Chucky not getting reverted

This is ridiculous you said in this screenshot you have the no plans what are you talking about you completely ruined this character for the entire chucky community and are gonna leave him like this great Job thanks alot have you not seen the poor reception like you gotta revert those changes this is insane and absolutely ridiculous
They have to give people a reason to buy the new license in march. Why buy anything else when chucky is in the game? Well because they broke his legs apparently. Still gonna play good ol' C H U C C
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i figured as much. they'll continue to monitor the situation just like they continue to monitor deathslinger.
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Someone should make a meme with the Grim Reaper going door-to-door with all the recently nerfed killers on each doors, and BHVR is The Reaper. Just like they say at the Deli, who's next?
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Chucky is one of my favorite killers to play but now it's difficult to enjoy him. I don't know why he is getting nerf almost every month. There are far better killers than him anyway (like Nurse, Blight, Billy, etc.)
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Did anyone else here not buy Chucky in part because he's a killer-only chapter and it is inevitable BHVR will destroy a killer that looks as fun as he started?
BHVR should be kinder to killer-only chapters. I can't be the only person who thought better of buying him despite how great he looked, since there's nothing else in the chapter to play with if the killer is turned into clunky miserable garbage.
I'm disappointed because I like Chucky as a character. I also wondered if maybe his 3rd person POV would make him comfortable to play on Switch, as no other killers are playable so far. Each change since his release has me feeling zero remorse not purchasing Chucky on Switch, though. With this latest nerf, it's like BHVR is outright confirming that killer-only chapters are a bad gamble.
Edit: I also feel really bad for people who did buy Chucky. Especially my friend, who enjoyed the hell out of Chucky when he was released but life got in the way of him getting more than maybe a dozen matches in. By the time he got a chance to return, BHVR had started knee-capping Chucky, and my friend was just devastated that he'd barely had any time with the first and only killer he's enjoyed.
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If its not apparent, the business model is: New chapter is OP, anything worthwhile and tasty regarding perks, powers, etc will be
tweakednerf'd so you want to buy the next OP chapter.Via definition, it is a bit predatory and misleading to consumers, but its not like they're hiding it. We are all still here. We are all still buying things. They have zero reason to change as things are working as intended.
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Funny - ha ha. (Compressed Edition)
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There's a point when it stops being normal live service rebalancing, and starts to become bait and switch. The mentality of nerfing things into the ground so they can come back to them years later is pretty anti-consumer.
Edit: not necessarily saying Chucky specifically was nerfed into the ground, more that this was admitted by someone from BHVR in a similar topic, I.E overnerfing and then "monitoring" the changes for far longer than is reasonable.
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Just seeing this worries me about what's going to happen with plague and pinhead and possibly other killers people don't like going against
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This is gold! Haha
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see it positively, they say "in the upcoming year" and not "in the upcoming years".
But, for real; This is really sad. Yes, Chucky is a difficult killer to balance but overnerfing him is not the right way. I really hope they will buff him back because the PTB version was overall nearly perfect.
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I'm just hoping we get a update and that there listening cause chucky feels so bad to play and he shouldn't be left In this state and yeah I agree he's difficult to balance
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Chucky was busted AF with uncounterable free hits when he was in stealth mode. He absolutely deserved a nerf. I haven't gone against him since the nerf so I don't know he is to go against now. But no way should he be reverted back to pre-nerf state.
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I don't disagree but it was a overnerf and really kills the character he should be reverted for now til they figure out a better solution leaving him in a awful state is not good
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Hopefully Chucky will get buffed in 2025.
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RIP Chucky. First they removed scamper (my favorite part of him), then make his cooldown as long as it was before removing scamper and now slice and dice.
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First of all, he didn't have "uncounterable free hits", it wast that hard to counter, I didn't have any problems facing Chucky. Screams skill issue, but I digress
Second, he needs to have very strong chase power, because he has nothing else going for him, no map pressure, no slowdown. He's feast or famine killer, if he doesn't get very quick downs and snowball rolling he just loses. Now he doesn't even have strong chase.
His dash is not much better than Pig's now - killer who has no cooldown on her power, retains full control of the camera during dash (unlike Chucky), is 115% AND has whole second power that is the best passive slowdown in the game. For anyone curious here is a gif with side by side comparison. His dash is quite pathetic now if you consider all of that.
He was fine after the first nerf with 12s cd and nerfed rat poison, that second nerf in hotfix was totally unnecessary, he could maybe stay at that 14s cd (but I still disagree, it's not needed), but those dash changes, both speed and duration need to be fully reverted, full stop.Post edited by Teroo on6 -
What info? xD Dude it's just video of 2 dashes side by side, why does it matter if it's tiktok, youtube or whatever tf else? Also btw I saw it on twitter, I don't watch tiktok :))
If it will make you feel better I can crop this out and upload on yt or post here as a gif
EDIT: Posted a gif instead, hopefully you'll sleep better at night now
Do you really wanna get a response like "Yeah we intentionally killed him because survivors didn't like him, if you don't like to play him too bad, we don't care lmao" like we did with Skull Merchant?
Post edited by Teroo on3 -
It hasn't stopped people playing him that is for sure, I have seen a lot of Chucky and it is miserable. Honestly considering becoming a killer main as I see killers like Chucky so often
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I haven't played Chucky much recently and holy moly that looks slow. What's the point in playing them at this point really.
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I don't think there is any point in playing him, maybe if you're into self harm because playing him is absolutely miserable, I'd play Pig at this point, at least I'd be 115% speed
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I just did the same test myself and edited the post, idk if it's frame perfect edited, but I'd say it's close enough
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My understanding is he is slower but goes farther? If true seems like a side grade than a nerf and they want a different play style for him.
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It doesn't matter how far he goes, if he can't catch the survivor before they make window/pallet or cut a corner. His dash could go on forever like Billy and he would still be worse than before the patch, the speed is by far the most important thing
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You can’t tag developers or community managers…
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Honestly I'd prefer a refund on Chucky - The license is cool but it's laughably bad how much this killer has been gutted. Why should I keep giving BHVR money when they make balance decisions around terrible players who don't want to learn and get better at the game?
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Yeah, between the huge changes and lack of console optimization, I rarely purchase things in DbD. I know the ToS and the fact it's a live-service game mean things can and will change after public release, but I don't have to be happy about it, especially not with the extent to which things change.
You're right, a lot of the balancing decisions are made around players who don't want to adjust their playstyle. I love the way some things change up the gameplay when I'm a survivor, like Tombstone or Weave + Franklin's, yet those are some of the most complained-about things in the game. Why do people want to do the same thing over and over again every match? That sounds boring. Or is it only okay when they are the one trying new things? If that's the case, they want a PvE game with an NPC opponent, not a PvP game. Their real-person opponent may want to try new things and break up the monotony as much as they do. I mean, isn't everyone always complaining about the meta and efficient, unfun playstyles?
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Another community driven emotional nerf. It’s terrible.
Slowly but surely we getting to the point killers are supposed to provide entertainment to survivors while having no real chance of winning unless survivors want to play bad.Chucky has terrible map presence, mediocre stealth that is revealed to survivors, gutted add ons and now crippled chase. He went from A- to D tier. It does feel like a business strategy, Houndmaster is OP for now, when the next chapter hits she will get nerfed, repeat.
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Plague is considered balanced I think, she shouldn’t be as fast as she is given her power and the add-on that reveals auras every time a survivor coughs is really strong but beyond that I haven’t seen many people complain about her. Cenobyte has been nerfed within the last 2 years so I think he’s fine as well. And both killers are pretty rare to face with low pick rates. Chucky was more common, popular, and created lose-lose scenarios that neither Plague nor Cenobyte create.
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Chucky is way lower tier than Plague and the only reason people don't endlessly kvetch about them is because of how rare they are.
The issue isn't the nerf.
The issue is that it was done with zero testing allowed and the devs just basically giving players the middle finger, saying 'oh yeah we didn't bother putting it on the PTB and we aren't open to feedback on this topic. Now buy cosmetics for another killer'.
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I think people doesn't know what 180º means.
Just do that and Chucky was screwed.We don't have killers in DbD.
DbD is a game of 4 Survivors players x 1 CLOWN player.0 -
I don't even get why chucky was nerfed tbh. Nobody was asking for this or complaining about him.
Meanwhile twins and singularity are totally busted and unfun to go against like every single game.
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He's still B tier, you're all fine.
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I don't really like the 'nerf it and fix it later' strategy. At least with Skull Merchant it was understandable but Chucky?
I dunno. I'm always of the mindset that more killers should be bumped up/side graded in power than nerfed when possible.0 -
Twins and Singularity are far from busted. lol. Chucky wasn't fun to go against and still isnt. However, the nerf wasnt needed.
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The playstyle would be not using the power in chase? As rn chucky gives you 5 bussiness days to react to the slice and dice thanks to the new speed, so if you get hit by it you are either in a deadzone or you had your monitor muted and turned off.
If thats the case why use chucky for mobility when even killers like dredge outclass slice and dice mobility potential?
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Yeah, as in leaving him in a super weak state for 2-3 years.
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Make Chucky bigger
Make it first person
Remove undetectableThere you go, you can bring back scamper and old slice and dice