November Killer Adjusment (Plague,Pinhead
Will the promised Pinhead and Plague changes be coming soon?
They had to delay them but I assume it'll be around next midchapter.
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I bet those are nerfs because everyone hates them.
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im assuming pinhead chains getting a buff. It be literally no reason to nerf him.
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what are they gonna do to vommy mommy???? I'm afraid now
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i dont, because i actually solve the box.
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i'm 99% sure they'll nerf the box playstyle. Again. Somehow. I don't know how😑
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As someone who quite likes both killers, hopefully never.
After Skull Merchant and Chucky…and honestly Trickster, I'd rather that they just leave these two alone. Go give Freddy his rework and update Executioner and Slinger addons or something.
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I feel it'll be a nerf (I just don't have much faith in them doing the right thing cause I don't see any need to nerf these killers) but I feel they'll nerf them because they are monsters to solo queue but fall apart quick to SWFs.
Just don't cleanse against Plague (easy to do as a SWF with comms) and just stay on top of the box against Pinhead (hard to do without comms) so they'll most likely nerf to make them easy against solo queue.
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They said they were postponed until a later date.
Idk, I think they could both benefit from some smaller changes but they don't need anything drastic, at least not to their basekit. Plague's iridescent addons absolutely need to be nerfed though, especially the one that gives her her power after every gen as it just completely removes the survivor agency over being able to avoid corrupt purge by choosing not to cleanse.
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They were only going to be "tweaks"
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I don't know don't what else they can do to it. You already can't be hit with chains when solving. People really haven't complain about pinheads since the Box last nerf. They probably just going to nerf original pain and give some minor buff elsewhere
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I don't hate them. In fact, I hardly ever see them.
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The playstyle that still hinges on you getting really quick chases, against the box holder in particular, and the moment you don't you just lose.
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Honestly if that's all they do to Pinhead I'll be perfectly happy.
The box doesn't really need any more nerfs. Ever since we got the survivor action icons the box has been easier to deal with in solos since you can generally tell if someone is going for it or not, and getting interrupted while solving was really my biggest issue with it, and that's been gone for a while now.
I'd love for them to rework Original Pain (that addon is dumb) and slightly buff his chase power.
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by my calculations they should be here before this century ends .
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they could make it so chains doesn't interrupt the box at all. 🙄 Even those, that Pinhead send himself
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I hope both recieve bugfixes and Pinhead gets better chains.
And that's all.