4k You say?! Depipped?! WOW!
I'm seeing a lot of complaining from killers about not getting pipped and de-pipping EVEN with 4k! That must mean the new ranking system is broken =_(. WRONG BOI! That means you aren't doing as much as you thought to deserve the rank you used to have. If a killer is going to cheese camp and constantly watch the hook to not let the survivor get unhooked, in turn, forcing their team mates to let them go into second stage on their first hook, they are going to de-pip. This ranking system is good, those complaining that it isn't, are just mad because they aren't as good as they think they are suppose to be. Now killers have to allow some leeway for survivors, which in turn, gives more BP, more emblem score, and shapes the killer all around to be a more knowledgeable killer. Which is great! This is how it should be! Especially giving the game more intensity in the trials. The killer has to engage in real objective play. Not just hack and slash by being a sweaty hookwhore, nope, now they gotta be a sweaty killer. How it should be. So, those killers complaining about the system being terrible...git gud. Shape yourself. Become the killer the survivors actually feel they need to work together to over come, but most importantly, don't be cheese and complain about being cheese and not getting pips.
I agree. Killers shouldn't be rewarded for cheap tactics that only bad players claim are "LeGiT tAcTiCs EvEn ThE dEvS sAid so!!!1"
However, the rank system for the Survivors needs updated. A Killer cannot chase 4 people at once... so if you are able to evade/avoid the Killer entirely, you as a Survivor shouldn't be punished. Willingly throwing yourself into the fray is such a high risk maneuver and might not pay off. Especially if it's for the ranking system.
I'm awful against the Supernatural Killers with their cheese powers (Spirit/Fred/3+ blink Nurses)... so they aren't a Killer that I am able to survive against.
Now if it's a Hag (who I main), Trapper, Billy, Clown, Doctor, Michael... legit ANY other Killer that isn't Supernatural, I am fine against.
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Camping/tunneling is fine under circumstances.
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That's good, but i gotta say, "throwing yourself in the fray" also engages more towards intensity of the trial, shapes the survivors to become even better, gives more BP, and emblem score. You gotta be alittle sweaty. Don't face the killer head on, that's not what I'm saying but, if there is a risk for a reward, take it. You'll die eventually, just as a killer in high ranks will lose a pip here and there, but it's better now to make hard choices, for the possibility of a greater out come.
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I believe that the problem is that the "circunstances" is at the mercy of the good judgement of the killer...
... I think the DC's speaks for itself.
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What if you have way more knowledge and skill than the opponent at a certain rank? Will result in quick ending games usually where you'd say a killer does deserve a pip, only to get them out of that rank and make it fun for those survivors aswell by facing someone closer to their skill level. I don't think the new emblem system exactly makes sense.
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Here's when camping is viable, when you see there are 2 or even 3 survivors right around the hook, hit one or two if you can, and leave them to get the unhook. Go find a gen, go get a shrine, or locker for hatchets, traps, set up phantasms, prepare for the next engage, but don't sit there waiting for them to unhook, so that you can down the survivor that just got unhooked. I mean, do it, if you want a negative impact on score, and then complain that you didn't even get a safety pip. This system has made it so people that deserve the rank, get the rank, and those that used to have the rank with cheese tactics, can still use those tactics, but now they are the rank they deserve, while in that rank they deserve, they will be with survivors that will learn how to avoid and conquer these cheese killers, and eventually surpass them in rank, and once ranking is fixed, with the mixed tiers, they will be going against skill level accordingly. This is a change that needs working on, but it's the change we need nonetheless.
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If that's solution for tunneling/camping then that's a really bad one. It punishes people that do good and do it fast.
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Toy with the opponents, let them get objectives, make them feel immersed, like they are actually making it. Give them knowledge to get better. Once they did some here and there, make them suffer at your grasp. get the pip or safety pip, if not, you'll get it next match or the one after. If you are a consistent killer, you'll stay within your rank(meaning high tier 1-2) if you are constantly depipping, you should re-evaluate your play style, rather than evaluate how ranking is broken.
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If you are really knocking out people that fast, you must be going against people that don't know what they are doing. Let them learn if you are seriously destroying them that bad, what do you have to lose? If you are that intense of a killer, why not get more BP and score, by giving them more chances, in turn, making them better survivors, that way you can actually have a challenge in the future.
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Let me summarize all your unnecessary long justifications about this subject:
Survivor: "You killerino have to GIT GUD at bringing fun for survivors, Devs said so !
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I'm giving insight. Take it as you will.
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And i say that this game got to this point mostly because of Devs 's greed and the uterly toxic survivor community.
This game is ruled by kids since way too much time, and peoples (especially veterans) finally got fed up en masse of all these bullshits.
And now what ?
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Idk. I think you are ranting randomly. You aren't giving me anything real to respond to.
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This emblem system helps my playstyle which is to spread pain as much as I can, and 3 hook everyone if possible. However, the games I had today were so abysmal I couldn't play that way, and barely got Brutal most games despite scraping by with a win. Gens popped left and right, people just had pallets everywhere. The game isn't made for killers to stall out a game for 9 minutes with hardly a gen getting done. I have no idea where that came from.
This system doesn't stop me from pipping unless I REALLY get rushed which was a lot today, but still get Brutal mostly. However, my playstyle is not an efficient one. It's one that was based on giving survivors a chance/trying to let them get some points have fun. That is not necessarily a display of skill. If they want to win, they will win, and you will depip.
This system also makes it insanely easy to depip and bully newer players which is the main gripe I have.
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@VoodooTheKiller I understand your aversion towards camping, but you misunderstand the concept about rank. It's not a "reward". Ranking system should do one thing only: mark how effective and successful a player is, so the best ones can be put together in matches. The best games are always between players of similar skill, otherwise someone just gets destroyed, while the other has a game too easy.
That's why killer ranking should not be based on anything else than kills. The "intense gameplay" you're asking for is fine, but it's not going to happen if rank fails to show the actual effectiveness of a killer.
I give you an example: say, there's a Billy main, very experienced and effective. In any game where he happens to oneshot everyone, and he does it so fast that everyone is onehooked, this system will punish him for it. The only way he can rank up in this case, if he cheeses the system and lets survivors unhook in front of him, purposefully does chases without catching someone, etc.
The biggest problem is, that this way he will stay at low ranks, and so he will keep facing less skilled survivors, which leads to more quick and easy games just like I described.
Sorry, but if you 4K, this means you did better than if you had a game with lots of intense chases, rescues, but ending with only a 2-3K. Doesn't matter if you 4K via heavy camping or on the contrary, by being great in chases. Again, rank should not be a "reward".
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I think you are just suggesting "Killers" should be renamed "Nanny's" who's only job is to scurry around and make sure the kiddos are having fun. @OP
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Good example. Given this, I'd say they should add a timer towards the point system for killers getting kills in the start of the match, at least to bump them up just a little bit towards pip gain. So, it'd be like how survivors get more points for gens the longer the game lasts. Balance. You should make a thread on that towards the developers.
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@VoodooTheKiller a timer: yeah, maybe. To be honest, I'm much more leaning towards the most simple solution, not adding more and more conditions, caveats, restricitions and so on. 4K meaning +2 pips and 0K meaning -2 pips would be exactly that. And the real benefit to it is that the most competitive killers would get to high ranks, and would play against the most competitive survivors, while the more casual killers/survivors would stay at middle or low ranks, and so for the most part, everyone would play against their equals, roughly speaking (provided that Survivor ranking system is also accurate, but I don't want to get into this since this thread is not about that).
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Agreed. I honestly don't care about those pips though. I play this game to crush survivors hopes and dreams, collect their blood and salty tears and read their childish entitled rants in the chat and my profile. I used to get to rank one as a by-product, if they want me to play against rank 6 survivors indefinetly I don't mind, will suck to be those survivors :-)
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That then becomes a farming match and some players do not find that fun or challenging.
The problem is someone with more skill shouldn't be matched with those players in the first place.
A game should be fun or why play it? If a killer gets everyone downed easy they should be ranking up faster to get away from those players not be forced to prolong a game so they can get away from that zone.
At rank 1, if they down them so easily and 4k they have proved they belong there, if they camp they shouldnt get a 4k if the survivor do there job so who is at fault in that scenario? You can't punish someone when the other side feeds it, if the survivor doesn't feed it then they should be rewarded for doing gens and getting out.
The whole system should not match people using the ranks that is what screws it up as making it harder doesn't solve anything as the problem was never the red ranks it was those who deranked who should be in the red, now that is made that much easier to stay and troll others on both sides making it even less fun for them.
The devs are tying to force a play style which doesnt work, imo they should just scrap the emblem system and put it back to bloodpoints now with higher amounts needed to pip and each side different amounts, at least that way people can play how they wish creating more diverse gameplay among the players.
For those that do not care about ranking up they are happy having easy 4ks killing everyone quickly, staying in the lower bracket to bully killers etc.
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You're making a very large assumption that to get their 4k they must have camped/tunneled. This is inaccurate.
I've been getting 4k's without either of those. /threaddelete
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@twistedmonkey yeah. Exactly.
I'd just add two more notes here: one, the devs' preferred playstyle is already greatly rewarded by BP. No way you can get a lot of BP, if you quickly kill everyone.
And, related to that, lately whenever I'm out to get as much BP as I can, and I've already dealt with two survivors, but the rest still have some hooks in them, I just pick up and drop the last one in front of the hooked third one, let them save, go after the savior, then let the other save... all the way until the 4K. Ridiculous, but by doing this, you're better off both BP-wise and pipwise. They usually cooperate too, especially if they have WGLF.
It's just... this shouldn't even be a thing. How silly is that you're rewarded MORE if you actually let survivors save each other, and punished if you don't?
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Yeah the bloodpoints would need reworked so certain actions give more or less points, quickly killing with multiple hooks could reward you even more, I just remember the only issue seemed to be what side could gain more easier, I agree it could make it harder or worse now overall to get it right so in reality it wouldn't work.
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You missed what this thread is about. If you get 4k without those methods then you will pip. This thread is about those who claim 4k and lose a pip...obviously they depip due to negative emblem gain, which would mean whoring the hook and/or playing with a cheese style. Prove me wrong.
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Sometimes you'll get games like that, it's bound to happen. If it's such a problem for the killer to gain BP because their opponents aren't up to par, then I guess just let them win? Let me ask you this, are you having trouble with rank? What rank are you as a killer?
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The emblem system is made so you can give the survivors as many chances as possible. It's also made to punish the killer for tunneling, and camping. Wanna go through a straight path? Can't, someone's on the hook and your emblem is suffering for it. See people yolounhooking off the hook? Don't you camp or tunnel, that's not fun, we're gonna take Chaser from you, and you'll probably get a DC cuz they're upset they got farmed, so no chance of Iri Devout.
Also you lost 2 gens pretty fast, so we're just gonna knock that emblem down to Silver. Someone killed themselves on hook for some reason, so yup. Gonna knock that down to Silver too. Should've hooked that survivor more. Used your power and instadowned? Yup, not nearly enough chases bud. I wanna give you Iri, but be happy with a Gold. Ok, well, you black pipped, so you had fun. Good luck in your next one.
Maybe if you were nicer and played better you'd pip. :)
EDIT: These changes have a ton of oversights/flaws, and won't stop tunneling/camping when people who do it clearly don't care about rank. It's ok though, they'll depip and bully new players. That's fine.
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Nah, 4K is a perfect. You shouldnt depip from doing exactly what the objective was.
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All this while completely ignoring the equally toxic killer community, yep no bias or logic here. It's not like the small minority on both sides is toxic while everyone else just wants to have fun.
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I have yet to lose more than I gain. The complaints for me are there, but overall I maintain my rank, even on killers I don't usually play. Just had a game on Legion where the survivors didn't get passed 10k points and I still pipped. One of them dc'ed, 1 of them killed themselves on first hook, 1 of them went to second stage on first hook, and that was that. Still got ruthless. All these complaints about the system not working, yet the system seems to be working.
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It works for me, cuz I know how to manipulate it. What if you just get a really good snowball and 4 slugs are there. Should you depip, not pip at all? Cuz I've seen it.
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Dont camp/tunnel
Since the release of the new matchmaking i never depipped. Rank 1 already
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Well this is what happens when everyone starts playing like ######### all the time... they crack down on the bullshit and people complain. I'm right there though.. I don't think the emblems are there yet.. but hopefully they can tweak them out and make people happier.
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How do I stop people from DCing oh great one?
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Don't play Legion=profit. 😁
I think some of it how fast things go if you've got 2 hooked before a gen is even popped you're asking for it right now. If I figure out it's absolute potatoes I try and extend chases, I accidentally lose them after hitting them.
I'll down them them drop them perhaps if it's super early then just randomly go to a far off spot. I want them to stay and so make it a longer game and everyone gets bp and has a more fun game.
As a survivor if the killers just plain bad and didn't camp/tunnel I'll give them a sacrifice so they get some bp, I'm not doing it as a pity but as a here get some bp.
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Ruthless killer. No survivor reached 10k points and 1 dc'ed
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Been playing Plague Mom actually. As Legion I play legit. I didn't use my power once in a game, they still complained. How do you almost get 4k'd by a no-power Legion and still complain?
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I could keep going back and forth scenario after scenario, but I'm just gonna leave you with this, bad games are gonna happen, de-pips will always happen eventually, you can't make the perfect game every game, ranking is harder, yes. Is it too hard? No, but you definitely have to work for your rank now. Is that a bad thing? Not at all. It shapes you into a better killer overall. Will you depip on a 4 slug game? sure. Do you deserve the depip? Honestly, probably. 4k slugs? ######### are you? A bored nurse main? Do you really deserve a pip for a 4k in less than 5 minutes, which implies there wasn't real effort given to that trial. You downed 4 people who weren't good enough to think tactically and ended a game in less than 5 minutes. Why should you get a pip for that? Nothing of significance happened. You can give me all the scenarios you want, there is always ways around it, until you run out of scenarios to give. At the end of the day, there is an answer to them all. If you are losing rank more than you are gaining, then it's time to re-evaluate your play style. If it doesn't matter to you, then you can enjoy low tier plays, with low tier players. It's simple.
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The funny thing is everyone assumes I'm not pipping. When it's actually the opposite. I played this way before, but like I said my playstyle isn't an efficient one, or even technically skilled. It's trying to give survivors a chance. I main Legion, Huntress, Spirit, Wraith. I've been playing Plague since she released so I can learn.
Totally not pipping though. It's bloody impossible with this new system.
Honestly, I might just go back to Omega Blink Nurse since I'm struggling so hard. :c Also, regarding your comment. If you got 4 slugs, why do you need to stay at that rank? Why should you be depipped, or black pip cuz you destroyed a team? In what world does that make sense? You did so well, we're gonna put you with lower ranked players. Have fun. I'm not struggling, but unlike all of you I can recognize a problem and admit when I'm wrong. :)
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If you aren't having troubles, why are you complaining? Obviously if you are ranking, you are playing with a good killer style. Play nurse 4k slugs all you want, but don't complain afterwards about not pipping. Nothing of significance happened. There is a system for emblems. If you don't do the objectives towards the emblem scoring chart, then you aren't gonna meet the requirements. It's like saying, I took a test with 50 questions, i did 12 questions and thought that I did pretty good on those 12 questions so i stopped the test there. Why didn't I pass the test?
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First off that analogy is bad. That's not the same. The system is bad cuz it allows people to easily derank, and if you stomp out a team, you get put lower in the system. You should be getting those players at all. This system was made to force killers to play nice, to alleviate the "tunneling/camping epidemic". When the real problem isn't rank, it's general imbalance. Also, I can go on and on about how I never depip and do fine. That doesn't mean there isn't a problem.
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I don't complain about a non Deep Wounds Legion though, like I said 1 M1's only but does use his power to move across the map quick. The person knows how to path since they play Nurse and other characters all the time.
My don't play Legion=profit was intended as highly sarcastic.
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I know, but I also know a lot of Legun mains like to just slap on Frank's and go to town since emblems for Legion are so easy to get it's unreal. Also, that wasn't aimed at you, it was a general comment. :P
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Yea I can 4k without tunnel camp. I just need to play nurse spirit legion and billy.