Pipping as a Survivor now...

Kikki Member Posts: 536

How du you feel about the Update?

Personally I like it a little bit difficult but now it is impossible to get a pip? A freind of me has 20k bloodpoints at the end of a match and dosen't get a single pip.


  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Don't get me wrong.I'm not a whiny Girl but this pip system is a pain in the A.. 4 Survivor,5 Gen's 5(?) Totem's(everyone is searching the dull totem's yet because points.It can be difficult but please a little bit less for Survivor's. Most time I depip or save pipping only.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    I'll have to try it out later today.

  • demonhunter
    demonhunter Member Posts: 5

    getting a black pip is more difficult than it was so if a killer DCs you can depip because reaching the black pip is harder which I think is unfair

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    In their attempt to curb SWFs being able to bully the killer and to stop killers from camping and tunneling... they kicked solo players right in the dick.

    This is normal behavior for BHVR though. You get used to it.

    3 Gens, 4 totems and 3 unhooks, 2 full heals AND escape. But I didn't get into any chases because I'm a stealth player, so my play style gets the middle finger. Right on the money for a black pip. LAWL what? I basically carried while my other 3 teammates were bouncing back and forth between hooks and hook rushing the killer. Geez. I feel like this has to be a bug or a gross over sight. Still. I'm not really shocked anymore.

    Meanwhile all a killer has to do is not tunnel and not camp. Down and hook, rinse repeat.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Was probably the same Person who though Legion was a good idea.

    For Real, the new system forces survs to compete against each other. Thats totally wrong. I think its okay to increase the difficulty on two Pips, but even Black Pips are about to be really unfair to gain, depending on your play stile.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited March 2019

    Haven't noticed much difference and still pipping. It was never about bp for the pip but doing a gen rush yielded good points regardless. Now you need some killer interactions to prove your worthy of the rank up and this will help weed out the atleast some of the survivors that dont belong in the upper ranks. Good bye potatoes!

  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    GIT GUD! this is still easy! i get 2 pip 2 times!!!

    make gens, rescue, heal buddies, do totems and a little chase.... YOU DONE!

    the new emblem system is still easy to pip.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Pretty sure Kikki is a girl. They were just saying they're not the whiny sort.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    It's as others have said. You gain a pip for healthy, long games where the killer gets a chance to hook everyone multiple times without tunneling/camping and so on. Most games aren't that way, though, so you're going to find yourself black pipping through many games. It's too soon to judge yet, but I'm personally glad they've made it harder to pip.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    There should be 0 need to expose yourself to the killer. Literally none. You should be rewarded for being stealth, escaping untouched, etc. Why is this not a thing? I'm not talking about P3 Claudette sitting in a corner/locker the whole game either. Quite a few times ive done 2-3 gens, unhooks, heals, and totems while never once being chased by the killer.. Now with the new system, I deserve to depip/barely safety why? This is a giant game of hide and go seek after all.

    If the killer is just bad, you won't pip as a survivor. You'll barely safety. Bad Killers = No Altruism, No Chaser. Enjoy your crappy Lightbringer emblem pts.

    I understand Killer frustration with "good survivors" and SWFs but damn. Throw in the some what 300% DC increase since earlier today and woohoo good times LOL

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183

    I hate survivor that play ultrastealthy and can't stay in a Chase for atleast for 1 minute.

    I Hope than the next month red rank became the heaven of skilled players (survivor and killer).

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    They went a step into the right direction but shouldn't have made it so hard to gain a pip or safe pip. Your rank now really depends on how your other teammates will do and if they, and you, can make the game last long enough.

  • JFF
    JFF Member Posts: 166

    I agree, but let’s not forget that it also heavily depends on the killer. If he doesn’t get any hooks or chases, both sides get punished.

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    Correct. But killers get punished for having short games too, so I hope tunneling and camping will tremendously decrease now and the usage of perks like Make Your Choice will increase so that both survivors have a chance and a fun game and the killer actually gets rewarded for extending the game as long as possible without losing pressure and making sure that survivors get hooked atleast 2 times.

  • strikingearth26
    strikingearth26 Member Posts: 35

    I don't think I've pipped a single time at all since the new update... I don't mind so much, I'm at rank 8 right now, and feel thats where I belong... however, I've had games where I've made 4+ safe unhooks, worked on 3+ gens, done totems, escaped the killer at least once, sometimes not even being hooked at all, and STILL get black pip... I need to know what it is I need to do if I want to pip.. that would help alot, at least I know what to work towards...

  • ThatGuyFromThatPlace
    ThatGuyFromThatPlace Member Posts: 66

    Oh my god... Please, ######### off. Nobody cares. Stop trying to create conflict because you got offended over someone using a harmless expression

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    To me the whole emblem system is ass backwards. It makes no sense that you have get into a long chase to pip when your goal should be avoiding the killer. Just as it makes no sense that a killer can depip off a 4k.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    We do want pipping to be harder, but the conditions for emblems are not indicative of skill any sense of the word.

    If you're a stealth master that does a ton of gens and leaves, you're gonna de-pip even if you worked hard to not get caught.

    Stealth is not awarded in this game. Doubly so, since if you don't get injured or hooked, your teammates cant gain Benevolence.

    Personally, I dont want to pip. Give me all the easy games i can get without the tryhard top-tier killers all up on me.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited March 2019

    What I don't like about it is how survivors play now. Feels like it's 1 vs 5 now including a Killer and 3 enemy-survivors. In order to pip one needs to play egoistically that even when unsafe ppl go for the unhooks knowing the survivors probably won't go down before they're awarded with the safe rescue. Everyone is trying to get everything not leaving anything for anyone else, cause they can't if they want to pip. It makes me so sick and I'm feeling so disgusted I rather just black pip...

    But the worst is: I loose two pips when the killer quits the game right after it started?! I mean are they serious? And if the Killer nearly looses and quits after the first minutes one looses 1 pip as well. Same if the Killer is bad and doesn't even get to hook anyone?!

    Like I just had 6 games this evening where the Killer left earlygame and I lost 2 pips each time.

    Post edited by tennmio on
  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113
    edited March 2019

    Ok, i am mad so i want to quickly share my experience

    Just had this game where a cloaked wraith was absent the entire match, he couldnt be found anywhere despite us making sound notifications all the time

    i just did the gens and leave

    i am currently rank 10 survivor

    what annoyed me was not the fact the killer was absent, but the fact i lost a ######### pip. yes, despite me escaping and doing at least 3 gens i still lost a pip because i didnt get anything from the benevolence or evasion emblems

    really, this new ranking system needs to change, since the update the only character i have been able to pip with is Legion, and that is really sad.

    i thought the devs were gonna modifgy the emblem changes after the complaints they got from the PTB, but no, they decided to leave it the way it was

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    The emblem system is now so dependent on other survivors and the killer, everyone but yourself, that it is not really any better a measure of skill than the old system. It's how lucky you are being in the right place at the right time. If the killer doesn't hook enough, everyone is risking a de-pip, survivors have to go looking for trouble with the killer and compete with three other survivors to do so.

    Again yet another advantage given to SWF cause they can coordinate and share much better than solos. Need some lightbringer, Sally? Let Sally finish that gen guys. Need more benevolence, Ralph? Next couple of saves are all yours.

  • rangerdanger0
    rangerdanger0 Member Posts: 41

    Still isn't all that hard tbh.

    I have played many games still where I pip or almost double pipped. I find it is harder to pip now but it still isn't INSANELY hard (unless you get tunneled)

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    Completely agree.

    As for the last point, it's not that people leave just to secure escape points. If you don't get an unhook in that game due to few hooks/being too far to get an unhook earlier, the fact is the killer will understandably camp anyone caught after the last gen is done, and if the killer manages to make it past you to hit whoever you unhook then the cost of the safe unhook actually causes you to depip. It's actually not worth trying to unhook the last survivor because the cost of failure is so great now if you weren't able to secure a few unhooks earlier in the game.

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    I'm the same as survivor and have had similar games under the new broken system. It was right to make it harder, but not to make it impossible, come on devs! I think the pipping system is broken, I had 5K in first three emblems and didn't pip, another game I had 5K in first and last emblems and did pip. It's like you will pip more often if you get points in chases. Pretty much screw the solo stealth player, as always.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    There comes a day when you just get tired of getting kicked.

  • PastelBread
    PastelBread Member Posts: 7

    Pipping up as survivor is ungodly. Out of the 30 or so games I have played in the past few days as survior, I have pipped up once. :/

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @PastelBread What rank are you? I'm currently rank 10 and keep bouncing between 10 and 11.

  • SpiritFeng
    SpiritFeng Member Posts: 29
    edited March 2019

    This update I made it from 10 rank to 8 rank. By repairing 2 gens (I guess). Getting chased and escaped 2 times. getting hooked 2 times. snapping out of doctor's treatment. This made me get 1 pipe.

    I would say survivors deserve buffs. Killers are having an easy time.

  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406
    edited March 2019

    I just only genrush (i make 3 gens)and unhooked someone 1 time...(never i see the killer or chase) and i got 1 pip! LOL

    so easy right now.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    The new system is a vicious circle.

    If the killer is camping and tunneling one survivor nobody is gonna get more then a black pip. Some might even depip.

    If you get lots of bad killers and depip the one you are facing can't even catch anyone so you can't rank up.

    This new system is even worse then the one before. Even in a good game with a good killer and good survivors it's not enough things to do so each survivor can pip.

  • MetalDirtMonkey
    MetalDirtMonkey Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2019

    The New system in my opinion is awful... The reason why i say that is because its so killer sided. Last night i was playing survivor im rank 13/14.. because of the new system ive been bouncing back and forth like a ping pong ball...Anyway...First game ok did 3 gens 2 hook save 2 totems and got out and piped to 13 about 17k bp. Then next match i had a rank 17 trapper... lvl 3 perks now i had the bad luck to run into him first before this happend i did a little work on a gen and then he got me put me on hook and then tunneled me into the ground.... which is FAIR....every time id get of he was there to get me... i got out with 5k bp and de piped.. because he wanted to tunnel..ok... Later on i decided to get on killer and goof off.. my clown is rank 17 1 pip...i have all rank 3 perks and lvl 2 bbq and rank 3 distressing i played with the survivors got max everything hooked them all once let them leave and had a good time I PIPED and left with like 60k.... HOW IS THAT FAIR? why are survivors kicked so hard? I mean a bad killer game is a hard pressed win for a survivor... i love playing survivor and i only do rando so i dont have to put the killer thu swfs but holy crap the new ranking system has made the killers more swety than ever... i mean as a survivor you dont even wanna play bloody party streamers because if your tunneld you wont get nothing outta it. you HAVE to do a swf to mess over the killer to get bp outta it... i mean i know this might sound salty and im gonna admit im NOT the best survivor by any means. but new people coming to the game see this they wont stay look at the steam reviews atm for the new update. Its a punch in the face for the game... i LOVE this game to death but this update has taken all the power outta the survivors. You can barely rank barely get bp barely anything. People can jump down my throat all ya want that just my opinion.

    Post edited by MetalDirtMonkey on
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    I’ve been stationary at Rank 9. I don’t mind a challenge to pip but it is a little overboard on how you pip as both killer and survivor.

  • Mcfred
    Mcfred Member Posts: 152

    Idk about you guys but me and the killers are great friends I drop a pallet on him and let him kill, I get hatch.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    It depends on your rank! It's still easy in the lower ranks.