-licenced Killers do?
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Almost all of them. Dredge and the Unknown don't, but the others have their own, real names.
Adriana Imai (Skull Merchant), Lisa Sherwood (Hag), Herman Carter (Doctor), and the list goes on.
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Pretty much all of them do! Anna is the only killer who has a first name but no Surname given. At least until I marry her!😩
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Anna is the only killer who has a first name but no Surname given.
Adiris, Boy and Joey exist.
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I think for Killers, context is important. Wesker and Chucky are over-confident trash-talkers by nature (ESPECIALLY Chucky), Trickster was experimental in many ways, Unknown literally uses voice mimicry in its hunting strategy, I'm pretty sure Dracula is a talker (though I'm honestly not very familiar with Castlevania), Pinhead speaks so rarely that it's a nice little treat when he does, Houndmaster needs to speak in order to issue commands to Snug, and Vecna is an all-powerful Lich against a bunch of peasants. Really, the only Killer who (currently) bothers me with having voice lines is Singularity. I honestly think he would be a lot scarier if he was a silent, uncaring machine hunting you down as opposed to a glitchy, gene-obsessed pseudo-cyborg.
I've explained my issues with Survivors having voice lines in the past, but it basically boils down to the entire reason I mained Ash for a few years was the fact that he spoke in the lobby (that was literally the deal-breaker between him and Adam). He was fun and unique every time he showed up in the lobby. And now EVERYONE is getting voice lines, which also don't play for others in the lobby anymore (probably some priority issue they couldn't figure out with the RE cast), and are also kind of rare in my experience (mostly for the RE cast again), or don't make sense half the time (no Ripley, the creepy ghost girl you're about to go against is NOT using the vents), or are just bad (the majority of Sable's lines or Gabriel repeating the same three things over and over). And don't get me started on Nick Cage, Alan and Lara speaking IN the trials. It just kind of takes me out of it.
But that's also why I turned off subtitles, and it's honestly made the voice lines a LOT less distracting (though I now have no clue what the Lyras are saying in the extremely rare chance I'm playing one and run into the other and the voice line decides to play).
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One of the joys of being a Mikey main, I know he will never talk.
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Right? I love him compare to far more annoying killers like that crazy cat sounding spirit or that annoying pesky voodoo doll.
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I meant to say first lol
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Well then if so people shouldnt chastis their teamates who dc on a killer they dont like too even if you do not mind the killer, specially skull mechant mains I still refuse to play against that disgusting washing machine. I just want her deleted completely.
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I don't think it is okay to disconnect and abandon your teammates just because you happen to dislike the killer. As I've said on a different comment, your teammates have nothing to do with whether or not you like the character, they are there to play the game.
I don't DC against every Wesker I go against. I'm just mentioning the story because he was the first character to make me DC out of hatred, it happened a few times and I won't pretend it didn't. Doesn't make it okay, though.
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To each their own.
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I like voice lines on the killers that have them but I really don’t care about the survivor voice lines. I wish there was an option to turn them off especially if they go back and add voice lines to older characters.
Context is key because I couldn’t imagine someone like Wesker or Chucky without voice lines because it adds a lot of personality that would otherwise be missing. However I don’t need to hear Nic and Lara flapping their gums every time they enter a chase or get picked up by the killer. The novelty wears off quickly
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Exactly! I agree. At least though if you do dc a bot takes your place.
versus in the past they were just stuck with only 3 survivors now.1