I think Killers are literally falling asleep waiting in 2v8 queues.

I've had 3 matches as Survivor where one Killer was afk and another one where my Killer partner was afk.
I really think they're nodding off while waiting. Can we increase the incentives on Survivor?
It's so frustrating for a Killer that waits 20 minutes to play a 1 v 8.
I just waited for 21 minutes in a queue for a 6 minute game. Wouldn't surprise me if people are falling asleep
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I won't lie — I try really hard to stay available when I'm waiting for a match, but if the wait is too long, I tab out of the window or sometimes leave my computer to go get a snack or something. If someone's been waiting 15-20 minutes, I'm not totally surprised if they aren't staring at the screen the whole time.
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Same experience. Afk killers when I'm doing survivor.
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I've had this happen to me a few times, and I've accidentally done it once, where I forgot about the fact that I was in queue then started cooking something. There is a system in place that applies a DC penalty to you if you AFK the whole match, but I think if you don't move for 60 seconds upon game start it should kick you out so you become a bot. This way the match isn't ruined for everyone else, you can adjust the time up if you think 60 seconds is too little given how long queues are.
As for the length of queues, the novelty of killing with someone else is too much to really be able to do anything about queue times. Maybe +400% bloodpoint incentive on survivors, but I doubt even that would be enough.
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I am not gonna lie, its 1:42am and I am yawning sitting here while I wait to get in. LOL. The adrenaline wears off and then a wave of sleepiness hits me LOL.
You should try wacking a few killers with a pallet to wake them up. I wonder if that idea ever CROSSED your mind :p
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Because it isn't worth it to wait 20 minutes for a stripped down 6 minute round of DBD that you are likely to lose if you try to play nice. Can't wait for it to go so we don't have hideous queue times across both modes.
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Where exactly is it stated you get a DC penalty for being AFK all match? Never have i known that to be a thing in DBD and never seen it stated anywhere.
There has been an issue with AFK killers in 2v8 who are doing it just to be malicious but I do think an auto kick feature would be good for afk killers and survivors.1 -
just happened to me lol.
went afk for a while bc the queue was so long and came back to 3 gens left.
queues are too long for too poor quality of games
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my own personal experience, but also google it and you will see. I do not think it was ever in patch notes.
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It happens after about… 2 minutes I believe, kicking with a penalty. And I have not heard of ANYONE AFKing as Killer in 2v8 to be malicious on purpose, I think people really are just that bored of waiting in Queue, they get up and by the time they are ready the game is half over because these matches last so short it's deadass not worth the 20 minute wait time.
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I typically hang my headphones around my neck and scroll on my phone for those long waits. I can still hear when I get into a lobby that way. Wouldn't surprise me one bit though if people got caught using the bathroom or something. You don't wanna get out of queue if nature calls 15 minutes into waiting.
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I'm so good at it lol
How much you want to bet I get you one of these days? Lol
They must be so shocked 😲
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I attempted to play as the killer in a 1v4 match, but the queue times were still long. I often forget that I queued up for a game, and by the time I remember, the match is already halfway over. I will take another break until this frustrating game mode is gone!
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I wouldn’t doubt it! 🤣 I would laugh! I hope you do
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I'm so afraid someone's going to do it to me that I refuse to walk through pallets when playing Killer 😆
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I thanked my killer for coming back last night. Full solid minute of me placing traps with no help. I just kept on trappin
Ngl, I've ripped the bong too hard and closed my eyes and forgot I was playing dbd only to be woken up by the match found noise
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I only played 3 killer games last night , I was lucky that my teammates were never AFK. I have killer anxiety, it would be scray if I had to deal with 8 survivors alone. I would probebly never touch killer again.
But I found myself getting really bored during the waitung times (20 minutes average) , and reading something in the browser or watching videos doesn´t really help if you´re not in the mood for reading/watching videos. If I want to play a game, I actually want to PLAY something.
I wish it would somehow be possible to play killer custom games while waiting in queue. I don´t thing that would be possible but it would be so much better.
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Luckily I haven't had an afk killer in 2v8 yet! But ngl the incentive needs to be at least 400% for survivors to funnel more people into the modifier. It's not really worth it for me unless the incentive is there tbh. As it stands, as soon as I finish the tome challenges, i'm going back to 1v4 which I know wont help those killer queue times but it's a better experience for me. So yeah the incentives for survivor need to be better.
And why the hell is pipping off lol. I want to pip after my matches to feel some type of "progression" - I don't get that with 2v8.2 -
Get baited, Huntress 😆 🤣 😂
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the teabags 🤣
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When will they add Ghostface to 2v8 so I can teabag five Survivors back when they all are teabagging me behind a pallet and we can all have a fun little dance party together? :(
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I just got teabagged three times in one match by three different Survivors as Freddy while the Survivors hid behind a pallet, daring me to take a swing.
Thank goodness for me they were Dream Pallets 🔥
4K, I win 🏆
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Because everyone wants to play the easy and unique side of the game. Not enough survivors to fill the people that just want to steamroll
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Killers are steamrolling in this mode as anyone besides Blight + Billy?
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Reminds me what Overwatch did. Instead of sitting at the menu screen while waiting in queue, they'd load you in a practice match with other people who are also waiting.
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They definitely need to do something about killer queue times in 2v8. I think one of the simplest options is a 3d queue. You have killer, survivor, and killer vs bots. The killer vs bots queue should be instant and give a scalable bonus for the killers choosing that option. Honestly, playing as a killer in 2v8, the average survivor isn't much better than a bot anyway. Might as well take the no queue time and extra bloodpoints.
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Had that happen one time. I slapped the Slinger at the end of the match.
I tend to open my sketch book while waiting.