
Since you don't earn any P100 rewards or anything past P9, I feel like the cap might as well be P10. That way we can get the infinite Level 50 Bloodweb a lot sooner. I do feel like we should receive more rewards past 9 though like Badges and Banners of the character and their perks
Majority of people will just P100 who they main and not bother with the rest of the cast.
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Or after p10 you get to choose whether or not to prestige (kinda like how the OG bloodweb was) because then high prestige's are only really if you care for that specific person or not. cause they hid prestige in pre game lobby now if I'm not mistaken so its not like it really matters after you get all the skins anymore.
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The reward for p100 is simple: number go up, brain feel good.
(In all honesty I'd really love to see a small reward for hitting p100 though)
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The only reward if you can call it a reward is to always have a level 50 Bloodweb
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That is definitely a reward lol. Theres a post complaining about too many p100's and their access to iri items from said web. I was floored -that- was an actual complaint.
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To be honest, a reward like a special skin or something to show that you have put a lot of grinding into one character would not be too out of place.
Like a legacy skin, but with an iridescent red shimmer instead of gold.3 -
Something super simple they could do is give the adept icon for the character as a player badge once you reach P100. Or just a banner, or something else. Literally anything.
Level 50 bloodwebs permanently is a pretty sweet reward if you want rare stuff on the character though.