What’s the issue with Coldwind Farm?

What used to be my favorite map, which I admit was VERY survivor sided, is now my LEAST favorite map as it has unbearable tiles. The RNG is spawning no safe jungle gyms, not including cow tree. Instead the spawned jungle gyms have the strange L tile with a pallet (super unsafe and easy to get mindgamed) with a vault. The map has definitely needed a nerf as it was quite survivor sided but this map now has a small amount of pallets with 95% of them being unsafe. I’m not saying I’m not okay with unsafe jungle gyms, but a good harmony would be incorporating both safe and unsafe jungle gyms instead of what we’re getting now.
God forbid something is killer sided lol. Survivors have countless other maps with incredibly safe pallets. Just wait to enjoy one of those
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Because they decided to add new, super-unsafe Tiles to the game. And they changed the Jungle Gyms, Longwalls and T/L-Walls on Coldwind with those new Tiles. And the problem is that they did it 1:1. While in reality, they would have needed to add some filler pallets between those.
Nowdays Coldwind is completely killer-sided. And it was not that bad for Killer either before, aside from Cowshed, which deserved the Nerf.
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I miss nighttime cold wind.
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I still think Coldwind maps are survivor sided with exception to Rotten Fields.
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Yup yup
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Only torment creek.
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Outdoor maps that are killer sided just happened to favor the killer to the point to where they're miserable to play on. Vecna's map, Haddonfield, and all Coldwind maps, spawn gens that are grouped together, sparse in useful tiles and pallets as a whole, and are mostly way too small, especially for the Dungeon and Haddonfield.
There's nothing wrong with killer sided maps as long as there's one thing for survivors to work with. If the map is small, lacking half-decent pallets, and have generators that are kissing you can't expect people to not complain.
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The Devs have a penchant to twist every single aspect of the game to favor Killer instead say ratio the balance.
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There’s always a comment like this on every single post whenever a survivor main has input on the survivor experience, it’s tired really. I play both but mostly survivor, and I’m all in favor for the game leaning as killer sided since it is an ASYMMETRICAL horror game and it’s 1v4. Lets not ignore the elephant in the room, coldwind seldom has any safe pallets, the argument KiLLeRs cAnT hAvE aNyThInG is silly when they quite literally are on the winning side just as the statistics show they are. Dev’s want the ratio to be 60/40 for it to be balanced right? I have no issue with that.
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I'm a survivor main lol Dry up
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That's not even a Coldwind problem per se.
All the reworks to the maps have been terrible, with the latest being Haddonfield and the shadow one of the Disturbed Ward.
The problem is that not only are the maps being reduced in size, but they are also being defaced from the point of view of survivor safety by replacing tiles and jungle-gyms with completely useless structures or pallets at the edge of the map, not to mention huge deadzones scattered everywhere.
Whoever is in charge of this work is certainly not doing a good job.7 -
Coldwind was so badly Survivor-skewed that BHVR overreacted and made it even worse. Now it's kinda nonsense for everyone and a free win for several Killers. It's like Haddonfield that way.
Still sucks to stealth in though.
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I agree, but the issue too is it depends on the Killer. Ghostface is awful on Coldwind because it's bright. Meanwhile Oni is awful on Lery's because it's indoors.
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irrelevant to my point but okay, pop off queen!
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Not really tho is it? "There’s always a comment like this on every single post whenever a survivor main has input on the survivor experience,", "the argument KiLLeRs cAnT hAvE aNyThInG is silly" implies you thought I wasn't a survivor main. You can try and argue against it but literally that's what it is. I gave my opinion as a survivor main and you still moaned. Again, dry up.
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The way you’re still dancing around the main point of my post.. Doesn’t matter if you’re a survivor main, the point of my post is Coldwind farm and its awful RNG
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they phasing u loopy loopers out
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If they're so unsafe, then how do survivors still run them? I won't deny the crazy RNG with these maps' generations. Sometimes it spawns 2 jungle gyms, and sometimes it doesn't spawn any. But killers are not taking a breath of fresh air and saying, "This is an easy 4k." every time they see these maps. There's still far too much stuff for survivors to run to for it to be considered killer sided.
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But Rotten Fields is just Wreckers' Yard minus the ridiculous amount of strong filler pallets. You can just split the map because then everything's too far apart for the killer.
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But when the killers have to deal with every other map in the game, which are survivor sided, they're just supposed to get good.
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Even the most biased survivor players would call that a ridiculous claim. Survivors don't see a nerf to their stuff every single patch, but killers do.
If you want people to write you off, using the devs' terrible stats is the quickest way to do so.
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Absolutely not. Neither the Coldwind maps nor Haddonfield are free wins for killers. They'll still have to sweat. Survivors just aren't smart with the stuff they're given. If you have a stronger pallet, why would you run to the weaker one? If the gens are spread out, why would you 3-gen yourself? So on the maps that don't have a ridiculous amount of strong stuff for survivors to use, they act like, "We have nothing to use here."
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Please tell me you're joking. Please please tell me you're actually joking.
I can 4k as Trapper on those maps without even bringing Gen hold. That's how bad they are. Take the blinders off please friend.
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Most maps in the game are balanced or at least try to be balanced for both sides. Off the top of my head I can think of 6ish survivor sided maps and also another 6 for killer. The rest are mostly fair game, some maps like RPD, Eyrie, and Vecna's are '_ sided' maps that do warrant legitimate balance complaints, but for the most part I don't have much of an issue with the maps that sway in either role's favor.
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My big issue with it is the new lighting they released a few years back. How can we be dead by daylight if it's the MIDDLE OF THE DAY?!? Bring back the original release lighting!
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That was the true nerf