Would like feedback/tips how to improve my killer gameplay

Title says it all, would appreciate advise from those that can maintain purple/red ranks and/or maintain 2/3k ( I’m not asking how to maintain the above I would just like some actual legit advise)
I play Hag mainly and I am wanting to ‘offtank’ basically the Plague just because it’s a unique power play style that isn’t so cheesed.
with Hag I pretty much run Space Cocunut/Monto builds mixed with my own flavor.
1) M&A/chili/Surveil/MYC
1B) mintyrag/shackles/ebony
Get 3-4k’s consistently (obviously)
2)bambooz/surveillance/discord/brutal strength
2B) mix of purple due to out of funds for pinks
1-2k (90% of my games so it’s my baseline)
The Plague:
1B)aura vomit/ faster injured state/ ebony
4k ( obviously)
2) surveill/chili/brutal strength/ruin
2B) purples usually for faster injured state or movement
1-2k is my baseline
I don’t camp, and if I run ruin or thrill, I am pretty bad at keeping them up, I usually end up just injuring people while trying to juggle gens and totem but I’m not doing enough work fast enough and I am trying to tackle to many objectives at the same time while trying to chase or in one.
if I avoid long 40 sec chases I usually end up not getting a hook until 3 gems are left or worse if I can’t get the down and they escape chase while maintaining gen patrol/totem guarding
if I commit to a long chase I usually 40% win the chases within 2 mins of duration of chase ( my baseline usually)
i lose chases because of hard loops and bad scratch tracking if they get ahead or if they get a stun at a decent loop and not a poop loop. I am also really terrible on cornfield maps and if there’s any African American characters I’m against I’m 100% going to lose them if they make me chase through fields ( this is DEFINITELY my baseline)
if if I run perks that slow the game down or help with loops I suffer pretty badly.
when I hook people I tend to go to far because I’m to much self conscious about the survivors being mad at me proxy so I will usually go to opposite sides of the map of the hook ( sometimes there’s survivors and 100% the hook is saved after I’m long gone obviously lol)
with hag I’m more competent at loops/chases because I’m decent with the traps but I miss my swings when I teleport or get 360’d real good.
would love to discuss if anyone has the time
Best Answer
Rank 1 killer here, currently 1 pip away from rank 2 on the new system. I play Hag and Plague plus like 8 other killers.
It seems to me like you rely too heavily on mori's and killers best add-ons. You need to practice with yellow add-ons at best.
For Hag you want bug parts and eggs (teleport distance and phantasm duration respectively). Those are her best "basic" add-ons. While I think Surveillance is a solid perk now, on Hag I don't think it would be that effective mainly because you are too slow to really take advantage of it. If you were like Nurse, Billy, or Spirit it's amazing, but for Hag not so much. Unless you put a trap at the gen AND they trigger it the perk won't be doing much for you. BBQ is the same way, you are too slow for it to make any sort of difference. You can see where survivors are but if it's clear across the map you won't get to them fast enough and they can dodge you very easily. Nurse's Calling would be better because 1) the range is beyond her TR (especially since you have M&A), and 2) it means they are close enough you can get to them. You don't want to chase as Hag, you want to set up a zone of traps and let survivors come to you. If they leave that area just let them go because otherwise you waste too much time chasing. The other perk I would say Ruin, Corrupt Intervention, or maybe even Sloppy to slow the game down.
You second build with Hag looks just awful. Again she's not a chase killer, Bambo and BS will do nothing for you here. This is besides the fact her power can already break loops if you put the trap in the right spot. You almost want them to vault stuff so they trigger a trap and you hit them.
For Plague your second build is stronger sans the mori (which is probably why you are getting those 4ks). You don't need Surv as she sort of has a built in to her power. Kick the gen then puke on it, if someone touches it they get sick and you can see that now you know someone is on that gen. I would try something else there, what I couldn't tell you really because she's so new I'm still testing out stuff for her. Infectious Fright is actually a very good perk, helps with tracking and can give you chances to apply a lot of pressure through slugging.
After that, the only other piece of advice I can give is to know when to give up a chase. This is almost always the thing I see killers lose a game for, and something I myself sometimes do which can cost me the game also. If a chase is going for a long time you should just let them go and look for another survivor. Best times to do this are if you see them use an exhaustion perk like BL, Lithe, or Sprint Burst. Or if they run to a very strong loop or a dead zone (area with no gens for you to protect). I know it's hard to do and you feel like it's a bad move, but trust me it's sometimes a good move. Better to go protect gens and find someone you can catch in a bad spot much quicker.
EDIT: Just read more of the post, if you have trouble with tracking use Bloodhound or Stridor. They can help you stay on an injured survivor during a chase. You also have to be willing to return to hooks to apply pressure. Whether you decide to tunnel or not is up to you, but if you're not chasing someone go back to the hook and go after one of them. As Hag you have MYC which lets you pressure rescues really hard. Just start going back to the hook if they trigger a trap teleport, if not it means they are crouching around and you can usually still catch them.
Honestly, for Hag your second build is horrible. I use Brutal Strength, Sloppy butcher, Ruin and A Nurses calling. Trap routes they'll take and some major loops. Ez 4 man.
If you want to just keep them completely under your control, use Sloppy butcher, Ruin, Thanatophobia and A Nurses calling. Then trap routes, loops and pretty much the same thing. Aim on injuring the survivors and do not commit to a chase and teleport everywhere. Gens will take 92.8 seconds if they choose not to heal and healing other survivors without a medkit is 21.76 seconds and self care is 43.52 seconds. With a medkit, it'll still take a while. It's amongst one of the strongest builds I've ever used and pretty much guarantees a win unless it's a SWEATY SWF. This is one of the only Hag builds that can combat normal/above average SWF. Sweaty SWF crushes it. But you might end witha 2k.
Also a small tip, don't run OP addons, get used to the brown eggshell addon (duration) and the brown bug addon (range). Should give you a 50m range, which is good to get used to and maybe 5.6 seconds to teleport?
That's my advice. Bye.
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Addon reliance is not a good thing. These are used to spice up gameplay and enhance your abilities, not define you as a hag main.
If you are aware of space coconut, then many of his trap tactics are very valid. Continue practicing these locations and the effects that come with them.
Hag is not a chaser. You do not need perks to help you with a chase. Your design is to foil loop attempts and punish those who try to abuse them. Your success wholly depends on the traps you make and the mind games that you play.
Basically, this all boils down to practice and you learning. Timing strikes and patience to beat 360s will not come at the advice of others, but through a great deal of practice.
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Thank you guys for the help, I’ll try these out and hopefully I can perform better going forward
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Good luck mate.