Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Killers got what they wanted.



  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited March 2019

    "Killers want easy 4k's." Yup, that's all I needed to hear to discard your opinion bud. I don't dodge any lobbies unless I see 3+ lunchboxes, cuz I'm not going to get to play so I don't bother playing it. Killers wanting 4ks are sweaty ######### who hate balance. Survivors rushing gens in 4 minutes, everyone escaping cuz of Adren, instaheals, etc, totally fine. Nothing wrong there at all.

    Also, survivors, hell. Major streamers who play only survivor, block killers who beat them. You right though, only killers want easy games. That's why there's so many killer main streamers..wait a minute. :thinking:

    No, every killer does not want easy 4ks. They want to actually be rewarded for playing well. Not cuz a survivor made an oopsie that got erased cuz they brought a perk.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    The only people that actually believe this nonsense are people with low hours and ones that don't play both sides at rank 1.

  • NeaJovovich
    NeaJovovich Member Posts: 234

    @Caretaker "I don't dodge any lobbies unless I see 3+ lunchboxes, cuz I'm not going to get to play so I don't bother playing it."

    If that's how you feel, Survivors should be able to see if Killers are using meme add-ons like Iri Heads, Iri Buttons, Prayer Beads Bracelet, Coxcombed Clapper, etc.

    @Caretaker "Survivors rushing gens in 4 minutes, everyone escaping cuz of Adren, instaheals, etc, totally fine. Nothing wrong there at all."

    Once AGAIN, you Killers using your Hyperboles to make your point... Every game, Survivors make it to the end and have Adrenaline and insta-heals?

    Please! Let me know what Rank you are and and where you live... I want to team up with THOSE Survivors instead of the Urban Evading Clauds and Megs in their default clothing.

    OY VEY.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited March 2019

    Do you the want the videos? See, unlike most people on the forums I have access to video recording software. I'm rank 5 atm, cuz I got a string of bad games. Usually rank 1. I also play survivor. 100% the game. The last game I played I literally couldn't use my power, cuz they spent the entire game broken. BHVR somehow thinks this is balanced, and ok. Iri Button is trash, Prayer Beads needs to be bumped to UR, Coxcombed look for the shimmer?, Iri Heads got nerfed to 1 and requires a very rare. If there's a problem with them, rarity should be bumped up.

    Wanna know the reason you can't see my loadout and what not? It was cuz survivors, keyword here, S U R V I V O R S, were looking at people's profiles and avoiding them for playing killers they didn't like. The fact that BHVR had to change the game up to prevent this at one point is hilarious.

    I had a survivor get broken, then immediately DC. 1st hook, 1st down of the match, DC'd. Also, I live in the South and play with people all over the world, so not sure what group you're getting, but mine isn't exactly from my area.

    Edit: About to be rank 6 from dcing, cuz I'm not playing 2v1s, or 3v1s. I'm tired of farming them out cuz someone dc'd in loading.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337
    edited March 2019

    @JoakimGrDay "No flexxing, I have 1325 hours in total. I have played 1000 hours survivor and the rest 325 as killer (more or less) It's easy according to me!"

    And ?

    Was that supposed to be an argument ?

    I say otherwise.

    What we do now ?

    EDIT: @The_Crusader "People just want ez 4ks.


    Here we are.

    Thanks for saying this, i will no longer bother talking balance with you.

    Useless to even try.

  • Letroni
    Letroni Member Posts: 18

    Lol killer has more time pressure than the survivor. Play the game more you obviously dont understand it yet

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @The_Crusader I try to get caught because of that, I can loop decently and if I get a good map the killers gonna have a headache with my BL.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2019

    It's more a bunch of survivors whining about imbalance when in reality they just suck at the game and can't come to terms. Typing on forums is easier than learning to play better.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited March 2019

    Anyone who says killer is easy clearly havent faced 4 survivors who knew what they are doing. I'm not even talking about swf or people who have 1k hour looping alone. Just 4 dudes who don't give you free chances.

    There is a lot of pallets again :P

    If rank 10-15 is all you face then yes - killer is very easy.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Because the majority of you are low ranks that are bad at the game and come here to whine instead of getting better. That's life.

    It's also not killer bias when they play both sides at rank 1 regularly.

  • NeaJovovich
    NeaJovovich Member Posts: 234


    *hoots n hollers*

    Let 'em know!

    The Killers will complain until there's no one left and the Devs have to create NPC Survivors to which Killer Mains will complain about the Bots being cheap and being able to figure out how to loop a killer.

    Killer Mains just want to play Duck Hunt or something... cuz DbD isn't a game that's meant to be ez pz shoot-fish-in-a-barrel.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    I've 100% the game, about to 100% it again for the 5th or so time. Yet everytime I make any kind of argument or talk balance. "Sweaty killer main." Blueberry is right, and truth hurts. The game is horribly imbalanced. Plague is unstoppable? I shot an entire stream of puke on a survivor and it never hit her. It was even corrupt. A Laurie ran me for multiple gens cuz she got 3 pallets spawned next to the damn Wretched Shop. How are you survivors struggling so bad? I'm being legit, how?

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited March 2019

    *SC gets nerfed* *Survivors hardcore review bomb the game* *Playerbase grows* :thinking:

    Funny you say it's not supposed to be easy, but that's exactly what survivor is. Ez mode.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764


    Cant loop killers, but maybe you will manage to kill the game.

    Have fun.

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    It's not just that killers got what they wanted. Everyone who doesn't like lazy gaming somewhat got what they wanted.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    Recent match, No instas, but a flashlight, purple lunchbox. Only 4 Adrenalines, not meta btw. No one runs that perk, it's trash and impossible to do all 5 gens. Double DS, though that perk was trash now? Why run it? Weird. Everyone's got exhaust perks. Good ol' fookin' Dead 'Ard, a SB, some SC. Not SWF though. You got me there. :c

    Barely won this game. Cuz they didn't heal at my fountains, they just did gens while sick, cuz being bwoken is scawy, :c Mean ol' big killer mains, grr!

    This was a bit before the patch. Not SWF though, guess you got me there again. :c I wonder why all those icons look so familiar and why everyone runs them? Weird. Also, yes I'm running the general meta build on Billy, cuz I wanted to screw around and have a game to just go nuts. Funny enough they'd have lived had they not DC'd.

    Oh, oh no! It doesn't exist! You caught me in the lie, I'm so sorry for lying. :c This? Oh this is just my 4 TB external full of DBD videos. Only 480 videos, nothing big I'm afraid. Sorry I can't prove my point to you. :c I'm really trying. Granted most of those are games I felt I did well and wanted to record, plenty of them are me ######### up, or just getting utterly rushed to hell with no chance to win.

  • NeaJovovich
    NeaJovovich Member Posts: 234
    edited March 2019

    Killers are CONSTANTLY asking for things to be taken away from Survivors.

    You never see Survivors asking for Killers to be stripped down. Survivors complain about camping, tunneling, and NOED. Camping and Tunneling are serious issues with this game that Killer Mains claim to be "a LeGit StRaTeGy!!1"

    Camping and Tunneling can completely end the game for another player.

    I whine about meme add-ons, but they don't bother me near as bad as camping and tunneling.

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    A few people who player killer do, yes. Survivors moan for WAY more than just NOED, camping and tunneling. And if they don't get what they want they'll just review bomb the game. Despite being a survivor main myself too I'm not a massive fan about the useless complaining of survivors. At the end both parties contribute to endless discussions with no useful content but I personally see survivors complain much more often than killers.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    "Why can Freddy see auras?" "Remove 1-shot abilities!" "BBQ IS OP!" "Clown is OP!" "Prayer Beads are broken and should be removed!" (I think they should be made UR, but I agree they're strong.) " Nurse should only have 1 blink!" Get the hell out of Lala Land and stop lying. Know what devs said about camping/tunneling? Git gud, it's a strategy. You can go find the vods.

    The reason killers tunnel and camp, is cuz they cannot provide adequate pressure unless you play altruistic, or stupid. They tunnel/camp cuz they're frustrated with the balance. Shocker, I know. Also, welcome to a PVP game. You complain about dying in Search and Destroy games too? Battle Royale?

    They're not epidemics, the constant spoon-feeding of survivors is.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    Hi, BHVR, weird to see you here without your tag. Legit killer mains do not want easy 4ks, that's the easiest way to make people completely disregard what you have to say. Killers want to be able to impact the game, and have fun without having to get as sweaty as humanly possible to deal with even remotely coordinated teams.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337
    edited March 2019

    Here you have the perfect example of what's wrong in this game.

    When you confront them to their nonsense and lost an argument, their childish nature takes over and they basically just throws random insults and nonsense.

    We have an interesting specimen down here, whose defense/troll mechanic is to simply enumerate all the bullshits this game has (bonus point if it's something that everyone know is a survivor's shenaningans, you know, for the cringe factor ) and reverse them by accusing killer of it.

    Don't bother to answer it usually end like " i don't care niark niark U suck


    You all shouldn't waste your time arguing with kids/manchilds.

    Yeah i know Devs tend to listen to them, but trying to fight them on this level is meaningless, the poulation ratio are too different.

    You all want to be (maybe) heard ?

    Speak with your wallet.

    Don't even give toxic kids the possibility to play.

    When said toxic cash cow will start to leave because of that, maybe Devs will finally do something.

    Unless they already milked out all the money possible on this game and they don't even care anymore.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited March 2019

    You keep blaming killer mains, and saying we're killing the game. Then post steam charts showing the game is losing members that doesn't show what side is what. After a huge surge of new buffs to survivors, and a medicore killer release. Surely the survivors are the ones leaving. There isn't a slew of brand new survivor main streams or anything. All killers are trash, and sweaty for 4ks! Ban them!

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited March 2019

    Gonna dunk on this argument even HARDER.

    This is the time where DBD was at it's peak.

    September 2018 Avg. Players: 21,889.9 Gain: +2,363.7 %Gain: +12.11% Peak: 62,756

    This is literally the highest the playerbase has ever gotten to. Right after a huge patch that started to show balance shifting towards addressing killer issues. Then we kept hoping through October, but the event was an utter mess. I mean a complete disaster for both sides, and then buffs started coming for killers, and then we got Legun, a super weak killer that basically no one likes bar a few people who play them legit such as myself.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited March 2019

    Literally just showed you, it's killers. September we got Spirit, and while she's not OMG TOP TIER, she's viable. That's all people want. A viable, fun, and interesting killer that rewards skilled players. Not talking about PB players. *cough* Shortly after that, we started seeing a shift, then Legion, and it was a downward spiral. There is an insane amount of bugs affecting killers that are over a year old and still haven't been addressed. Hell, Plague is bugged all to hell. I puke on people directly and the entire stream just splashes off them. Yet, to BHVR her power is oppressive, and almost overpowered to the point they felt she needed multiple downsides and a nerf.

    Underlying issue no one mentions: Absurdly bad grind that makes Chinese MMOs look like baby's first grind. This game tends to cater and buff around casual players, but doesn't address how behind a new player will be in this game, and how little information is actually given outside of the tutorial. Hell I made a server because their official one is so bad.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    You're not wrong. We've been advocating for some kind of secondary objective, cuz let's face it. Survivors don't do totems, or they wouldn't complain about NOED. Killers have a variety of powers but it also greatly limits our playstyles/perks as well. Some of the weaker killers also simply cannot handle the current state of the game, and so you get camping/tunneling killers due to frustration. Some players are bad and that's just it, but that's not always the case.

    I advocate for buffs for both sides. I think the grind should be addressed. Add a Recycler, make perks rank 1. Etc. Buff old survivor perks that have fall out of style. Which they've been doing. Fix bugs that affect suvivors such as the window vault teleport bug, and many others. I want the game to be fun for everyone, and I try my best to give everyone a chance. However, if my gens are popping I gotta play a bit harder, maybe even tunnel someone out to add pressure. That's just the game.

    The problem is people see that as killers just being sweaty, rude, tryhard, etc, but never apply the same logic to survivors. No one is given advice, they're just told, "I 4k every game, you're bad." That + constant dismissal of legit grievances is why people are leaving on both sides, leaning towards killer side.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    Every survivor has access to voice, not only SWFs.

    This negates every Blind and Hex Perk and give the survivors free Intel.

    You cannot run and sneaky builds on killers.

    All perks and add-ons with blind effect can be removed because of voice they are ineffective.

    Against a serious good team of survivors you have 4-5min of playtime.

    You cannot afford anything else than perks and add-ons that let you hunt them down and end chases fast.

    4k don't let you pip anymore and if you are too good at chases you lose out at chaser emblem points.

    No it's not fun that the other team gets access to 3th party programs that can substitute 16 perks and nullify your own. That you get forced to play a certain playstyle and killer to be viable at all ranks.

    Before the matchmaking changes you had a Safe Haven at the lower ranks. But now even veteran players are stuck with new players or casuals and they ruin each others fun.

    If anything I said false, please correct me and teach me.

  • MaxiferPriest
    MaxiferPriest Member Posts: 189

    games last 5mins now cuz of gen rush every single ######### ######### match. Nurse is THE ONLY killer that can ######### up ######### awesome 4man swf teams.

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650
    edited March 2019

    Killer is easy. Survivor is easier.

    Hitboxes and latency have nothing to do with aim assist. Problems like this will be fixed with dedicated servers.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    For the thing in the OP Huntress hatchets have a wonky hitbox. It is just as likely to clip through them and miss as it is to hit them from 2 feet away like you showed

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2019

    Except the difference is that it doesn't work when you say it because I actually do play both sides at rank 1 where as you, do not. You play only survivor and at a low rank hence this uneducated opinion. I have achieves, hours and videos to back my claims, you do not. You're even afraid to link your steam because everything I've said is true and you don't want to show how new you are to the game.

  • NeaJovovich
    NeaJovovich Member Posts: 234


    I'm not here for your cherry-picking screenshots.

    I asked you for COLD HARD VIDEO FOOTAGE of all these trolling, OP, SWF teams that bring AD, SC, DS, BT each carrying a flashlight and insta-heal.

    And you'll NEVER be able to do it... maybe one video on a random friday or saturday night.

    This is the LAST time I give you any more attention.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    Just saw this buried underneath a ton of replies to this thread but wanted to get to you @The_Crusader

    I have never dodged swf just because they're swf. Hell, even during the days where lobbies took forever to fill, I always said swf made me think to myself "thank Christ, a full lobby."

    If I lose a game because a survivor legitimately keeps looping me and I spend way too much time on him, then I accept the loss. There are a lot of losses I've had that I'll admit straight up that I just got beat. Whether that was me having a bad day or them just playing super well is irrelevant, but I know when I lose because I just wasn't good enough.

    What killer mains (or at least, the ones I talk with all the time) want is for the losses that AREN'T due to being outplayed (where 3 gens pop after one decent chase, then they proceed to lose all pressure due to quad Adrenaline; or when exhaustion perks or insta-heals give a survivor enough time to go to another safe loop and extend the chase for another minute or two; or when a team loads in with 4 toolboxes just so they can hold M1 on gens and get them all done in about 4 minutes) to be rid of as much as possible. Nobody likes losing to bullshit. Hell, I can't tell you how many times I've hated losing to Spirit's with Prayer Beads, Billies with instasaw, or Nurses with extra blinks. It's ridiculous. It just happens a lot less on the killer side because killers just have less bullshit things (and they're always tied to a specific killer via add-ons or how a perk works with said killer).

    Both sides can agree that losing to bullshit is not fun. So why not get rid of the bullshit?

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    This is because survivor hurtboxes are a tall, narrow capsule, and sometimes their limbs and faces go outside of this capsule. This was really prevalent when in patch 2.2.0, when they dropped that horrible hatchet hitbox change, hatchets would go through limbs and people's faces constantly.

    Dedicated servers, if done right, will fix these issues. But if done poorly, it's going to destroy her.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    You can also select "all-time" here and see that the peak this game was at was during patch 2.1 (the most killer-sided patch). It's like balance was good during this patch or something.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    "Survivors messing around or playing like absolute noobs"

    This is exactly the issue I'm having as solo survivor. Some go down in 5 second chases, many get pulled out of lockers, and a number appear to be just there to troll, fast vaulting repeatedly to get others killed, purposefully farming in front of the killer etc spinning around in circles

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942


    I've always disliked how survivor emblems work. Like you said, it's not based on your own performance as much as it is based on the other survivors and even the killer.

    Do I want Lightbringer? Okay, I hope I don't get tunneled, so that I can actually get a chance to do gens.

    Do I want Benevolent? Hopefully my fellow survivors actually get hooked, so that I can get altruism points off of them.

    Do I want Evader? Hopefully I can actually have a good chase where I don't lose the killer too fast, or I don't go down too fast.

    Do I want Unbroken, or any emblem for that matter? I hope I don't get face-camped by the killer. You can argue that it's the survivors' fault for getting hooked in the first place, but that's a ridiculous argument that implies that survivors are intended to win all of their chases.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @TreemanXD why are there no top tier killers needed for the game, but only for tournaments? I dont get that, survivors have all tools available in the normal game aswell (in fact even more, insta heals and all that stuff)

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited March 2019

    Posts screenshot of 480 videos. "I WANT PROOF." Ok chief. I can sift through them, hell I can shoot you the big controversy my friend caused after going against Jen's Depip Squad. If you don't like the truth stop responding, bye. Go have fun in Lala Land where this game is horribly balanced towards those meanie killers. :c

    Don't mind this, just another cherry picked screenshot, so I play both sides, and know what the hell I'm talking about, but don't worry. Don't give me any more attention. You'd really hate if I started dropping videos to prove you wrong, cuz then you wouldn't be able to blindly screech about how OP killers are cuz you keep playing poorly. We all have bad games man, it's ok.

    Where did I say they were SWF? Last night a random group, no one had each other added on public friends had 3 lunchboxes, and a flashlight. I'm supposed to play that? That's a no from me. I refuse to play a game I will have 0 chance of playing. That's a loss unless I go super ######### sweaty Nurse with Omega Blink. Which, funny enough at your last bit of your comment. I'm a purist bud, I don't run addons, on any killers. The only reason I'm even running them currently on my Plague is I'm prestiging her.

    Once she's P3, that's it. I'll hoard my addons. I'm doing it cuz I run a teaching server and people wanna know what addons work, which ones combo well, and I want to have the knowledge to tell them. Otherwise, I just play base killers because they should be based on their BASE POWER. Not how "OP" their addons are. I'd much rather they gut every addon and let me have a powerful killer I can just pick up and play. It'd even help new players, but this is BHVR we're talking about.