Please revert pip conditions also
Pipping at red/purples ranks for survivor or killer is really lame at the moment. You need 13 points to pip at red ranks. That is 3 golds/1 iri, 3 iri/1 bronze, or 2 iri/1 gold/1 silver. This is an OBSCENE amount of stuff you need to do and it completely ruins the game. "bUt RaNk DoEsN't MeAn AnYtHiNg". It actually does, the speed at which you get to higher ranks matters. After a reset I can tell who are the good survivors/killers by the ones that are at red ranks within a day or two of reset. It only stops mattering near the end of the month, when all the potatoes finally climbed their way to the higher ranks, either by playing with SWF all the time or just sheer perseverance. This is besides the fact that to some people rank does matter. I can get a 4k/escape with 32k BP but if I don't pip the game just isn't rewarding to me, sorry.
You basically need to do EVERYTHING in the game by yourself. You need to do 3 gens by yourself to get iri Lightbringer, which is something that NEVER happens unless none of the other survivors do gens. Chances are you will most likely do 1 full gen solo, which is silver, meaning you need 2 iri and a gold to pip. If you get downed EVEN ONCE, that means you need iri Evader and Benevolence. If the killer doesn't hook enough people, or if other survivors race to make the save (both very likely) then goodbye pip. It is now impossible. SOOOOOO many games I've gotten safety pips, usually being robbed of the pip by mere PIXELS for the next emblem tier. I usually do good enough to avoid a depip, but that can still happen if you just have bad luck. Get found first? Chances are you will get chased long enough for the other 3 to pop 2-3 gens. If you get caught, you have a low probability of getting anything in Lightbringer. Don't get found first? Well the complete opposite can happen... you become the odd man out and never get chased and thus can never earn Evader. Stealth means squat with this emblem, I just played a game where I spent 90% of the game within the killer's heartbeat, even had 1 good chase, still only got Gold (and only because of the chase not because of the stealth).
Admittedly it's not as bad for killer, but there are still a lot of stupid things that can happen. First, in order to have a chance to pip you MUST KILL EVERYONE. Like this isn't even an option. Normally I wouldn't mind taking a 3k and giving the last guy a chance for hatch (or even flat out dropping them on the hatch) but now if I do that I'm stuck with silver Devout. That means I need 2 iri's and a gold. If the survivors did gens at ALL like high rank survivors would do (remember the 2-3 gen chase I mention above? yea super common) then I'm not getting gold here either. Bye bye pip. Survivors DC'ing or suiciding on the hook can also screw you out of the iri for Devout, which just means you need even more points in other categories. Again, if they do gens at a rate that is normal for higher ranks, a single DC/suicide means no pip. And you probably won't get enough in Malicious or Chaser because of it either. Gatekeeper is so flippin' inconsistent and dumb. Why why WHY are were measuring the killers ability to keep survivors in the game by the number of gens done or not done? This is such an inconsistent measure of skill it's not even funny. This emblem is almost entirely in the hands of survivors. If they are potatoes that spend the first 3 minutes of the game looking for Ruin, then you get an easy iri GK. If they are GOOD survivors that plow through gens even with Ruin and/or find your totem instantly (btw the "improved totem placement" is a joke, I've still spawned right next to totems) then you get robbed in this emblem too. It is reasonable to expect a killer to slow down or stall the game so that survivors don't make it to Exit Gates (or make it take a LONG time to get there), but killers should not be expected to micromanage survivor objectives. You can reasonably protect 4 gens (when they have 2 left to do). That is something I think any killer is fully capable of doing granted that the survivors didn't completely split the map. But protecting all 7 gens? Yea, no. Not gonna happen. If you win a game with 5 gens left all that means is that the survivors were bad and didn't do gens, or did something INCREDIBLY stupid that they all got slugged super quick. I'm finding that I have to play super SUPER scummy at red ranks for killer to even have a CHANCE to pip. If I let anyone go, that's a safety pip, potentially even a depip. It's not fun for me OR survivors that I slug people for minutes on end.
BHVR, please PLEASE just revert these changes until you come up with better solutions. I'm all for making ranking up harder, but this is a joke. Ranking up in purple/red ranks is more luck and opportunity based than skill based. All this new system is doing is making me not want to play the game. I'm stuck at my rank for survivor, and I keep getting denied my pips as killer even when I win very convincingly. IT IS NOT REWARDING. IDC if you think rank means nothing, or if you think there is no reason to rank up because there is no rewards. This is killing the game for me and I'm sure a lot of other people that NEVER complained about the ranking system on the forums, or Twitter, or YT, or wherever else BHVR interacts with players because they were fine with it. Fun fact, people are 4 times more likely to complain about something than they are to praise it (this isn't debatable either, it's proven science). This is why you see a lot of people complain about the ranking system, or bash it for not being skill based or having rewards. The people that are fine with it just flat out wouldn't say anything, while those that have issues will make a big stink about it.
You guys reverted the matchmaking changes because it wasn't working out. Please just do the same for the ranking. Figure out something else, hell I have ideas I'd like to share but I'm very close right now to just putting the game away until you fix it. I don't want that. I'd rather go back to the old system and continue to play while you guys brainstorm other ideas. People complained about it on the PTB, and people are complaining about it now. For the sake of the game, JUST CHANGE IT BACK.
I thought it seemed a bit harsh as well. Maybe they could just add more pips required to rank up.
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Killers have a somewhat easier time right now because their emblems work together. Killers in pursuing one emblem often leads to attaining the others. Survivor emblems are working against each other and in competition with other survivors. If a survivor pursues one emblem, they are neglecting the others and doing anything risky (pretty much everything) puts their unbroken in jeopardy and often results in them not being able to do anything for periods of time except wait on a hook.
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The main problem I have with killer is that I'm forced to play super scummy. I have to slug for the 4k, I don't even have the option to let the guy hatch. I have to tunnel people if gens are done too quickly because I have to get enough hooks/hits for Devout/Chaser/Malicious. I have to use Ruin and other game slowing perks in combination for any hope of getting more than bronze Gatekeeper. If survivors DC/suicide, it screws me out of a pip completely, and this happens more often than not. Hell I can 4k and still not pip because of how many points I need to get there. It's really stupid. Not nearly as stupid as pipping for survivor, but it's indeed frustrating. I even got a 3k one game and depipped! Like how is that not even a safety pip? On the old system it would have been.
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Or they could just do away with ranks and pipping wouldn’t be an issue.
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If there were no ranks none of it would be a problem
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I think they can tweak the points on your emblems I can see where it’s pretty harsh in the high ranks, but I don’t think the point scoring needs a change. People have been asking for a change and when they finally get it they’re moaning over it. I’m still at rank 3 survivor and still getting rank 2-4 killers.
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I guess you missed the part where I said the game's not rewarding for some people if all you have to play for are kills/escapes and BP.
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Yes there would be. There is a reason they reverted the matchmaking changes. Putting a rank 1 killer against rank 15 survivors is not fair or fun for either side.
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You are joking right?
Killers get points with doing stuff, YET in a 2-4 minutes game, THERE IS NOTHING A KILLER CAN DO, leaving the killer with a depip.
Since the update I am getting gen rushed a hundred times worse than before
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1 dc at the end of the trial, 1 went to second stage on first hook, and 1 gave up on first hook....i still pipped. You are wrong about what you think it takes to pip and not pip.
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its not like that they ######### up the hole system and now even they see that and killers rank up to quickly? then let the numbers talk: when looking at the achivements i see surv. rank have exaktly as many players as killers have rank 5 killer rank 1 is owned by half of the people and i can say you why that is so No ONE whants to be a bullied playball for 4 surv. wich dont have the issue that a recommended perk (yea ruin is the only one that slows the start down and on purple it is not even doing that because at this time most surv. hitting theyre skillcheks) could be yust removed that the numbers are yust a bad joke (ruin reduces the progress for 5 percent and billies begrimmed chan wich has the best repair slow down have 9% against lets just take leader wich gives your teammates 25%) 25-9=16 oh yea and i have to hit you with the chainsaw wich also can be healed away so where is your downside on this?
oh yes it never existed i would need begrimmed chain RARE addon+ thanatophobia to just counter your leader only for example and that you can play with every perk killer perks have always a downside or are not that powerfull like there counterparts on surv side and i you want to have in the near future to just wait 30min for a game because there are the most killers gone then go on but think about that 4vs1 to at least be fair the 1 should have the power to dictate the game and not the 4 as killer if the surv. genrushes you even with ruin on then you do nothing against it and thats what they do on purpel ranks and upwards
its like a year ago here some more arguements: its titel is Why Killers Suck to PlaY
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You just gotta get better and learn from your mistakes.
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No the pip conditions ARE the problems, not the emblems. There isn't enough opportunities to earn high enough emblems in EVERYTHING that you can pip. Doesn't really matter how they change emblems, if you are competing with 3 other players (as survivor) you won't be able to get enough points; if you get players that DC/suicide or gen rushers you won't pip as killer.
I could say the same thing about people that moaned about the previous system. I personally NEVER had a problem with it, though I wouldn't mind if it was more difficult to a reasonable degree. By that I mean something like... 2 pip at purple/red rank requires 16 points (ie. 4 iri's or a perfect game) and the safety pip is removed so that you either depip or pip, with no in between. That's reasonable and makes higher ranks harder without requiring you to just get lucky with the opportunities.
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I am just after blood points, and I am still earning plenty each match regardless of the Entity's take on the situation.
I am sure things will be loosened up a bit, but I like that ranking up requires more than it used to.
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1) Legion is a Malicious/Chaser farming machine. Try that with another killer and have the same things happen, see where it goes.
2) Just the fact that 1 guy DC'd and you lost iri Devout, then you only have 1 point over the pip requirements with 3 iri emblems is obscene. If they did gens like actual good survivors (2 green and 2 purple? yea they probably barely did gens) then you'd be lucky to get silver Gatekeeper. Between that and the DC there goes your pip.
Have a game against GOOD survivors that do 2-3 gens during your first chase, then have one of them DC like that. You will come crawling back here I promise.
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I have games with good survivors all the time. I'll play some matches and send them to you. Ez. What rank are you as a killer? I see you talking pointless ######### on here a lot, most of it you have no idea what you are talking about. You just puke words out about being bad but try and justify it by saying the system is broken.
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I aM a BeTtEr RanK thAn THis! tHe sySteM mAde mE RaNk 12 REEEeeeEEE. ReVeRt BacK tO oLd RaNkiNg sO i CaN caLL mYsElF tOp tIer! PlZ mAke It EZ aGaIN!
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@VoodooTheKiller I'm rank 2 as killer. I've been playing at rank 1 killer for over a year now, with multiple killers (Freddy included).
I'm not saying it's difficult to pip as killer. I'm saying that you can easily get ROBBED of a pip for things beyond your control. Namely DC/suicides and gen rushing. If you get a group of competent survivors and they do gens at a rate that is normal for them, you will be lucky to get silver Gatekeeper. At this point, if any of them DC/suicide or take hatch, you lost your pip. I'm not complaining because I'm depipping as killer. No I'm complaining because I'm not pipping in games where I definitely should, all because the pip requirements are so high I need to be lucky to some degree that survivors don't screw me over.
Love it though how you assume things about me. Clearly shows how biased you are. The system IS broken because it's based entirely on luck and opportunity and not on skill. This is true for both sides, but ESPECIALLY survivor. If no one gets hooked, it's not impossible to pip because you can't get Benevolence, and you won't get enough Lightbringer because there are 3 other survivors doing gens also.
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Why is it anytime a person raises a concern on this forum there's always at least one ######### who thinks they need to mock them for it? Seriously every damn time. It's always "blah blah blah git gud". No wonder this community is labeled as toxic.
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I agree. It’s too strict right now.
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Pipping needed to be harder, I get that, but it's impossible to pip now without having multiple good chases, something that stealth player like myself isn't grand at. With the upgraded engine, I've had better connection and less lag. Even so, with a few good chases under the current system, I still usually only safety pip, since I can't get the objectives while I'm in chase. There's enough gens/heals/chases in a typical game for 2 people to pip well, yet there are 4 survivors. YAY I got a pip,..... few games of safety pipping later, killer DCs, @#$%@#$^!!
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Exactly. Pipping should be more difficult as you rank up, but not as a zero sum game where there aren't enough points to go around.
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You still want me to crawl back to you with pictures of the games?
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Why not just increase the bp cap for each category, revert it, and simply raise the number of bloodpoints required for a pip?
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Doesn't prove anything. The picture you posted is actually proof that I am RIGHT. Someone DC's you lost 2 points. If survivors were good and actually did gens at a rate that is NORMAL for high rank survivors, you would be lucky to get silver Gatekeeper because it's impossible to protect all 7 gens long enough to get the points. That's 2 silver emblems, which at red ranks means you can no longer pip. The fact you have Iri Gatekeeper means that the survivors played poorly, it's not an indication of you playing well, because GOOD survivors will do gens, usually at least 2, during your first chase.
Show me an entire game, where you have ACTUAL high skilled survivors that do gens AND one of them DC's, where you also pip. It would be impossible, because 2 of your emblems are already automatically set to silver. You lost any and all opportunity to pip.
Why you want to defend a clearly broken system, where you can be locked out of a pip for things beyond your control, honestly baffles me. If you get games where survivors literally never do gens, then sure I guess it's not a problem. But play some games where survivors actually get gens done and I promise you will change your tune. At least on the previous system you could still pip in those situations. But now, if you can only get silver in 2 categories IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PIP. That is ridiculous.
BP is not a good measure of ranking either because of how easy it is to farm. Not to mention, if you run perks like TOTH or Distressing, or play Doc/Legion you can artificially boost your BP earnings.
The emblem system is mostly fine (Gatekeeper and Devout need tweaks, Lightbringer should include dull totems, Evader should reward a bit more for chases and stealth). It is the pip requirements per rank color that is the problem here. Because there are situations where it becomes literally IMPOSSIBLE to pip, and those situations are generally beyond your control. It's not skill based, it's opportunity and luck based. Case and point, if you are lucky enough to get bad survivors that don't do gens, you can easily pip. If you are unlucky to get actual skilled survivors that do gens, then it becomes increasingly less likely you will pip, to a point where it just becomes impossible.
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You are so wrong about all of that lmao.
1 DC, 1 killed himself on first hook, 1 died on two hooks, and the other died on 3. I got ruthless killer. According to your logic, I should have been robbed and lost a pip.
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They are also 2 green and 2 purple ranks that clearly didn't even do gens. If they did gens then DC'd you would have lost your pip. Also those are the SAME PICTURES AS BEFORE. 🤦♂️
Again, get a group of real top ranked survivors. When they do 2-3 gens in your first chase, and then one DC's before you can get the hook, come back and tell me how easy it was to pip. You won't, because it's impossible. You are locked to silver Devout, which means you NEED gold Gatekeeper to pip. If you get silver (which you will because they did 3 gens very quickly) then you were just robbed of a pip. What you get in Chaser/Malicious is irrelevant as this point, nothing you do will give you a pip now.
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Here this is the last I'm giving your NPC self. 3 killers besides the legions, since legions showcase doesnt matter, for whatever apparent reason, the survivors did better thank 10k( all of them) and i pipped in everyone 2 of the games i had a dcer. obviously. If you have to mention their ranks, that's on you. Anyways, peace out. good luck with your fogged mentality of how things should work. the huntress game they had 1 gen left, the freddy they had 2 gens left, and spirit they had 2 gens left.
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So killer is still easy to rank up. Good to know. Their emblems aren't competing with each other. The purples likely de-pipped or safety since their unbroken was destroyed and unless there was farming or killer just toyed with them they didn't get high evader. Lightbringer was probably tight to go around. Greens might have pipped, except for the disconnect of course, which likely injured everyone else's benevolence.
Big problem I see are no red rank survivors at all. People still had about a week to rank on the old system before update too. Should be interesting after this next reset.
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Nice 3 more games against obvious potatoes. Doesn't prove anything except that these survivors can't do gens. Show me some games against GOOD survivors that actually did gens when the game started. If they screw around for the first 5 minutes before doing a gen, that's not exactly because of anything you did, it's 100% a failure on their part.
Again pip conditions are luck and opportunity based. You were lucky they didn't do gens at a speed which is normal for high ranks. If they did you wouldn't get higher than silver. That means that you need 2 iri's and a gold. If one DC's and you didn't get enough hooks, that's automatically silver. You are now locked out of a pip no matter what else happens in the game.
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Survivor is still a pain to pip with. Your team has to be somewhat competent, but not too good and the killer needs to be good to. Anyone throws the game and you're likely not pipping. @VoodooTheKiller
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Yes this is my main point. It's completely ridiculous to expect a survivor to do EVERYTHING when there are 3 others trying to get points also.
And for the record, I'm not complaining about killer pips because I feel like I should be rank 1 and I'm not. I'm rank 2, and I will definitely get to rank 1 after I play a bit more. My issues is that I am being ROBBED in games where I should clearly have pipped usually for circumstances beyond my control. I've safety pipped in way too many games that should have been a pip. THAT is my problem. I play extremely well and still don't get a pip. If I play poorly or get outplayed I'm fine with a safety pip or depip. But when I play well and have a pip taken from me, literally pixels away from the next tier emblem, THAT is when it gets frustrating.
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Excellent point on how they differ and why it's challenging.
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No....well for survivors maybe 🤞
Post edited by slingshotsurvivor on0 -
I'm killer on Rank 1 and I like the new emblem system, finally I don't play against M1 survs.