Do you think Chucky nerf will be changed in the future?

Very disappointing that this new bugfix patch has nothing change for Chucky.
Prepare to be more disappointed. If I know this game, these changes are here to stay. They haven't even reverted ye old Freddy or Wraith nerfs.
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Freddy is getting a rework and wraith is fine
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My guess is that they probably will but in January. If the changes are really bad then yeah they will change him
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If someone from the team can acknowledge the dislike of the Chucky changes and will receive adjustment/revert, then I will be content
If they will even tell us that is
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twitter post confirms that chucky is being monitored.
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Probably. These devs are terrible at balance and bend over backward to appease killer players should they have any issues while leaving solo queue in the shitter.