Can we please nerf Head on already?

This is the most broken and annoying perk from survivor side. And it became extremly busted with combination of flashbang and quick and quiet. The stun duration should be nerfed to 1.5-2 sec or at least make exhausted from this perk around 80 sec.
Head on can be annoying, but I don't think it is broken at all
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Bait used to be believable
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Head on apply directly to the forehead.
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It's not broken. It's just stupid. The stun hitbox is so big and lingers so long, survivors can pretty much stay in the locker forever, and then react when the killer's actually gonna commit to the grab (which btw gets rolled back constantly anyway). And on certain maps like Dead Dawg, you're pretty much forced to run by lockers to chase people, which makes it abusable by SWF.
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Yeah on Dead Dawg head on is nightmare for killers. And of course every head on user run it with quick and quiet and flashbang
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Head On isn't OP, just annoying.
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It depends on the map. On Dead Dawg its really op and nightmare for killer, especially if this perk run more than 1 survivor.
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Maybe, but Dead Dawg is already a killer sided map. Outside of the lockers there isn't much to worry about.
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If you're taking to dead dawg then don't go upstairs.
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The stun hitbox could stand to linger for ~0.1 seconds less. But it's fine as-is otherwise. Could even use that locker aura buff people are always clamoring on about so you can set up plays without voice comms.
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My only really complaint about it is the hitbox size. If 2 survivors are in lockers and I pull one out, I shouldn't be stunned by the locker next to it.
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Head On is fine, but Blast Mine being 5 seconds is really stupid imo, especially after buff.
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Posts like this show you that they never play the survivor role and will cry over every little thing that bothers them.
Click flashlight -> oh my god OP needs a nerf!
Survivor stuns killer -> "Crying" This is toxic and needs to be removed!
Normal survivors completed the generators -> "crying" Please increase the generator repair time to 200 charges!
My advice to this type of player: Take a break from the game, play something else, do something fun and good in your life, take a break for a day or a week.
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it's 4 seconds not 5 seconds
-From DBD wiki
It's as fun for survivors as it is for killers use Frenlekin.
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only thing i hate about it is that janky lingering stun hitbox, making killer get stunned even if they avoid it
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Actually on the topic of flashbang, can we killswitch it? It's always had audio issues but I don't think I've had seen a single flashbang since the patch that wasn't completely silent.
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Head on doesnt need a nerf.
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This is genuinely the first request for a nerf on this perk I've seen since Headon was added to the game.
I just feel the perk becomes less of an issue the more experience and self awareness you have in game as killer. I've literally never felt like this perk ruined the quality of my games as killer even with sweaty 4 mans.
I can kind of agree with lingering hitboxes but wouldn't we say that's more of a latency issue and not really an issue with the perk?
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Head On totally needs a nerf! it needs to have the survivors footsteps sound like clown shoes honking for 10 seconds!
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I play a lot of killer and I have no problem with Head On. Yes those matches where you go against a SWF on comms who constantly bait you to their teammates waiting in lockers are super annoying, but extremely rare in my experience.
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blastmine is fine tho
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Head On is super annoying and super frustrating and has a lot of jank… but it's not OP and not broken. Just fix its hitbox, I should not be getting stunned coming around the side of the locker from Head On.
I think Blast Mine should probably have shorter duration or some kind of accessibility concerns addressed but it's not broken or OP either. It's fine, it's just annoying and I hate being hit by several in a row, which is why I never kick gens anymore and let perks do it for me. I'm not here to be your silly dance monkey you stun all round. Would genuinely rather be Head Onned.