Post your player profile before complaining

Most complaints will be invalidated if we saw a screenshot of the match results or there player profile.
You can be at level 5 and above killer complaining you didn't get the 4k- tell me them how you get to that high level?
Firstly, wdym with level 5?
Secondly, if players have a grievance with the game, there's always something to take away from it.They cannot be wrong per se. It's inherently subjective. That said, there has to be a reason they feel that way. That might not even be the reason they state, they're just as likely to not even realise what it is that they don't like.
I really don't think you can just 'invalidate' someone's opinion just because they're less skilled at the game. That is entitlement.
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Gotta admit I cant make sense of this, not sure what "level 5" is even referring to and how that relates to whether a complaint is valid or not.
But hey, whatever I guess.
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What if it's over 9000?
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Sometimes I ask myself if posts like this are written by ChatGPT just because of how little sense they make
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Maybe we are all AI???
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Honestly I wouldn't even be shocked anymore if this was true
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This post looks like a complaint, why didn't you post your profile first?
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I think I've only ever seen you post complaints to this forum. So where's your profile?
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Dead internet theory.
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Bull. My obsession with birds could never be replaced by AI!
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Remember that AI is trained by actual user input.
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You can level killers with bp you get playing survivor. So level has nothing to do with anything besides time played. Their* btw
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If you read a bit (or already know) about neuromorphic computing, you might very much find that possible... :)
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I agree with OP that proof would be nice sometimes. Sometimes I see really ridiculous takes here and then I would be glad to have some gameplay to see if it is true or (more likely) if the person can improve their gameplay. This includes ALL instances of cheaters being seen for example.
But I would also like to see gameplay of players who say they "Lose every game". Just to see how they are playing to see if there is room for improvement or they are really not doing any mistakes, as they claim.
However @Thesevenspirits "Level", referring to Prestive Level (I assume) has nothing to do with that. And IMO a person having a higher Prestige would not be right, e.g. most Survivor-players have at least one P100-character by now while P100s are more rare on Killer. So if I show a Screenshot of my P100-Nea, that P25 Trapper has to accept that I say he is OP?
Let alone that you can have Prestige Levels without having to play a certain character even once. You can even not play the specific role once, e.g. someone can only play Survivor and still have high prestige Killers.
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Even Skynet is asking "What exactly are they asking?"