Regular Players. Do you still get Killer anxiety?

Sure you've played tons of Killer before. Let's say you've been playing lots of Survivor and haven't played Killer for awhile, do you still sometimes get that anxiety to queue up to be that 1 in 1v4?
Hard to believe me of all androids this happens to but oddly it still does. Couple nights in a row I tell myself 'playing Killer tonight' but just can't do it lol. Am I alone here or does anyone else have similar experiences?
Not at all. Killer is the less stressful role for me to play.
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This happened to me after 2v8 ended. I had gotten so used to playing with another killer, that when I went to que up for 1v4, I got nervous and just played survivor. This only lasted for a day though, after I played a normal game and got used playing solo again.
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I’m a 4K hour player. Bout 70% of that time is on surv and I play on console.
I recently started playing more killer and p100ed my first killer. At first I had a lot of anxiety but the more games you play it goes away. I know it’s cliche but you have to realize it’s literally just a game. If you win, you can turn the game off afterwards.
If you lose you can turn the game off afterward.
winning or losing a game of dbd doesn’t mean a lot in the grand scheme of things so don’t put so much pressure on yourself. You’re playing the vidya game to have fun.
Can survs be annoying in game whether they win or lose? Absolutely.
But remember they are just button press as the end of the day. Would you be upset if someone stood across from you and spam pressed space bar while they laughed at you?
no. You’d think they’re weird af.
Same thing applies here.
If you’re just starting to play remember you should expect to lose. You’re bad. And that’s ok. You’ll get better over time and matches played.
If you wanna take some of the edge off, go into customs, load up 4 gen rush bots, and play against them for a couple games. When gens start flying, you probably won’t even care because they’re bots but you can honestly take that into any game.
Conversely if you’re playing to win, if you can stop 4 gen rush bots, you can stop the average solo queue team.
Play how you want and for however the situation calls. You bought the game to have fun so do that5 -
No, I don't have killer anxiety. If I lose the match, I lost the match, no big deal. i can always try again.
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Absolutely. This is the reason I play mostly survivors last half of the year. Every time I think "It would be so cool to play some killers tonight" I end up playing survivors because I'm just not in the mood to stress out. In the beggining of november I had one of the worst killer session in my life, literally every match was super stressful and I didn't play killers for 3 weeks after that.
I hate how much moral preparing I need just to play killer role, because I'm not bad killer at all and I don't sweat for win for last two years. Survivors are by mile more chill role for me, worst thing I can stress about are stupid teammates in soloq, but in SWF is so chill experience, I can't even complain about anything.8 -
only when i do scrims, otherwise no
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All the time sadly.
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I definetly get more stressed on killer than survivor, but that's simply because my standard for survivors is way lower.
As long I get good chase, I am fine with the game as survivor, which is not hard.
I wouldn't really say stressed for killers, more like excited (adrenaline rush), if game is close. Don't really care, if it is stomp game.4 -
No, I'm sucked dry.
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I used to, but then I remembered the game is set up to guarantee I win 60% of the time so I kind of lost the fear. If I consistently lose matches as killer I’ll talk to a suitable MMR bracket where I win 60% of the time. And even if while playing killer I feel stressed I can always turn the tide by just tunnel-camping a survivor out. Not like the survivors can stop it.
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I used to, but since I learned to stop giving a crap about "winning", not very much.
That said, surv is still miles more chill, even as a dedicated solo player. Being a team of one will always be more stressful than being one of four. There's no one else to blame if you fail, and while you have more agency, you also have a lot more to manage as killer.
Now there are rare instances when I go up against a really strong and cocky team and my competitive streak flares up, and those are the most stressful games, by far. Surv can be annoying as hell, but it never takes me to the same stress level that killer can. I get exasperated, but never really stressed out as surv.
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Not at all. Like zero. I think it’s because I load into the match with the mindset of putting the Survivors through a thrilling match vs looking to eliminate. Instead of eliminating a death hook Survivor I’ll just pick them up and drop them under a hook or let them wiggle free.
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No it's pretty normal for me, for me the thought of destroying the game for someone else because I made a mistake is worse than losing by myself xD
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No, I really don’t get how people would be stressed by Killer over Survivor tbh. When I play Killer I get a fun power, I’m at 100% coordination with my team and I can play the game how I want. Things like being slugged to death, killers with bad internet and killers tunneling my teammates stresses me out way more.
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No. It's just a game.
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Some people find killer stressful, but like some other posters, I'm not one of them. The worst that can happen is I lose and maybe they t-bag or say something salty in chat. I can be trapped in a game as survivor, get caught when I'm in sight of an open exit gate, have no idea what killer I'm facing at the start, and have a massive lack of control.
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i did back at the 200 to 300 hour mark. nothing these days
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I can understand those who do, but personally it isn't something I've gotten before. I actually look forward to playing killer moreso than survivor, because at least I can only rely on myself, than on some survivor who decides to off themself after 1 hook.
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I feel it every lobby. Luckily I have Anynomous Mode on so that helps a ton. Nobody can contact me to tell me how bad I was, Nobody that I sacrifice will recognize my name next match when we're in SoloQ together. I
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I've got about 1600 hours, not nearly as much as the rest of you have. n_n" I play both sides with relative equality and frequency though I am starting to lean more towards Killer.
I only get Killer anxiety now when I have had rough or sweaty matches and feel like that will continue, or when I'm playing someone new. I occasionally get it when I feel like I have to "perform". It used to be REALLY bad until I stopped caring about wins and pips as much, it really messed with my self-confidence in this game around about 500 hours. But now it's less severe because now I see any number of kills as a win, so there is no pressure. I still try, and usually do very well, and if they pressure me hard and want to sweat I'll match that energy and destroy them, because I have a competitive streak like Thusly does. This usually is more common with my Mains, more as Ghostie or Dredge for example, because I am proud of my skill with them and like being seen as "good" at them. This doesn't happen if I'm Trapper, or Nemesis, or Oni, or someone else I play less frequently. If I care about getting good at them, I am more competitive. And I'm most competitive as Ghostface, my Primary Main and first true Killer Main.
The more you play, and the more often, especially if it isn't your main, the less nervous you get. In other words… "Killing gets easier with time."
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I have it slightly when I’m playing a killer that’s not in my usual rotation. And Slinger, who is in my rotation.
Other than that, not really. Not anymore, anyway.
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Yes, I can't play well against any streamer with too many people watching, players that I already meet before etc... specially since the characters that I enjoy are not exactly famous for being consistent
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Im glad that last statement is only about the game lol.
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In early, let say 1k hour, get alot of anxiety for example,
losing chase
gen pops too fastGet hit by pallets.
How after 2k or so hour, everything gone, its like a normal game mechanic you gotta get thru just like playing souls game and face the first for the first 20 times
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Yeah the second I click ready as killer I feel anxious… I pretty much stopped playing killer as I realised I was not having fun at all.
However, survivor has been utterly miserable lately so I have seriously considered trying to work through the anxiety and play killer.
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I take regular breaks from the game whenever it seems I just can't to enjoy it. Before I started I doing that, I experienced that kind of anxiety too.
It's weird. One hand you like playing killer but on the other it can feel so frustrating and stressful that you'd rather not.
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That is the rub isn't it? When you love characters that aren't super strong or super consistent you get nervous, wondering "Oh God am I gonna look like an idiot if I can't 4k?"
I really wish the Devs would do something about Killer wincon or emblems or SOMETHING to help ease that feeling. I think a lot of "Killer Sweat" is really just performance anxiety and the game isn't really designed to NOT help with that since it promotes "Win. Hard. All the time."I find it helps to see it like a Soulslike or Nintendo Hard game. It's a hard game. You're not crazy, don't let the community gaslight you into think you're bad at the game. It's not really you. The game is just hard, and you're brave and skilled for even taking the challenge on. Especially with a lower tier Killer.
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I get incredibly anxious on my first few matches… the kind of anxiety that makes you sweat, my tshirts are always a bit stinky after playing DBD lol…
But after a while it normalizes and I end up having a good time, win or lose.
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I have anxiety about playing it at all, I stopped playing to get into dark souls and MHOJ and I haven’t gotten back for a while. I still enjoy the lore, art, and debates but I haven’t played due to how annoying it was to play, as killer I would have fun until I hit a 4 man who only want to make my day worse or when I’m playing survivor and get slugged at 5 gens.
Sucks cause I got like $60 sunk in.
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I don't get stressed in dbd anymore. At some point I realized that it's not worth it.
Ever since then, I enjoyed the game a lot more.
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4500 Hours and don't get anxiety. The possibility of losing doesn't bother me in the slightest. Judging by end game chats some killer mains seem to have an existential crisis if they lose. I've never understood this type of reaction and never will. I guess some people are just wired differently.
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Not anymore. I've found "The Zen" spot when I'm playing killer. For some reason, nowadays I feel relaxed even if I don't get any kills. And I've learned to recognize the games where I'm gonna lose from the get go. So I just try to have some fun
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As someone with a fraction of those hours, I dream of becoming good enough to spot this and get there.
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The only anxiety I have is that I'm not gonna win, and that would be the moment I have 1 chase that doesn't end super quick, or simply 1 little thing going wrong for me. Because that's how easy survivor is; they get a leg up on you for anything and everything. No anxiety outside of the match, just a little frustration. Although, right now I might as well be too anxious to play killer. If I can't get on and have a decent killer match, there's no point in me getting on. And right now, I'm quite certain I'm not gonna find one. Maybe it would be different if I at least got good solo teammates, but even with this improved MMR, I always get the nuts. Stress fest as killer, stress fest as survivor.
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Is this sarcasm, or propaganda?
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Not all of us are so fortunate. We can't toy with survivors like that. Your survivors sound like they take 10+ minutes to do the gens.
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Sorry, we don't think we've ever really felt it.
Just remember it's a game ment to be fun and not something holding your creators hostage or the like.
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if only matchmaking was at least decent then there would be no problems but devs dont care about players enough to create decent matchmaking system so weak players plays against strong and that creates toxic players on both sides and they are creating more toxic players…
i no longer enjoy playing killer because matchmaking is just terrible.. i can lose 10 games in a row and then i have to play against team with full build for bullying and game is so bugged they seem to have med kits or toolbox but in game they all have flashlight XDD so i dont have lightborn because they didnt have flashlight… but guess what. bhvr support is trying to tell me that this is my prize for being good.. WHAT GOOD?? HOW?? 10 loses in a row is now being good killer?? 10 times i couldnt kill 4 people, sometimes only one kill and i get to play against bully squad of people with few thousands of hour ? XDD awesome, i have barely 150hrs, great prize for losing… sooo maybe i should play surv?? nope, you need team for that otherwise you will lose every time0 -
I remember the last time I had killer anxiety. I had gotten back on the game after a short hiatus, this was right after pinhead had been released. I was doing exceptionally good as him and it got to a point the game was becoming very boring because I would not lose. So naturally after a short break I know I'm going to be a bit rusty and get a little nervous waiting for the queue to pop; this fateful day I will never forget. First game of the day- the map was that dustbowl pile of crap Mr. Deathslinger man is from (spaced the name for some reason) it was 100% bully squad hours and I was getting tossed like an olive garden salad. I have never felt more justified for dc'ing and I didn't touch the game for months maybe even a year or 2. Anyway moral of the story is pretty much immediately after that game I realized I was baby raging over some certified lame gamer shi and the fact I was anxious about losing in a video game or even just not doing as good as I used to is silly coded at best and downright depressing at worst so now I just play and have fun even when people are cringe.
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Neither. It is the truth.
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No. I really don't have anything more to say and not speaking for any others, but I've never really experienced anything like it.
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I get some anxiety over it since I main underdogs and weak killers (the challenge of making something successful and strong out of what people think is worthless is fun). It's hard enough as it is, but doesn't help getting kicked in the gut every patch, so I know it'll just be more stressful. That being said, one thing I've done to help overcome this is playing entirely anonymous. I don't feel I have anything to prove - no reputation to uphold. I can even ease back and play more friendly without concern that the survivors think suddenly they are kicking my teeth in or something because they have no idea who I am - who cares if they think they are winning one over on me if I start playing more friendly in the match.
I've had the anxiety go down significally when playing anonymously.
That one crazy P100 ghostie main
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I watched a yt video once called something like "every killer type." And one type was just called The Anxiety. The killer main who just hovers on the home screen, debates whether to play or not, until they finally just leave. Really hit home lol. To me, the hardest part about playing killer is the possibility of getting curb stomped. It's so much more personal when you fail as killer vs survivor. When I play survivor, I can always blame rando teammates for losing a match. As killer, it all kinda falls on me.
If it helps, whenever I play survivor, and I'm going up against a killer I can tell is having a hard time, I feel bad for them. I'm certainly not going, "hahah this killer is such a tool, noob, ez, uninstall this game hahaha." Everybody makes mistakes or has a rough match sometimes. Survivors and killers alike.
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That's one of the reasons I have anon mode on.
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I relate to this a lot! I actually have a lot of friends in DBD but I find myself playing soloq more and more because I’m definitely the weaker link (I’m laughably bad at looping and trying to ‘git gud’ has been very unsuccessful lol I just don’t have natural gamer instincts - for context, I’ve never played an online PvP before dbd 😅).
As the game has become far more aura-oriented, it forces more direct engagement with killers so looping at this point is necessary - sadly this is where I will be exposed as the clear weaker link.
Although my friends are very chill people and don’t mind, I myself mind and it makes me stressed thinking I’ll be carried or am costing matches for other friends.
So I tend to play mainly soloq now and although it is utterly miserable in ways that many people on the forums cannot understand (as I’m guessing most people here are very skilled/high MMR), I have very low expectations and give myself other objectives/things to practice - the though of escaping is not even remotely expected so it’s a pleasant surprise when it happens haha
but yeah, although for slightly different reasons (pretty sure you’re not a liability to your teams lol) I really resonate with your comment!1 -
I get more anxious as survivor, tbh.
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I'm not that bad at looping for the most part and I don't even mind mistakes while playing with friends or my girlfriend, I just don't like it while playing with strangers. I have to say I personally never hide and actively let killers chase me, but I also have around 2700 hours of killergameplay for me to look back how to loop them xD
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Try letting Survivors escape more. Just terrorize them but let them escape. Your mmr should even out to where you can 8 hook etc.
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“Regular Players. Do you still get Killer anxiety?”