Houndmaster's chase music was changed

Heres the previous version from the ptb
And here's the current version
Not gonna lie, I vastly prefer the ptb version since the accordion literally gives the chase more personality
The new one feels so bland and boring
Please revert to the ptb version
They changed the "harmonica" sound from the PTB (or accordion, I don't know)
Yeah, I much prefer the PTB version. No wonder I was playing today and thinking the chase music was underwhelming. I guess I was not crazy.
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At first when I heard of the music I didn't notice anything up until I checked the comparison and noticed a huge downgrade the new version had
I sincerely hope this gets reverted in the next hotfix
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PTB layers 1, 3 and 4 were so much better. I prefer live 2 though.
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once again BHVR panders to the crybabies who can’t handle a little creativity with the music and got def rebel to redo the theme
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listen I don’t care about your eardrums or feelings they screwed up Ghostface & aliens awesome theme songs cause people have paper thin skin.
These are the people who complain about having a spider killer in a game where you sacrifice people to a literal spider god. BHVR needs to stop listening to these people
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Always something with the chase music…
One thing - it is almost every time to loud!
If you don´t turn it down a bit in general maybe add a little slider to adjust it. Chase music is to loud.
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to be for real I listened to both. They sound the same but that accordion is such a huge difference it hurts.
I’m not a fan of her design/character but the pirate theme had the accordion which fit remove it & it’s not the same1 -
The PTB chase portion seemed just a tiny bit out of place in the actual game, though I like its uniqueness from a listening standpoint.
I have no idea why the max range portion was changed. On live you can barely hear the new version over the heartbeat, and from a listening standpoint the PTB version was perfect. I'd love for it to come back.
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Why can’t I play the video? It says I have to sign in, but why?
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You mean the washing machines?
Sorry but they were horrible.
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Try going to dbdleaks and you'll be able to find the two videos of the chase music
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They're the same song except the accordion was sped up by like 3x or 4x. I don't really like either very much but the new one sounds a little better for what is supposed to be a frantic chase theme.
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Idk, I just like hearing the accordion every time, now that it's been changed it just feels lackluster even if its meant to be more frantic
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I don't really mind the change, in fact i actually prefer the live version more.
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It feel like extra noises were added to the live chase music, just to make it even more difficult to hear survivors during a chase.
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Imo the new one is a bit better since the accordion in the first version would get annyoing real quick( for me at least). But i get were you coming from…i was sad when they changed the Pyramid head music from the PTB
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Michel getting a fetish for washing machine sounds 2 years ago was the worst thing to happen to this game's soundtrack.
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PTB vesion was really better
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What’s odd is nobody complained at about it that I saw on PTB. 🤔
I don’t know why they did this.
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It reminded me of pyramid head ptb chase music
His old theme was much better and liked by everyone
Now it's been downgraded into sounding like a metal chase theme that doesn't fit the theme of silent hill in my opinion
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Then you clearly haven't listened to Silent Hill 2's soundtrack because it heavily utilizes metal noises and industrial tools for it's score, something that PH's current chase track captures incredibly well.
The PTB chase track on the other hand is more of a Silent Hill 1 vibe than it is Silent Hill 2.
While PTB was more melodic to listen to, it didn't fit Pyramid Head nor the vibe of Silent Hill 2's soundtrack.
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I have listened to silent hill 2 soundtracks,
But you do have a point though, thinking back about it
Ptb version really does recapture the vibes of silent hill 1
Still not a fan of his current version, but I understand the assignment of his chase vibe wise
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Yeah - I am not sure what the thought process was there but I want the old music back.
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I personally like the live version more. I think the PTB version is too calm.
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Yeah the ptb one is better. The harmonica really added more to it
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did anyone actually say anything about old PTB chase music? I've not heard anyone complain lol
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I've seen a few people who dislike the music but not to the point of anyone complaining
Almost majority of people thought houndmaster's ptb version was very well liked
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An update since there's now a video:
I would seriously hope the new version doesn't come back after just taking about how much we disliked the theme back in November
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bhvr always had a bad habit of changing chase music. I'll forever be sad that Xeno's music got changed from the PTB into something generic and borning.
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Personally I hope they keep the current chase music on live. I don't like the "new" (In quotation marks because it's been changed back and forth a few times) music on the PTB. I'm not saying the entire theme is worse overall but layer 1 is too subtle and quiet and the chase music has that disorienting noise in it. I liked having the accordion in the "foreground" of the audio. Felt like it fit more thematically with the Houndmaster being a pirate etc.
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Since the new version is back sadly, bhvr can you please revert the chase version back how it was before
The old theme just sounded much better and more pirate like them the new version