150% bp bonus, 2v8 is an actual joke

I now earn more BP just playing killer in 1v4 using a pudding/cake, absolutely zero reason to play 2v8 now if it's to farm bloodpoints. The fact that 250% wasn't even a static minimum is hilarious


  • beater15
    beater15 Member Posts: 66

    Not true at all, I'm getting into 1v4 killer games fairly quickly at the moment

    SAWII Member Posts: 201

    Lucky. Takes me at least 7 minutes just to find a lobby for killer 1v4, and that doesn’t include the lobby timer itself nor the loading times.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,769

    I would not call it quick, but it is quicker than last time to find a game as Killer in 1v4. It takes me longer than usual tho.

    And I think the sole reason for it not being as bad in 1v4 as last time is simply that Survivor does not have a massive BP-Bonus for playing 2v8. The 400% back then basically killed both queues for Killer, since it was not enough to make enough Survivors play 2v8, but enough to pull some away from 1v4.

    Personally, I like it that way. This makes Killer more viable in 1v4, I wont really play in 2v8 anymore… At least 20 minutes of wait time are not worth it, even if it is usually a Stomp.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,704

    I mean, I have everything unlocked and only spend bp for prestige on my Jill.

    I can play killer with a friend. That by default makes it worlds better than 1v4. At least for me personally.

  • beater15
    beater15 Member Posts: 66

    Then you would want higher survivor bonus in 2v8 to make killer queue quicker correct?

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,704

    I honestly don't mind the queue as much.

    The match is worth the wait and I can draw in my sketchbook while waiting.

    I personally don't see bp as such a a huge incentive. If it was iri shards, then I'd be hooked.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,332

    You made the same post yesterday and in it people told you that the bonus saves them from using any offerings that they already have a limited amount of and they overall just prefer 2v8.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    This mode was, is, and always will be a joke because it's just stripped down DBD with more stress and half the heart. It's not a good mode, I'm sorry to say. Killer side feels too stressful. Survivor side is boring as usual. I have no idea how it got this popular, when is Chaos Shuffle coming back? Hell, never thought I'd say this but… when is LIGHTS OUT coming back? Both felt more interesting, game-changing, unique, and thrilling than this mode ever did.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,305

    already sick 2v8 same as last time survivor 2v9 and 1v4 are instant lobby and killer 2v8 and 1v4 take forever it feel like 12 to 15 min wait at the least.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Honestly, I think the first version of 2v8 was way better than this one.

    They brought it back too soon with the wrong changes, imho.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    I agree with this, I much preferred the first version both sides.

    Scrap this and go back to the first version, BHVR. Never do this again.

  • ownoka
    ownoka Member Posts: 47

    BHVR's BP system is absolutely broke. I play on PS and my friend plays on xBox. We both had 150% bloodpoints and he earned 110k and I earned 70k and we both were within 200 points of each other in basic match.

    If BHVR wants people to trust these games, then do right by ALL players.

    This also includes aura reading. Killers don't have to kick gens or use Shadow to have eyes on you. (For shadow, it seems killers see all survivors even who are not in chase.) In fact I had killers who had Brute and Shadow, saw them run from 1/2 way across the map - DID NOT KICK A GEN and both ran directly to me and knocked me down. This is broke and ridiculous.

  • SharonPancakes
    SharonPancakes Member Posts: 83

    Well if more killers felt the same it wouldn't be such a long queue. Thanks for not playing 2v8.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 266

    The only issue with the mode as a survivor is when you get double tunneled right away all 3 times. Other than that, it's more about the fun than the kills imo. As a Huntress main, I now have 4 more targets to throw hatchets at. So that makes me happy as is.