The Final Stretch ~ Road To 100%ing DBD
After 1750 Hours, starting my journey on PC on October 5th, 2022, Im nearing the final stretch of 100%ing the game. Some achievements I have left are not necessarily "difficult" but are simply just really grindy achievement that are really out of the way to obtained.
- Taking One For The Team; Take a Protection Hit for a recently unhooked Survivor 250 times. (137/250)
- Hiding Seeker; Escape a Chase 35 times while hiding in a Locker. (20/35)
- Skilled Huntress; Down Survivors from 24 meters away 20 times with your Hatchets.
- Deadly Plunge; Fall 1000 meters as Killer.
- Binding Teeth; Injure 25 Survivors grabbed by Snugs.
- Dungeon Crawler; Completed the Generator in the Dungeon of the Forgotten Ruins and escape.
- Fearless Healer; Heal 25 Health States in Basement.
- Outbreak Breakout; Open the Exit Gates and escape from RPD 20 times.
- Not Today; Unhook yourself 50 times.
- Rescue Mission; Save 5 Survivors with a Pallet Save.
Ill update this post as achievements get completed. Ill make a separate thread for the 100% itself.
I would also like to take a moment to appreciate all the people in the community, friends, or even just kind folks in the post-game chat that have given me words of encouragement as I have worked on this. <3
UPDATE: I somehow managed to get paired against Momoseven and died (obviously, dude is cracked at the game) ~ Oni Game 124 on RPD if anyone is interested.
Deadly plunge is denying me my 100%, I've learned that apparently on average I fall approxinately 10 meters a game... each game I go up by maybe 1%
I'm at about 63% currently, and gettimg there slowly, but getting on for 100 games is a little rough xD
Keep the fight going brother! 😅
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From what Ive seen, people just use Nurse, send themselves to RPD or Ormand, and just constantly fall of ledge and teleport back up to the top. You can easily get 100-200 meters per game, just make sure to bring passive slowdown like Corrupt, Deadlock, etc.
I just havent gone out of my way to do it since I rather clip away at other achievements and get it passively.
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Dredge in the main building of Eyrie is what I've mostly seen
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Wouldnt Dredge be slower due to the teleport cooldown though? At least with Nurse you can fall during the fatigue/recharge and keep a more consistent pace.
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I've personally had two different Dredges on that map doing the challenge. IIRC they leave a Remnant, fall, teleport back to the Remnant, fall again, climb the stairs, and by then it's not long before cooldown is over and they repeat.
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Yeah... I'm in agreement with you, I don't see the point of a trophy if you cheese it.
Like if its really dumb, and one you literally have to throw games constantly to try and acheive, then sure, pull out all stops... but if you can perfectly reasonably attain by (relatively) normal play, I don't see the point.
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Woow impressive! 😄 Good luck with the remaining challenges 😄🍀
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Honestly, except for Hand-Eye Coordination (which I luckily got in like 2 days after Vecna release since now it's ridiculously difficult due to low pickrate) the only achievement that is ridiculously unreasonable is Left for Dead. One of the only achievement I'm missing and will likely never get XD
How the hell is that supposed to happen nowadays except against merciful Killers (or streamers that one of your SWF friend managed to convince after getting killed and seeing their name)? In the old days hiding was easier (less info perks, bigger maps and Distortion still viable, not to mention EGC which made the achievement even harder by blocking gens if Killer closes Hatch) and Killers were weaker overall but I honestly don't think I'll ever get this achievement, at least not without setup or purposefully throwing the team under the metaphorical bus.
The others are usually either a matter of time and/or a bit of luck, with Hand-Eye Coordination being an exception, hopefully unique, thankfully.
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Perchance. Idk who this is on the Forums though. Was playing Huntress (in fact the same game that I got the Skilled Huntress achievement on) and Idk how I got noticed but I did.
I think this is the 3rd time over 2 years that Ive been noticed as "someone on the DBD Forums" which is really surprising considering how small the Forums are compared to other social media platforms.
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The ones I'm resigned to never getting are:
- the Left Behind one (do the last gen and escape through gate as the last survivor)
- Triple blink grab off a gen as Nurse (I'm bad at nurse and not even attempting it! )
- Skilled Huntress (I'm on PS5 and you need 100 downs with hatchets from 24m or more instead of 20 on PC. I have 8 in over 3 years and that was during this event by snowball fighting survivors during this event and them letting me hit them from far away in the gates at the end!)
I do have a lot of the annoying ones though where I've got lucky. Did the 4 tombstone Myers one after about 5 attempts, The RPD one is long since done and did the eye of Vecna one the very first match against them on the release day. And the one genuine escape I've ever got on Forgotten Ruins, I did the dungeon generator.
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Left For Dead took me hundreds of hours to get, very rarely do you get a situations when you can get it, and even if you do get a situation where you can get it, there are so many factors working against you to where you are really unlikely to get it.
It's luck, just pure luck.
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Ive also 100%ed and my tip for maintaining 100% since it always gets new achievements every chapter, is to adept the new killer on launch day, and if theres a challenge tied to that killer like escaping with vecnas eye/hand your best chance to get it is also right when the new killer is added as they will be played more often. Otherwise seeing a vecna and escaping with the item now is quite rare
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Other than running Sole Survivor, Adrenaline and Low Profile then probably Wake Up every game and hoping your teammate doesn't get alugged for the 4k, yeah you're kinda screwed on that one...
I've got it twice, but only because the chance came up and I repaired the generator instead of looking for hatch... both times the killer found me, and I think they let me go out of sheer respect for the balls of repairing the generator xD
Even though I have it, honestly wouldn't be against the condition for the trophy being made a little more lenient in regards to being the person who repaired the last generator, opened the gate, and the escape itself was the only check for if all survivors are dead...
Being unable to repair the gen until your teammates are all dead... specifically having to wait out the sacrifice animation is brutal.
To be fair if a teammate could bleed themselves out faster, that would also make this one less painful.
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I gave up with 100% on this game, I already got it to 100% earlier in 2024 but they keep adding achievements and I cant be bothered keeping up with them. Plus I don't want to play/buy killers I dislike such as the last DLC…
I would rather 100% games that my achievement is permanent on Steam, rather than expiring every time a new DLC comes out.
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I came very close to getting the Left Behind achievement a long while back. It was just me left with 2 gens against a Nurse. I saw she was camping hatch so I 99'd one gen, went and finished one further away and got back to the 99'd gen. Popped that and she immediately closed the hatch and came towards the gen. Managed to get away without her finding me and had a gate at about 75% when she found me. Closest I got to it by a country mile and not got anywhere near it again since.
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I have 13 left and the only one I afraid of is where I need to escape against Vecna with hand/eye. I didn't play a lot when his chapter was released, and now I see him very rare and I never lucky enough. Build whole achievement on insane luck is so insanely stupid.
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If it helps, one tip for this is make sure you clear chests. If you get an item, pick it out of the chest and put it on the floor. This ensures the item can refresh.
If you open 4 chests in a Vecna match, you have about a 18.5% chance of getting a Vecna item on one of them. If you open 5 it's 22.7% or so.
It's undeniably a little bit brutal, but it's not as unattainable as it first appears.
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It will take a lot of time, so match will be mostly 3v1 at the start what will lead to lose anyway, but I will remember this, maybe it will help some day, thank you!
In half matches my teammates take Legendary items from first chest, so I don't even try after this, because there can't be two Eyes or Hands in one match.1