What are your most hated parts of DBD?

This has been something that has been on my mind for a while, for as much as I enjoy playing Dead By Daylight, there are some things in this game that just annoy me, whether it's bugs, intended features that shouldn't be in the game, balancing decisions that make zero sense, or just stuff that generally seems to exist for the sole purpose of making the game significantly less fun for me, so I thought I'd list some of the bits of this game that I just ######### despise
First thing, Blight's Daily, and just playing Blight in general. Ever since the change to how Blight's power works I've just grown to increasingly hate playing him, whereas before he had the problem of sliding off of everything, he now has the problem of bumping into every single tiny little ######### thing on every single map, which is honestly infinitely worse then his previous issue, at least with the sliding I could maybe bump into something else and reposition, now I come to a dead stop for no reason because there was a tiny bush on my left I didn't notice, killing all my momentum and giving the survivor time to run away, and going through doorways with his power genuinely feels impossible even if you barrel through it straight on, AND THEN there's the problems that he has always had. His power basically gets turned off on maps like Rotten Field, Lerys, Hawkins, and Midwich, his power can't do anything at small loops, and while I will admit that this is purely because I am complete trash with this killer, but his power just doesn't feel like its worth using at most loops. Then there are just the random moments I've had where I feel less like I'm losing because I'm bad and more like I'm losing because this killer is broken, I have accidentally flicked BEHIND ME while Rushing despite that supposedly being impossible, I have had survivors effortlessly avoid a Rush hit even when a M1 would have hit them no contest, and, fun fact about the winter event, getting hit by a snowball ######### COUNTS AS A BUMP AND STOPS YOU IN PLACE, and then there's his Daily, why is it 4 downs instead of 4 hits, I already hate playing this killer as is, why are you making it harder then most other killers for no reason BHVR? Some consistency would be nice y'know.
Second thing, Map Offerings, I am completely done with dealing with or tolerating these, no amount of braindead "Just use a Sac Ward Bro" posts will ever make me think otherwise, get rid of this entire category of offerings or make them ban the realm instead. People simply do not use these because they like the realm or for a meme build like Jumpscare Myers, it is always either a Badham, Garden of Joy, or Autohaven offering that almost guarantees the match will be absolutely miserable, I will not burn a Sac Ward just to deal with a bullshit offering that shouldn't be in the game in the first place, band-aid solutions that just eat up more space in the bloodweb that I would much rather be either a addon or BP Offering are not how actual problems should be addressed, I oh yeah speaking of Autohaven
Third thing, ######### Autohaven Wreckers. I am genuinely convinced that something with this realm is either bugged or otherwise broken, all 5 of these maps are absolute ######### to play on, Azarovs has always been garbage due to the absurdly safe middle area and gen spread guaranteeing a 3 gen that any killer trying to win will never leave for any reason whatsoever, but the other 4 are also #########, Wretched Shop is usually tolerable but Gas Haven's main building is really, really dull to deal with, and Wrecker's Yard and Blood Lodge legitimately feel like The Game sometimes with the number of pallets they spawn, hell this entire realm feels like it's spawning more pallets then it's supposed, and they're all good pallets too that are difficult to mind-game, and this stupid number of pallets then connect to good loops 80% of the time, and then for some reason there's just absolutely nothing in random places of the map, so the survivor either dies immediately or is basically invincible with the amount of ######### they have to work with. These maps are too small and too compact with too much stuff, they need to either be bigger or spawn less crap because I swear to God I am ######### sick and tired of playing on them.
Fourth thing, Shelter Woods, the stink of release SM hangs on this map because something about the main building just irks me, I really don't like the window placements on the two tents, they just make it feel so much safer then it really is, and it feels like most of the safety and resources on Shelter Woods are concentrated around the edges rather then spread evenly, like the main building has one pallet that most killers can play, then there's absolutely nothing except a rock loop that sometimes has a pallet, and then all the windows and shack are around the edges, this map just feels really weird.
And finally, SoloQ stupidity and selfishness, we all knew this was coming, but I swear to everything holy some of you people that I run into on EU servers in the afternoons need to seriously go to a doctor to check if you have brain damage, I have seen some of the most inexplicable, dumb, and outright mentally stunted behaviour I have ever seen playing this game, I have watched people throw the game 10 seconds into a match, I've seen people throw the game at the very end just because a teammate left them on hook just a little bit too long, I have watched entire groups wither and crumble to dust through nothing but the infinite force that is human stupidity, I have actually had to sit and watch my entire team crumble around me because one guy with a chip on his shoulder thought it would be hilarious to throw down every single pallet on the map at the very beginning of the game for no other reason then spite. I know this is a problem I inflict upon myself because I can very easily find people to play with and just make the decision not to, but Jesus Merciful Peter Christ can you people stop being dumb for 2 minutes and just play the game normally? Or, better yet, find a different game to play, because it's pretty clear DBD is either not for you or you're not having fun with it anymore, stop taking it out on your teammates and move the ######### on.
Rant Over, what's your most hated part of DBD, or just something about DBD that urks you in general?
How long it takes for tweaks on killers, perks, and maps
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-The absolute destruction of the game's horror atmosphere is something that I've always disliked, and I believe it has a very negative impact on overall immersion and experience.
-360s. I cannot physically handle the sudden change in direction, therefore survivors who often resort to 360s are very frustrating for me to deal with.
-Being tunneled. I DESPISE being tunneled.
-Unnecessary massive changes. Things that could and should have been left alone receiving very significant changes for absolutely no reason. The two examples that frustrate me the most: Freddy getting a massive rework when a few QoL adjustments was all he needed, and Skull Merchant getting severely nerfed when her previous iteration was fine the way she was.
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Being slugged and bled out by sad, miserable people for no reason and then have people disingenuously defend that behavior by pretending it's legitimate slugging when we all know we aren't talking about legit slugging.
I don't mind downtime in games, I was heavy into Search in CoD which was a 1 life per round game. Yeah, my corpse got tbagged and I'd get called slurs in game chat but at least I got could put my tryhard pants on and clap you.
These days I'm just playing sparking zero because I'm kind of over it
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This "Skill Based Match Making" System. I hate that system as much as I love this game.
4 years. BHVR. 4 Years with barely any noticable changes, hell only info we get about it is a redacted wiki since you want to keep things secret.
It has become so bad for me I CANNOT enjoy playing with friends anymore (skill issue, I know), punsihed for massively increasing our comulcative MMR because…..advantage? shame i aint one of those 10k hour epic gamers but a casual one instead.
Hockey Game. Amirite? Shots on goals SHOULD matter but hey, I guess not :<
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Killers slugging for the 4k without knowing where the final survivor is.
It's the only thing that truly bothers me.
Don't care about camping. Don't care about tunneling. Don't care about genrushing. Don't care about flashlights or bully squads. Don't care about t-bagging. Don't even care about slugging for pressure.
Just don't leave people on the ground for minutes at a time because you want a 4th kill in a game you already won, it's so unnecessary and inconsiderate.
And for that matter I also don't mind killers bleeding people out specifically to be mean. When that happens I'm just like "oh okay" and watch youtube on my other monitor. Somehow that annoys me less, because knowing that they're intentionally trying to be rude means I can just ignore it.
Something about that one specific scenario bothers me because feeling like the person has no consideration for other people whatsoever annoys me a lot more. At least with the people trying to be rude I know they are still aware there is a person behind the controls whose time they're wasting.
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Reworking/nerfing killers that made them less enjoyable to play
Sadako (2.0 iteration) Chucky and skull merchant's changes definitely made them less enjoyable for me to play them
They thankfully revert sadako back but the thought of ever changing them in the first place was something they shouldn't have made
And now skull merchant is in the work of a potential rework and will lose her identity that I really like about
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The community.
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Bleedouts. Self explanatory
Stealth hostage gamers. Self explanatory.
Psudeo-hatch standoffs (killer keeps slugging for 4k while the other standing surv just hides). This isn't fun for anyone and just drags the game out. Not faulting either side for this, I just hate when it happens.
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How people seem to believe if you play Killer, you are a monster IRL and deserve scorn, abuse, and more nerfs.
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the trash cans outside Haddonfield main building near the police cars. So many chases ruin by them
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①Update that grants a permanent buff to the survivor for a plausible reason
②Some survivors who make a fuss by denouncing the techniques practiced by the killers and the combination of abilities and parks they devised as cheating
③Survivors can visualize the range of heartbeats, but no similar functionality has been implemented for killers (I'd like to be able to turn it on and off at will and make the whisper park the default.)
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The removal of the Next and Previous buttons with the new UI to cycle through your chars.
Like V said - the unnecessary changes to things that were completely fine.
Getting stomped by aura Nurse on Midwich. Aura reading and endurance in general.
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The fact people not only defend but at times even glorify people doing "vent games". You know the type, player(s) in match A did something annoying so they're gonna take it out on player(s) in match B. Almost without exception hypocrites that would never extend the assumption that an opponent is doing what they're doing for the same reason, or if even more role-brained they'll just straight up think only their role has the "right" to do it to begin with.
And for purely game and not community things, playing Spirit. It doesn't matter if she's strong, average or weak, I quite simply despise using her power and as a result playing her. But luckily I can simply not play her.
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Anti loop killers and obnoxious builds on both sides but particularly killer.
I am finding I really don't enjoy the majority of the newer killers (Unknown being an exception) and it is making it harder and harder for me to have fun in DBD.
I am seriously considering switching to events only in the new year, as I have reached nearly 6k hours between accounts so it is probably time to give other games a go as that is an absurd amount of hours. Plus I am just not feeling it more and more
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First, Nurse, i don't care if she takes ages to learn, I don't care if it's the only thing to combat a small group of OP groups I CANNOT stand her and I wish she was deleted from the game. Like tell me why she can ignore every rule of the game just because she's kinda hard? 🫠
Second, killers that go over the top when they have already won. Listen, I don't care that I die BUT when they slug and tunnel at 5 gens then they need to chill. Now if survivors are being egregious with flashlights and silly plays then fair enough. But I play solo q and just try and do gens and killers will hump, leave slugs and not hook. Like if your winning then just hook and let's all go next.
Third, bugs, the amount of bugs in this game is INSANE! It's a game that's been around now over 7 years, get a team on it and sort it!
Fourth, rats. I play solo q and do my best to get gens and help my team. When I go for a rescue I try and do it safely as possible (for the sake of the unhooked teammate). So when people rat me out for no reason I become annoyed and think to myself "I should of left you to die on hook"
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The information about mmr on the wiki is only redacted because the community kept misinterpreting it, which in turn kept causing issues during discussions. The wiki is also run by community volunteers, the redaction wasn't BHVR's decision.
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By far #1 most hated - non-functional matchmaking system
Other than than, BHVR cranking out new content at a furious pace, releasing new content in a busted state, taking forever to fix bugs/balance issues and sometimes ignoring them for years, spending resources and time making changes that nobody asked for, refusing to address VPN abusers, refusing to enforce ping limits in lobbies
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Bad matchmaking. Things like a 5000 hour killer and a 500 hour teammate who runs into walls are way too common.
Too many things that waste your time. These things aren't bad on their own but they add up over time. Examples are people dodging lobbies and causing it to take you several extra minutes just to start a game. Personally I think the lobby is a waste of time in general and should be removed. It serves no purpose other than being a way for people to shop for lobbies. Killers slugging for the 4K is another obvious one. Teammates giving up is another one worth mentioning. Entire game just becomes a massive waste of time when your teammate decides to drop at the start of the match.
Balancing extremes. Behavior is not good at finding a middle ground in balancing. Killers are either extremely overpowered for a pub match or they're extremely weak. Same basic idea for perks. They're either insanely good to the point where they are nerfed into uselessness shortly after release or they're completely useless from the moment they're released. Maps are extremely survivor sided or extremely killer sided. Like why does the current version of Haddonfield still exist? Is there not something between what we have now and what we had before? Is Behavior satisfied with this type of balancing? Is it that hard to make changes?
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Most frustrating thing is high ping players. But I don't blame the players, I blame BHVR for no servers in the middle east and south africa.
Second frustrating thing is MapRNG, huge dead zones in maps or useless "loops".
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I think the only way a mode like this would be possible is through restrictions. Like the casual mode simply wouldn’t allow SWF, certain killers, certain perks, certain add-ons, or certain items. I wouldn’t be against it, but I think the only way to ensure people won’t take advantage would be never giving them the option to.
And to your counter point, many survivors could say the same things about Nurse or Blight. Both are very unbalanced for the average player.
But yes, I agree that a casual mode would be nice. I also really liked chaos shuffle.1 -
Props for talking about Blight. He's not a perfect unstoppable killer. He has his annoyances.
The Autohaven maps are criminally underlooked as survivor maps as well. I never have easy matches on those.
The Shelter Woods tent windows are really stupidly designed. I think they're god windows, at least 1 of them. If survivors had the Blood Pact combo, or Hope, or even Dark Theory, I don't think you can physically catch someone who knows how to run that window.
Solo queue I feel will never be improved until either MMR gets perfected or until the bad actors leave this game. That's why I always recommend just balancing for high level, so much so that many of the casuals leave the game. Because many of them don't bring a single thing to the table, and in fact drag the game down. They get put in your solo matches, you're screwed, because they don't know what they're doing, and when they come on the forums to complain, they'll act like they do. Like you said, the entire team will crumble from like 1 person getting hooked 1 time. They never touch gens after that, and just heal or hide, because they can't hold their own in chase at all. You feel as if every match of every other match, you're forced to be the MVP. So with teammates like that, you might think survivor is just weak. But no, because the moment you go have a decent team, the match is super free and you all get out while the killer has like 3-4 hooks. As killer, if you go against good survivors, they're gonna make you work for everything you try to do. And many times, you physically can't beat them because the game is constructed for them to always beat you in the time race. The matchmaking system hides the imbalance of the game.
My most hated part of DBD is the general gameplay loop of killer. With defending gens, take it or leave it because it'll make little difference. The loops are the thing that kill killers. You have to catch the survivors way off guard or out-positioned, or you might not get them, period. Loops like shack, jungle gyms, some other gyms and even some 4 walls and TLs, force you as killer to make like 3 back to back reads, or else the chase resets. You can use red glow mindgames or hope that the survivor makes a mistake, but why should killers have to do that just to possibly get 1 hit at a loop? It wouldn't be such a big deal if survivors actually had to use pallets, but oftentimes they'll just Entity Blocker the window, or get hit, and then save the pallet so that they can loop you 45 seconds more later on. Killer powers can shorten chases, sure, but it feels like every single killer's power has clear and easy counterplay. If killers like Wraith, Huntress, Clown, Demogorgon, Artist, Wesker, Xenomorph, Chucky "can just get you at any loop," why don't we see them next to Nurse and Blight in the tier lists, or see them in tourney? Because it's not true. The survivors can bait or dodge your power. They'd have to be locked into an animation or in a hallway with no room to dodge in order to be a "guaranteed hit." That's the greatest annoyance of all, that people think killer is so free. They don't see any of this because they intentionally or unintentionally smurf, never getting good survivors.
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1 - Dredge. I wouldn't have an issue (and in fact would probably place it high up in my "fun to go against" list) if it wasn't for my experience with Nightfall, where one sessions against it on Midwich led to a throbing headache and the feeling of needles in my eyes for the next three matches or so. Needless to say, I've made the rule of "Match one: play normal, but don't bother struggling; Match two: play normal, but go next once caught; Match three: DC and I'm done for the night;" because I don't feel like putting myself through actual physical pain (and thankfully, no one plays Dredge, so I've RARELY seen more than one in a session when I do run into it).
2 - Daytime maps. While Dredge strains my vision by focusing my eyes on the center of the screen, daytime maps have the opposite effect. Loading into them is the equivalent of being flashbanged due to my eyes being incredibly sensitive to bright lights (I get blinded by the eye doctor equipment designed SPECIFICALLY for sensitive eyes). They also don't make sense thematically, as the game is called Dead BY Daylight, not Dead IN Daylight. The lore issue is blown completely out of proportion by people who don't bother understanding that everything in the realms, including the "sun" is the Entity, but everything else bothers me.
3 - Archives post-Skull Merchant. Namely three things: The fact that BHVR just dropped the titles for no reason, leading to such thrilling stories as: "Gabriel Soma: Memory Fragments" or "Carmina Mora: Memory Fragments" or "Dracula: Memory Fragments" as compared to actual interesting titles like "Exile of the Kingdom" or "Doors Unknown" or "The Importance of Being King"; The completely jumbled up order of the memories themselves, where before they would go "384 - 385 - 386 - … - 391 - 392 - 393" (the actual order of "The Importance of Being King") they now go "2001 - 2500 - 2665 - 2233 - 2049 - 2313 - 2799" (the actual order of "Hux-07-13: Memory Fragments"); The visual memories that completely stunt the flow of the story being told while also adding nothing of value and taking up space that could be used to actually give the story a conclusion (which "Gabriel Soma: Memory Fragments" NEVER GOT). I've genuinely not finished any archive since Hux & Gabriel (other than slogging through Oni & Deathslinger for the Killer TImeline that I keep, the latter of which was nearly three months later), because these three things have just killed any interest I had, and that's without mentioning how little I care about the current story with Saku, who lost any interest from me the moment she relatively effortlessly decapitated Oni, or the Hailey and Jaden story with far less meaning to it than Old Lady Haddie and Max investigating the Entity's cults.
4 - The community. I'd be writing a full length novel if I had to explain everything I dislike here, but the highlights include: Blind following of content creators without being able to form own opinions; constant whining about having to play against some Killers differently and refusing the adapt; constant whining about the tools available to Survivors and refusing to adapt; certain individuals (who will go unnamed) who are just insufferable for a variety of reasons; the constant misinformation about the lore being spread by a small group of content creators that everyone takes as gospel because they lack reading comprehension; and just general toxicity.
5 - BHVR's ineptitude and ego. I've been here since 2018. I've seen firsthand how BHVR is, frankly, really bad at making this game. Every update is riddled with the most ridiculous bugs (recent example, my Survivor main can't wear his sweater because it's trying to play his counterpart's voice lines). They make the most pointless changes that no one asked for and make the game worse (lobby HUD making switching characters a chore). They make completely unnecessary changes to Killers and perks that most people agreed were fine (Chucky's current state and the Thrill changes that everyone was whining about). There is no quality control and they keep pumping out content so fast that they can't keep up with it (why do we keep getting Survivor-only paragraphs in mid-chapters now?) And then they have the audacity to beg for Labor of Love because they can't get it through their thick, corporate skulls that no one with more than three brain cells would willingly vote for them.
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The Shelter Woods tent windows are really stupidly designed.
Honestly, I like them. Before the Skull Merchant's camp was added Shelter Woods was just bad for survivors. I'm almost certain it was the MacMillan map with the least amount of resources, even before the map changes.
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Personally, I have come to despise MMR. Not because of what it does (debatable if it even has an impact these days), but because of the shift in mindset it caused. Its not like people weren't competitive beforehand, but MMR seemingly brought out the worst in people who wanted to "win" at all costs. It pushed out people who were playing the game for the sake of having fun and replaced them with folks who only play to win. I genuinely feel like that was when DBD transitioned from being a party game to the sweat fest it is now.
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SBMM, not the fact that it exists, but the fact that it actually...doesn't exist lol
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Mainly on social media
Large majority of interactions I have in game are fairly positive
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In-game is fine for me too, it's outside the game in general (or at least for the most part) that grinds my gears and is the reason i don't interact nearly as much as i used to these days on the forum or on other sites where the community can be found, because i find too many people that's part of it to be too insufferable to be around or engage with. (applies to some of the people in this very thread too.)
In fact, playing the game is easily a way more enjoyable experience than interacting with the community, because unlike playing the game, interacting with the community does nothing but bring down my mood 50% of the time and it just gets draining.
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The community, terrible team mates and cheaters.
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Playing survivor. It's pure masochism since 2022, wouldn't recommend.
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Changing things that nobody wanted changed, and not changing things the community has been asking for years to change.